Data Security and Storage ,computer science homework help

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Computer Science



  • Cloud Security and Privacy : Data Security and Storage
  • IBM Discovery - Homomorphic Encryption
  • Bruce Scheier on Homomorphic Encryption
  • Homomorphic Encryption Applied to the Cloud Computing Security

  • Using the four CSPs you used for the week 3 Assignment, conduct additional research on information they provide to prospective customers on data security. Specifically look for protection while data is at rest (stored), while data is being processed, and while data is in transit. If you find that the original concerns still exist, provide an opinion on why there has been no change. If you find the concerns have been addressed, what contributed to the change? Also research and discuss encryption used by the CSP. What type do they use?
    Lastly, include steps for confirming their data protection practices.
    Your assignment should be in a Word compatible document with proper attention to spelling, punctuation, and grammar. All references and citations must be in APA or MLA format. You should be included a list of references at the end in addition to citing information taken from those references. This is a NEW assignment. Do not just copy your previous assignment and alter a few words. The 90% originality rule for plagiarism is still in effect for this assignment.Attach the document to this assignment link. This assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length and is due at the end of the academic week

  • User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

    Explanation & Answer

    Good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know Can you please confirm if you have received the work? Once again, thanks for allowing me to help you R MESSAGE TO STUDYPOOL NO OUTLINE IS NEEDED AS IT IS A DISCUSSION



    Data security
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    The use of encryption in a protection of data when in rest simple storage is suggested to
    use public or private (IaaS cloud service) the best example is S3 or Amazon simple storage. The
    application that works with SaaS or PaaS uses Salesforce or Google Apps. Therefore, it is
    feasible as it is compensating control. Avoid of cloud-based application is necessary since it is
    not encrypted since it could prevent data searching or indexing to the data at rest. For
    unauthorized access prevention, in commingled data, it is likely to access w...

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