Advantages and Disadvantages of Networks
In this assignment, you will distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of using computing networks. You will also get familiarized with the terms associated with networks.
Provide a detailed description of situations in which the use of networks benefited you as well as situations where the use of networks was a disadvantage. Share at least one situation for each case.
In addition, research the following terminologies associated with networks and provide a detailed description, along with diagrams, for each. Explain the terms in your own words.
- Network models
- Network topologies (Hint: The term "network topology" here refers to how network components are arranged or laid out in a network.)
Also, explain how they relate together.
To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format

Explanation & Answer

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Computer Networks
Institutional Affiliation
Computer networking has become on of the ways used in sharing information in this 21st century.
Today computers can be linked together to one network or a server point. Many organizations
today use networking to get and pass information through the required channels (Alavi, 2012).
Availability of information and communication enhanced: Networking has led to the free access
of useful information on the net and easy way to communicate instantly. Users can talk in real time
across the globe.
It allows convenient resource sharing: this is beneficial for those large companies, that produce
large resources to be shared across all the people, and through the computer based network
resources are shared to all clients’ computers.
Flexible: ...