skating Blades Manufacturing Process Case Study

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Module 1 Case Study Name(s): Highly competitive and professional figure skaters are finding that some of the best figure skating blades are manufactured in the United States. Ultima Skates LTD (, a division of Jackson Ultima Skates Inc., has become one of the most popular names in the figure skating blade industry. The company was founded in 1994 by Dan Nicholson and his partner Larry James; it produced its first skate blade in 1998. To learn more about Jackson Ultima Skates and its products, visit its website at ( or its Facebook page at Jackson Ultimate Skates. Dan Nicholson is the president of Ultima Skates. He is originally from Blackpool, England. Nicholson competed nationally and then skated professionally for a number of years. His ice skating experience convinced him that ice skating blades were not performing as well as he thought they could; Nicholson believed that skate blades could be made better and yield better performance. “After I stopped skating professionally, I was a distributor for one of our competitors. I then went on to design skates,” says Nicholson. “It was when I started designing skates that I really decided I could make a better ice skate.” Ultima Skates began blade production in July of 1998 and launched its first blade at the National Figure Skating Championships in January 1999. What makes the blades unique is the manufacturing process. “We use modern machines and laser cutting, whereas our competitors are still making skates the way they always have, with stamping and making them by hand,” says Nicholson. “At Ultima Skates, we are really trying to take full advantage of all of the new technologies. We use a much harder steel, and we computer-profile all of our blades. By using computers to profile our blades, we are able to make blades that are exactly the same, last longer, and hold their edges better. Others still profile by hand, which is not very accurate,” he says. Nicholson points out that these blades are not for everyone. When skaters get into championship level competition, most wear custom boots and pick specific blades to fit their needs on the ice. “We make blades for a very specific market of high-level competitors and professionals, who need more from a skate than you can buy from a store,” says Nicholson. Top skaters, including Tara Lipinski and three-time World Champion and Olympic silver medalist Elvis Stojko, skate on Ultima Blades. The prices for the blades vary but are often upwards of $100, sometimes approaching $500 for customized blades with graphics. “Skate blades are kind of like cars, in that depending on what you want, you may pay a lot or a little. We are making the Mercedes Benz of skate blades,” Nicholson explains. Ultima Skates is also the only skate manufacturing company that holds a patent on black skate blades. “We are the only company that can make black skate blades, which is a really sharp-looking blade,” he says. Ultima Skates is the only skate blade manufacturer located in the United States; the only other two manufacturers are located in England. Ultima Skates is in DeKalb, Illinois, sixty miles west of Chicago. “While DeKalb may not seem like a hotbed of skating activity,” Nicholson says, “the location has worked out very well. The Chicagoland area is seeing a huge growth in the terms of skating rinks and skaters. There is at least $100 million worth of new ice and facilities within one hour of DeKalb.” The next time you watch figure skating on TV, check to see if the skaters may be skating on Ultima skate blades manufactured in the United States—you’ll know they are if the skates are black. Discussion Questions (20 points): 1. What are the organizational attributes of Ultima Skates? Explain the organizational attributes based on Chelladurai’s (2014) organizational attributes in the required textbook (p. 57-60) (4 points) Answer: 2. How has technology aided the development of Ultima Skates? (4 points) Answer: 3. What is the role of innovation in Ultima Skates future? (4 points) Answer: 4. Review the Jackson Ultima Skates website. Does it do an effective job of marketing and promoting the company and its products? How might you improve the website? (4 points) Answer: 5. What are some tactics and techniques that you could use to market and sell Ultima Skates? (4 points) Answer:
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Ultima Skates


Ultima Skates

Question 1
Organizational attributes of Ultima Skates Limited is their uniqueness. They make
comfortable blades and boots that provide warmth and durability. Besides, they use computer
technologies that make blades looking the same Using harder steel in making blades, have
enabled to hold their ed...

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