Salary Survey, management assignment help

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Poit- f) SALARY SURVEY EXERCISE The use of professionally developed compensation surveys is recommended for conducting market pricing in job evaluation. However, it is important to be able to interpret and use these surveys correctly. This exercise requires you to interpret data from a typical, professionally developed survey. The survey included in this exercise is for a number of information systems positions in for-profit organizations in the Southeast U.S. With reference to the compensation survey attached, answer the following questions: 1. What is the number of fully-competent system analyst positions included in the survey? 2. What is the median salary for a fully-competent systems analyst? 3. What is the average annual bonus for a fully-competent systems analyst? 4. How many organizations surveyed actually paid an annual bonus to entry-level applications programmers? 5. What % of entry-level application programmers received an annual bonus? 6. For entry-level applications programmers, what is the average bonus amount as a % of salary? 7. If I were an HR manager for a for-profit organization in the Northeast, what concerns might I have about using the data in this survey? What additional information about the survey would you like to have that is not indicated? 8. If this survey was conducted in December 2002 and published in June 2003, what adjustments would I have to make in the data to establish salary grades for 2004, assuming I wanted to employ a "lead the market" strategy? Be specific! Lend ma KNei- CIO c9ezi +10 + e erx:1 Use the form on the following page to submit your responses. Questions 1 — 6 are worth 10 points each; questions 7 and 8 are worth 15 points each. Level Guide LEVEL GUIDE FOR FIVE LEVEL INFORMATION SYSTEMS POSITIONS LEVEL I Entry/ Junior 2 Intermediate 3 EXPERIENCE 0-1 year Professional experience.. This is an entry level for employees with Bachelor's Degree or equivalent 1-3 years Professional experience. May be entry level for employees with Master's Degree. 3-5 years Professional experience. This is a Senior 4 Lead 5 Top Technical Specialist fully competent professional— the first career level in the ladder (i.e., it is expected that all competent professionals will reach this level). KNOWLEDGE Knows fundamental concepts, practices and procedures of particular field of specialization. Knows and applies the fundamental concepts, practices and procedures of particular field of specialization. RESPONSIBILITIES Using established procedures and working under immediate supervision, performs assigned tasks. No administrative duties. Work is routine and instructions are usually detailed. Little evaluation, originality or ingenuity is required. Under supervision, performs work that is varied and that may be somewhat difficult in character. but usually involves limited responsibility. No administrative duties. Possesses and applies a broad knowledge of principles, Usually works with minimum supervision, conferring with superior on unusual matters. May be assisted by Entry/Junior or Intermediate Level personnel. practices, and procedures of particular field of specialization to the completion of moderately difficult assignments. Assignments are broad in nature, usually requiring originality and ingenuity. Lead or Top Technical Specialist Level Has appreciable latitude for unreviewed action or decision. Under general supervision, plans, conducts and may supervise assignments. Reviews progress and evaluates results. More than 8 years Professional experience. May be a first level supervisory position. Possesses and applies comprehensive knowledge of particular field of specialization to the completion of difficult assignments. Plans, conducts and supervises assignments, generally involving the larger and more important projects or more than one project. Reviews progress and evaluates results. Schedules and may supervise project work. Has well-developed leadership qualities. divisions, and organizations. Evaluates progress and results and recommends major changes in procedures. higher level. Senior or Lead Level Some evaluation, originality or ingenuity is required. 