University of the Cumberlands Walmart Case Brief

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University of the Cumberlands


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  1. Write a brief assessment of the Walmart case. Address four questions based on Walmart's business-level strategy:
    1. How well is Walmart performing? To what extent is its performance attributable to industry attractiveness and to what extent is it attributable to competitive advantage?
    2. In which of Walmart’s principal functions and activities (namely: purchasing, distribution and warehousing, instore operations, marketing, IT, HRM, and organization and management systems/style) do its main competitive advantages lie? Identify the distinctive resources and capabilities in each of these functions and activities.
    3. To what extent is Walmart’s competitive advantage sustainable? Why have other retailers had limited success in imitating Walmart’s strategy and duplicating its competitive advantage?
    4. What challenges does Walmart currently face? What measures does it need to take to sustain its recent performance and defend against competitive (and other) threats?

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Explanation & Answer

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Assignment Content
1. Write a brief assessment of the Walmart case. Address four questions based on Walmart's
business-level strategy:
1. How well is Walmart performing? To what extent is its performance attributable
to industry attractiveness and to what extent is it attributable to competitive
2. In which of Walmart’s principal functions and activities (namely: purchasing,
distribution and warehousing, instore operations, marketing, IT, HRM, and
organization and management systems/style) do its main competitive advantages
lie? Identify the distinctive resources and capabilities in each of these functions
and activities.
3. To what extent is Walmart’s competitive advantage sustainable? Why have other
retailers had limited success in imitating Walmart’s strategy and duplicating its
competitive advantage?
4. What challenges does Walmart currently face? What measures does it need to
take to sustain its recent performance and defend against competitive (and other)
NOTE: Your analysis should follow APA format including a title page, references page, in-text
citations, and use Times New Roman, size 12 font. An appendix section is not required. Your
assignment should be at least 3 pages in length, not including title or reference pages.

A brief assessment of the Walmart case

1. How well is Walmart performing? To what extent is its performance attributable to
industry attractiveness and to what extent is it attributable to competitive advantage?
Walmart performs very well in the year 2020. One of the factors that Walmart
performs exceptionally is when they focused more on e-commerce instead of amazon as
their center of attraction, they profound their advantage using technology. Amazon was
the first company to use e-commerce. Walmart begins to compete against Amazon by
also using e-commerce. These are a result of good business and operating models to bring
a convenient platform to the people. According to (McKinnon 2021), Walmart has been
recognized as one of the top 10 retailers in the United States of America, ranked by retail
e-commerce sales in 2020. Walmart has $46.20 in retail e-commerce sales, $65.4%
change, and a 5.8% total retail e-commerce sales. Customers are looking for a high value,
and we cannot afford to buy a low-quality one, but Walmart provides this demand for
people and makes Walmart a number retailer in the world which focuses on value.
2. In which of Walmart’s principal functions and activities (namely: purchasing, distribution
and warehousing, instore operations, marketing, IT, HRM, and organization and
management systems/style) do its main competitive advantages lie? Identify the
distinctive resources and capabilities in each of these functions and activities.

One of Walmart's principal functions and activities do its main competitive
advantages lie in its management, marketing, and management styles. Jurevicius, 2021
states that the proper administration of Walmart begun in 1992 when Walmart explores
its wonders internationally. The company's appropriate management style makes them
the largest international in 25 operating countries outside the United States of America
with 6,101 retail operating units. The company has $121.360 billion in revenues outside
the US. See Figure 1. Having an international expansion management style helps the
company grow more independently. It strengthens the company's reputation and being
the face of retail leadership across the globe. The skills needed for management style are
proper planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Also, one of the strategies of Walmart's success is to have a good marketing
strategy among other competitors. (Bhasin, 2017) emphasizes that it has three strategies:
the distribution strategy, brand equity, and competitive analysis. The distribution strategy
of Walmart has an active operation in 27 countries outside the US that run through
categories such as retail, wholesale, and others. These operate in supermarkets,
hypermarkets, and convenience stores, making Walmart the largest retailer in America
and the largest retailer in the world. Based on (Bhasin 2019), Walmart is among the
ranked 15 in the list of 2000 companies and one of the world's most valuable brands. The
brands provided by Walmart are easy to recall because of their low prices and the brand's
stability during the past years. Last is the competitive advantage of Walmart. Walmart
competes with Tesco, Amazon, Costco, etc., and cost leadership is the one that Walmart
uses as a competitive ...

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