Blending Essay Components , English homework help

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There will be 2 person in the Essay 1-David , 2-Cher(actress)

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Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Oprah Gail Winfrer Jeter COSK 0990 Famous People Who Had Disabilities Dyslexia Cher (actress) Tom Cruise (actor) Woodrow Wilson, former US president Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Robin Williams (actor) Learning Disabilities (reading, writing, poor grammar) Albert Einstein (scientist, mathematician) Alexander Graham Bell (inventor telephone) Thomas Edison (couldn't read well) George Washington (1st President of US, poor reading & writing) Walt Disney (film maker, amusement parks, etc. disabilities) Blind Marla Runyan (track) Helen Keller Polio Franklin Roosevelt (paralyzed former US president) Paralysis Christopher Reeve (actor) accident injuries Deaf Beethoven (famous Musician) Helen Keller Marlee Matlin (actress)
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