MRKT 310 UMUC Principles of Marketing Memorandum

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Business Finance

MRKT 310

University of Maryland - University College



Assignment Task Overview

For this assignment, you will assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm has been hired to help with a campaign effort for the client company of your selected product/service. You will communicate your results in a professional memorandum. 

There are three steps to this assignment. Review all three steps before you begin.

Step 1: Refer to the product/service you chose for your Value Proposition Assignment.  

  • The product/service you chose for the Value Proposition Assignment in Week 2 will be the subject of this assignment.  
  • Review any feedback you received on your Value Proposition memo. You will be writing a longer, more detailed memo about the same product/service for this assignment.  
  • Follow the specific instructions outlined in Steps 2 and 3 below.  

Step 2: Respond to each of the following questions as they relate to your product/service. Note the research and references requirement.  

  • Your market segmentation memo will have three major sections.  
  • Respond to all the questions in each section. 
  • Your memo also must meet the research and references requirement in Step 3.   

I. Market Segment Analysis  

  1. Determine and describe the current primary segment. The client has an interesting question. What target market can be perceived by current messaging for the product/service? Visit the public website for your company's product/service. Based on the information available and any other publicly available information, infer the primary target market based on the messaging you find.  
  2. Describe the primary segment you believe your company is targeting for this product/service. Focus only on this product/service (e.g., for Disney+, focus on just the streaming service, not the parks or other Disney offerings). 
  • Describe the primary segment in terms of the behavioral, demographic, and psychographic characteristics for the segment. Give this segment an appropriate name. See, Segmenting and Targeting Markets and Customers in Learning Resources.
  1. Classify the primary segment according to one of the VALS types discussed in the Segmenting and Targeting Markets and Customers Learning Resource. 

II. New Market Segments  

  1. Construct new segments. Your client company is interested in diversifying and building its target customer base for this product/service in the US market. Who is currently being underserved or overlooked? Who could be better served by being addressed directly?  
  • Construct and describe two new potential segments or subsegments for your company to target for this product/service for the US market. Describe each new segment in terms of its behavioral, demographic, and psychographic characteristics. Give each segment an appropriate name. Follow steps 1-4 of the process described in the Selecting Target Markets Learning Resource. Begin by identifying the customer need for this product/service. Then, break the market down into subgroups. Develop profiles of target segments. Do some secondary research on your two segments. Note: You will not need to develop a full research plan or conduct primary research for this assignment. 
  1. Of the two potential segments or subsegments you have created, which of the two has greater market potential for your company to target? Why?  
  2. Classify your new segment or subsegment according to one of the VALS types discussed in the Segmenting and Targeting Markets and Customers Learning Resource.   

III. Recommendation  

  • Present the best new segment or subsegment. What is the new segment or subsegment you recommend your company target for its product/service?  
  1. Create a simple customer persona to present your new segment and illustrate that segment in a table with the following fields and information relevant to the product/service: [segment name] [representative photo] [demographic] [background] [needs] [goals] [challenges] [perceptions] [motivations] [VALS type] See customer persona example here: 3 Examples of a Customer Persona - Simplicable 
  2. Any product changes needed by this segment or subsegment? Are any product/service changes required to serve the segment you have identified? If so, what are they? 
  3. How attractive/valuable is this segment or subsegment? Based on your research, is the segment you have identified attractive enough to justify an extended marketing campaign for your company? Or, should the campaign be one of more limited duration? Why?   

Step 3: Format your submission to comply with these requirements.  

Communicate your case analysis results in a Microsoft Word document formatted as a professional memorandum. Your memo will be longer than a typical one-page memo. It is reasonable to expect this assignment to be about five pages in length, single-spaced. 

Address your memo to Vice President of Marketing Tiffany Morrow. Assume Ms. Morrow is your boss at a fictional consulting firm called "Destiny Marketing." The memo is from you, and your role is a marketing analyst at Destiny Marketing. This memo is regarding the company, which is your client, and the client's product/service. Your memo will communicate to Ms. Morrow your analysis. All questions in Step 2 must be included in your memo. A memo does not have a cover page.    

Unformatted Attachment Preview

1 MEMORANDUM TO: Management, HBO Max Company FROM: Timothy Reeves DATE: 24-08-2021 SUBJECT: Memorandum On the Value Preposition for HBO Max HBO Max provides its users with numerous exciting channels through subscription and the use of the on-demand streaming app. The company has an additional ad-based model in marketing its subscription-based model. The company frequently update and upgrade its HBO business model based on market demand hence one of its selling position. HBO Max has exclusive content that forms one of its main value propositions (HBO, 2020). Its ability to produce many worldwide famous originals, both series, and movies, gives it a competitive advantage over its major competitors such as Apple TV Plus, Amazon Prime Video. The network also has a competitive advantage over its competitors in terms of its well-established reputation in creating award-winning shows. Finally, the company's competitive strength is derived from its financial stability in terms of huge revenue flow from its three main revenue streams. The value proposition for the network can be represented as shown in the figure below. HBO Max Csalló (2021) 2 References HBO Max. (2020, February 9). Retrieved August 23, 2021, from HBO Max website: Csalló, R. (2021). Value Proposition at NETFLIX.
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Explanation & Answer

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Data from market research and analysis indicate that the current market segment for the Destiny
Marketing Company needs to be reprioritized and changed altogether. Findings from focus
groups and surveys have made it apparent that the company needs to classify its primary segment
as well as its new segments according to one of the VALS types and also construct new
segments. Similar findings from the survey also indicate that there is a need to identify which of
its two potentials segments or sub-segments has greater market potentials.
Market Segment Analysis
Based on the information available from the company's website, streaming services form the
current primary segment for the company. HBO Max streams everything that's on regular HBO,
plus originals, a large library of extra stuff, and some big-screen flicks while they're in theaters.
New Market Segments
Construction of the Two New Segments
Customers for HBO Max last spring segment are currently being underserved or overlooked. The
direct-to-consumer video service segment could be better served by being addressed directly.
Each of the two new segments can be described in terms of its behavioral, demographic, and
psychographic characteristics. In terms of demographic characteristics, HBO Max last spring
segment mainly suits customers in the 25-44 age bracket, while the direct-to-consumer video
service segment suits female customers in the 18-25 age bracket.
Based on the above analysis, HBO Max's last spring segment is the best new segment for the
company to target for its services.

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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