Chamberlain University Failure to Properly Educate Clients Discussion

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Health Medical

chamberlain university


The ANA has stated, "Education for those in the health-care professions must increase in depth and breadth as scientific knowledge expands" (Catalano, 2012, p.91) According to Catalano, there has been a lack of adequate preparation for educating clients with self-management concerns, particularly clients with chronic illnesses, and this lack of education is a serious violation of ethical responsibilities by health care providers.

Do you agree or disagree with these statement and why? Is the failure to properly educate clients the fault of the Nurse? Does the Nurse's level of education matter? Why do you feel that way?

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Failure to Properly Educate Clients


Failure to Properly Educate Clients
Patient education is one of the most important factors that contribute to effective patient
management. When patients are properly educated, they can better care for themselves and
adhere to treatment and prescription requirements. This is more important for patients ...

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