1,500 to 2,000 words essay, law homework help

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complete an essay, 6-8 pages (1,500 to 2,000 words) in length (excluding the cover sheet and bibliography pages) which compares and contrasts two of the theories of crime and criminal activity discussed in the course. You are free to select the theories you wish to examine. It is also acceptable to compare or contrast theories from different disciplines. In other words, you may choose to compare one of the sociological theories with a similar perspective in the psychological theories. Your essay should consider the historical foundations of the study of criminal behavior; and examine ways in which society responds to criminal behavior in terms of prevention and punishment. The paper should be written in APA format and have at least four sources, three of which should be sources not covered in the course. The essay should contain a title page, an outline, and a bibliography

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Explanation & Answer


Criminology Paper – Outline
Thesis statement: The paper requires to conduct an assessment which compares and
contrasts two of the theories of crime and criminal activity discussed in the course provided.

Introduction to historical foundations of the criminal behavior study
Comparison and contrast of the two theories of crime and criminal activity
A. Biological Theory of Criminology
B. Classical Theory of Criminology



Running head: CRIMINOLOGY





Introduction to Historical Foundations of the Criminal Behavior Study
Criminal behavior originated from an Enlightenment ideal in the late eighteenth century.
The main inspiration of Criminology emanated from the Utilitarian idea that the entire criminals
are entitled to free will and with an option of making a rational choice in engaging in criminal
behaviors. The effect of the Classical Criminology ideal is apparent in the above-board doctrines
due to an emphasis on the conscious intent requirement. Most people seek an achievement in
pleasure and will avoid discomfort by weighing up the costs and benefits of taking an act of
crime. Since people engage in crime when the paybacks outweigh the calculated costs, it then
follows that crime can be mitigated by ensuring that the cost, which includes the punishment,
offsets the benefits. Thus, the finest way to ease crime is by deterrence. There is also a
perception that all entities are the same and therefore the law ought to apply correspondingly to
Comparison of two Theories of Crime and Criminal Activity
Biological Theory of Criminology
Correspondingly, adopting a physical approach to the ideal of criminology theories,
biological theory brings forward the impression that criminal actions are genetic and results from
some fault that is measurable. Criminal activities have been associated with the roles taken by
genetic characteristics, where it is allied to the biochemical operations of the nervous and neural
system and the influence of factors such as nutrition (Akers, 2013). Moreover, there has been
suggestions that most “biological harms” like contact with toxic substances or the head injuries
can further contribute to individual’s crime lifestyle predisposition. The inner lead from these
theories is the abnormalities which get acquired or are hereditary throughout life and predispose



people to acts of crimes which is also based on the perception that most criminals are different
from other non-criminals regarding physiology.
Biological t...

Really useful study material!


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