Questions on the story "Night" by Elie Wiesel, English homework help

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Directions: Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper as you read. Section 1 1. Describe the character Moshe the Beadle. 2. How old is Elie at the end of 1941? 3. Describe Elie's family. 4. Explain how Moshe has changed. 5. What do you think Moshe means when he tells Elie that he has come to tell the story of his death? 6. Why doesn't Elie's father request permits to Palestine so that the family can live in Sighet? 7. What is viewed as the “death's head”? 8. What was the bad news that Elie's father had to tell the people of the ghetto communities? 9. How does Elie describe the ghetto once the people had been deported? 10. Whom does Elie first begin to hate and why? Section 2 1. What are the conditions like inside the cattle wagons? 2. Describe Madame Schächter's situation. 3. What is it that Madame Schächter thinks she sees? 4. What is the effect of Madame Schächter's screams on the passengers in the cattle wagon? 5. Why do you think the reaction of Madame Schächter's son upsets Elie so much? 6. What is the final destination of the cattle wagons? Section 3 1. What is left on the train along with the deportees' cherished items? 2. How is it that Elie and his father survive the first selection off the train? 3. Why do the young Jewish men with knives not attack the SS? 4. What is the most important goal for Elie as he enters into the camp? 5. Why does Elie thank God for mud? 6. What choice does each man have at Auschwitz? 7. What advice does the Polish prisoner in charge of their barrack give before they are allowed to lie down in a bunk? 8. What is the significance of A-7713? 9. What does Akiba Drumer say is the reason for why they are experiencing such brutality? 10. To what new camp do Elie and his father go? Section 4 1. What is Elie's first impression of the camp at Buna? 2. What does the dentist look for in the mouths of the prisoners? 3. What excuse does Elie give to the dentist so that he won't take out his gold crown? 4. What part of Elie's body alone is aware of “the passage of time”? 5. Why does Idek beat Elie's father? What is Elie's first reaction as the beating is taking place? 6. What is the punishment Idek gives Elie for leaving the area assigned to him to work? 7. Who bombs the camp at Buna? 8. Why is the pipel hanged? 9. What is the reputation of the pipel and the fifty-second cable unit? 10. What makes the hanging of the pipel different from the other hangings the prisoners have witnessed? Section 5 1. What is the importance of Rosh Hashanah, according to the text? 2. What does Elie see and feel with his eyes wide open”? 3. What question is “hotly debated” regarding Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement? 4. According to the veterans of Buna, how has the camp changed in the past few years as far as conditions for the prisoners? 5. In a better world, Elie could imagine a universe without what? 6. What is the “inheritance” Elie's father gives to him if he does not survive the second selection? 7. Elie must have surgery for what reason? 8. What is ironic in the statement, “I've got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He's the only one who's kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people”? 9. What is ironic about the choice Elie and his father make concerning staying in the hospital or evacuating with the others in his unit? 10. Why is the wooden floor of the block cleaned before they leave? Section 6 1. What are the overall conditions of the march to the next camp? 2. Why can't Zalman continue to march? 3. How does the presence of his father give Elie the strength to continue the march? 4. The image that Elie has of the Rabbi Eliahou's son running away from his father in the snowy march initiates a prayer. Explain the importance of the prayer. 5. Why is the violin so important to Juliek? 6. What is the importance of Juliek's playing of Beethoven's concerto? 7. To what does Elie refer when he says he saw the “strange overwhelming little corpse”? 8. How do the prisoners appease their thirst while waiting for the train to arrive? Section 7 1. Why does Elie say, “there was no more reason to live, no more reason to struggle” when he wakes up to a snow covered, open cattle car? 2. Why does Elie, some years later, ask a lady not to throw money out to the poor? 3. How is the passage describing the fight over the piece of bread in the open cattle car one of both horror and sadness? 4. What camp do Elie and his father end up going to? Section 8 1. Why is Elie angry with his father right after they debark from the train at the camp? 2. What thoughts does Elie have concerning his father, and why does he feel ashamed? 3. What is Elie's father dying of? 4. In what ways does Elie try to help his father while he is sick? 5. What happens to Elie's father when he continues to ask for water? 6. What do you think Elie means when he says, “free at last" concerning his father's death? Section 9 1. How does Elie feel after the death of his father? 2. Why do the Germans decide to “liquidate” Buchenwald and evacuate the prisoners? 3. What stops the final evacuation of prisoners from the camp? 4. What is the first act of the prisoners after the first Americans begin arriving? 5. What stares back at Elie at the end of the novel?
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I have sent you the completed paper. Kindly go through it and in case of anything, do not hesitate to contact me right away. Other than that, it was a great pleasure working with you and I look forward to many more projects together in future. Additionally, kindly do not forget to leave behind a review of my work as this affects the amount of work I get on a daily basis.

Surname 1
Questions on the story "Night" by Elie Wiesel
Section 1.
1. Moshe, the Beadle in the comprehension, is a caretaker of the Synagogue that is located
in sight. Moshe taught Elie Wiesel on the subject of Jewish mysticism. The character was
very poor, and he lived in utmost destitution. However, Moshe had ethereal coyness
which sparked smiles on people’s faces (Wiesel and Marion, 30-97).
2. Elie was 12 (Twelve) years old by the end of 1941.
3. Elie’s dad is very traditional, and he is old and loved Jew community. Elie has three (3)
sisters, and he is the only boy in the family. The family depends on their shop for
4. Moshe is no longer spiritual, and he displays no emotions. Also, Moshe has become
increasingly depressed.
5. When Moshe comes to tell Elie that he has come to tell the story of his death, he does not
mean his actual death. Rather Moshe is talking about his spiritual death.
6. The reason Elie’s father does not request a permit to Palestine is that he is too old to pick
up and move.
7. Swastika is viewed as the deaths head.

Surname 2
8. The bad news that Elie’s father had to tell the people of the ghetto communities was that
they were being transported.
9. Once the people have been deported, Elie describes the ghetto ...

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