5-8 years Possesses and Professional applies experience (exceeds comprehensive fully competent level) knowledge of particular field of specialization to the completion of difficult assignments. Management is typically the next REPORTS TO Senior or Lead Level May train junior level personnel in technical complexities of assigned work. Top Technical Specialist or Middle Management Recommends changes in procedures. Operates with substantial latitude. Reviews progress with management. Assists with the review and evaluation of personnel performance. May act in liaison capacity with other-departments, Operates with considerable latitude. Upper Middle Management or Top Management Southeast Region - For Profit Region: Southeast For-Profit Organizations #OF ORGS ECS CODE ANNUAL BONUS AND/OR OTHER CASH COMPENSATION ANNUAL SALARY #IN POSITION WTD AVG PR AVG ($000) 25" PCTL ($000) MEDIAN ($000) 75" PCTL ($000) RATIO OF MEDIAN SALARY TO ALL ORG MEDIAN %OF ORGS PAYING %OF EMPS AVG PAID %OF AVG SAL 113001 RECVG WTD AVG PAID ($000) TOTAL CASH COMPENSATION WTD AVG ISC/301 AVG ($OO) SALARY RANGE #OF ORGS RPTNG SALARY RANGE AVG MIN ($°°°) AVG MID ($000) AVG MAX ($000) 1665 Generic Systems /Applications Programmer 465 907 1.335 645 367 32.1 42.1 51.8 58.9 69.8 34.5 42.2 49.7 58.8 67.0 28.7 37.9 42.9 51.7 60.5 35.1 41.9 48.9 57.9 65.5 38.6 46.B 55.0 65.5 74.0 96.4 95.7 93.5 96.3 96.3 27.6 32.2 30.0 31.9 29.0 23.4 33.7 37.1 21.7 10.9 1.3 2.6 3.4 5.4 3.2 3.8 5.9 6.6 8.3 4.6 1.5 2.5 3.0 5.0 2.8 32.4 42.9 52.9 60.0 70.1 34.8 43.0 50.7 60.5 67.8 47 66 93 51 22 28.7 34.8 38.9 45.7 53.7 36.9 43.9 49.6 58.5 68.8 45.0 53.0 60.3 71.3 83.8 Level 1 23 12 51 Level 2 22 72 Level 3 33 45 Level 4 23 Lev-I 1860 Operating Systems Programmer Level 1 44 14 85 Level 2 20 Level 3 135 33 163 Level 4 22 187 Level 5 16 36.0 45.9 61.1 68.1 34.6 43.0 56.0 65.9 29,3 38.5 48.7 61.8 33.4 41.7 56.5 64.6 38.8 46.2 62.8 72.6 99.1 92.5 100.4 96.9 0 • 16.7 36.4 36.4 34.8 17.4 31.4 31.9 26.7 1.7 3.1 3.5 6.5 5.8 7.9 5.7 10.6 2.4 2.6 3.0 6.0 36.4 46.7 62.0 69.8 34.9 44.1 57.1 67.7 ;• 7 14 22 14 28.8 36.3 43.9 51.5 .. . 39.5 47.4 57.5 66.2 50.1 58.5 711 80.8 :. s 35.0 46.2 55.7 62.2 70.4 34.0 42.0 54.3 61.2 73.2 27.7 35.4 46.7 53.0 68.9 344 43.2 54.6 60.4 71.7 39.8 46.2 62.8 68.2 81.1 98.3 97.7 100,4 97.4 102.6 14,3 15.0 21,2 22.7 31.3 13.6 22.4 27.4 11.7 26.7 2.9 1.6 6.2 4.4 7.7 7.5 3.4 9.6 6.1 9.7 2.5 2.4 4.8 3.3 3.6 35.3 46.7 57.0 62.6 71.4 344 42.2 55.6 62.2 75.6 14 11 24 15 12 29.2 36.2 43.3 49.4 57.2 38.6 47.0 55.6 64.4 75.0 48.0 57.8 67.8 79.3 92.7 32.4 41.7 57.4 61.5 74.1 34 4 43.2 52.7 60.4 72.3 31.6 39.1 46.3 55.6 63.1 34 2 42.6 51.2 60.0 69.7 37.9 46.7 57.1 64.3 76.7 91.7 90.3 93.1 95.8 101.2 13.3 36.4 38.5 29.4 50.0 5.4 18.4 41,3 21.6 24.3 1.4 2.4 3.5 4.0 3.9 3.9 5.5 6.6 6.1 5.2 1.4 2.5 4.7 3.8 7.8 32.5 42.2 59.3 62.3 76.0 34.6 43.9 53.9 61.6 73.7 14 37 54 41 18 26.9 35.7 41.1 47.3 55.2 36.6 46.0 53.4 61.3 72.2 46.3 56.2 65.6 75.3 89.3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 58 90 120 69 31 1700 Database Anal st • 1940 Systems Anal yst Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 15 44 65 51 26 56 158 402 439 214 . . Salary Survey Exercise Response Form 1. No. of fully-competent system analysts 2. Median salary of fully-competent system analyst 3. Average annual bonus of fully-competent system analyst 4. No. of organizations that paid annual bonus to entry-level application programmers 5. Percent of entry-level application programmers to receiving bonus 6. Avg. bonus amount (% of salary) for entry-level application programmers 162_; i/ Z.00 .03, 500 al- , (0 ,D3,4 3.8 °/
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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Salary Survey
The following answers are obtained from the interpretation of the presented
compensation survey. They relate to system analysts and application programmers for Southeast
region’s for-profit organizations.
Question 1
The number of fully-competent system analyst positions in the survey is 402. Fullycompetent system analysts are individuals with 3-5 years working experience. They fall in the 3rd
level (senior level) of level guide for information systems positions.
Question 2
The median salary for fully-competent systems analyst is $51,200. This figure is in the 4th
column of annual salary and 3rd row of system analyst in the for-profit organization table.
Question 3
The average annual bonus for fully-competent systems analyst is...

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