determine the age of asteroid impact, the isotope of Potassiun, geology homework help

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2. In order to determine the age of asteroid impact, the isotope of Potassiun (K-40) was used from the mineral orthoclase. On the space below, draw the radioactive decay graph of K-40 whose specific half-life (SHL) is 1.25 billion years. Indicate the following on the graph:
a. On the x-axis, plot and label 0 to 6 generic half-lives (GHL).
b. On the y-axis, draw and label the parent and daughter radioactive decay curves.
c. The ages of the sample from 0 to 6 generic half-lives using the formula Age = GHL x SHL.
d. Assuming the original amount of parent material is 12,000 grams, calculate the remaining parent material from 0 to 6 GHL.

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Explanation & Answer

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2. In order to determine the age of asteroid impact, the isotope of Potassiun (K-40) was used from the
mineral orthoclase. On the space below, draw the radioactive decay graph of K-40 whose specific halflife (SHL) is 1.25 billion years. Indicate the following on the graph:
a. On the x-axis, plot and label 0 to 6 generic half-lives (GHL).
b. On the y-axis, draw and label the parent and daughter rad...

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