Select an organization likely to conduct a major terrorist attack within the United States, assignment help

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Select an organization likely to conduct a major terrorist attack within the United States, and complete an in-depth profile on the organization you selected for this first part of a three part series of papers. This same group you select will be used for your Midterm, Progress, and Final papers (where you will later on describe how to collect and analyze on them and then how to stop them in your final paper. For this midterm, write a 5-7 page (double-spaced) research paper that provides a description of the organization’s ideology, goals & objectives. Also include sections describing the group’s leadership, funding, and capabilities such as personnel strengths. It is important that you describe how you envision this group could actually conduct a major attack within the U.S. Homeland, such as the known and suspected weapons/lethal agents and delivery methods, and the tactics, techniques and procedures that they may use. Describe specifically how you envision this major terrorist attack on the U.S. Homeland by this group -- one that could happen; a hypothetical attack.

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If your selected group is unlikely to attack the U.S, Homeland, then pick a different group that is likely to do so. You can describe the full spectrum of capabilities the group has to conduct attacks on our Homeland in your paper from a specific single site attack (a sporting event), to complex synchronized or multi-city attacks, and even the use of WMDs. However, it is important that at the end of your paper you specifically describe attack (at least hypothetical) and that you describe that attack by the group in detail. You need to explain what the attack in the U.S. would look like and how they would do it -- such as attacking a specific sporting event or a certain target in a city you select for the organization, and the rationale for doing so. Also, it needs to be a planned attack by a group or at least a cell from the group, it can not be a lone wolf or attack by a radicalized individual. While these homegrown attacks are much more likely to occur here, these type of lone wolf or radicalized individuals attacking within the U.S do not allow you to develop your future research papers on how to collect, analyze and then disrupt these attacks (the topics of your progress and final papers). In sum, you must describe a specific physical attack (not just a cyber one) on a target or targets that you assess the organization capable of conducting, and it must be an attack within the U.S. Homeland and be conducted by a trained group or a cell of terrorists (not lone wolf or radicalized individuals). In other words, if you pick al Qaeda or ISIS/ISIL then the attack cell needs to come from overseas like happened on 9/11 or with the underwear bomber on flight 253 into Detroit or the NY City subway bombing plot, also in 2009 (a traditional terrorist cell that was trained overseas). Tell us how it was planned, surveyed, how they got in the U.S., how many there are in the attack cell, etc etc. Also, make sure you pick either an international terrorist group from the Department of State list of foreign terrorist organizations, or if you pick a domestic group make sure it is really a terrorist organization. For example some former students were surprised to find out that the the KKK is not a terrorist group (or even illegal in fact), they are a domestic hate group which has had members conduct violent acts and murder. For more on that, see the FBI's definition for international terrorism and domestic terrorism (either type of group can work for these papers). Remember the Red Cell paper is only to set you up to be able to research and write on how to conduct intelligence operations to protect the Homeland (the following progress paper). Note: a domestic terrorist group may make your progress and final papers harder to write if the group is not sending terrorists from overseas. Conducting a successful major terrorist attack is complicated operation involving a lot of planning, resourcing, reconnaissance, and rehearsals. Most groups use the terrorist attack cycle and include separate teams or cells for each of the following functions: support and logistics, weapons and bombmaking, reconnaissance and scout teams, as well as the attack cell itself. In your paper consider how your selected organization will use the terrorist attack cycle (see the below STRATFOR video for more) and make sure to specify exactly how many terrorists are in this attack cell. Also specify how they will do the scouting and reconnaissance, how will logistical and other support be secured, in what manner will practice runs and rehearsals take place, and exactly how will the attack unfold – so you need to specify how exactly they will attack and what exact location or target will they attack in one specific city (or multiple simultaneous attacks within one or more cities). So for your Red Cell papers, have your selected terrorist group use a cell of at least 3 personnel in the attack cell and use an attack model. Some example terrorist attack models include: Tokyo sarin gas attack 1995, London subway/bus bombings 2005, Mumbai India multiple terrorist teams 2008, West Gate Mall Kenya multiple terrorist teams 2013, Paris complex attack 2016, Brussels airport bombings 2016, and the Istanbul airport bombings 2016. But an attack by an individual like happened at the Berlin Christmas market is NOT what we are looking for since that was a lone actor (an inspired/radicalized individual) not an attack by a terrorist cell that your paper needs to propose. Make sure to explain exactly how many terrorists are in the attack cells; who did the scouting/reconnaissance; who is providing logistical and other support, etc. See this 3 minute STRATFOR Video on the terrorist attack cycle. For more details, see this 6 page appendix on the Terrorist Planning Cycle in the Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty First Century.
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Kindly find the attached,If the answer isn't appealing I will gladly do it again,if it is then am looking forward to answering your questions again in future😀 Regards,Tutor_Lance

April 18th 2017

Table of content
1.1.0……………………………………………………………Islamic ideology
1.1.1……………………………………………………………To take over the world
1.1.2……………………………………………………………Financial institution

1.0 introduction
Following the recent missile attack by the US that was targeting the ISIS, my focus will
be on the possibility of ISIS revenging; they are a bunch of savages.
ISIS is an abbreviation of Islamic States of Iraqi and Syria. It is an unrecognized pro-state
militant group and is considered one of the most successful to have existed. It originated from
Jama’at al Tawhid that took part in the Iraqi insurgency and proclaimed itself a worldwide
caliphate. Many countries with UN among them refer to this group as a terrorist group. The
group is highly destructive and is known for video beheadings of its prisoners. ISIS has
bureaucratic hierarchy of leaders. The groups’ territories include oil fields that is a major source
of income.
Though the adoption of the name Islamic states has been greatly criticized, the group
claims authority over all Muslims across the world.
The group is believed to be fully operational in over 18 countries and is seemingly
growing to other countries.

1.1 body
Islamic States ideology is the establishment of a theological empire also known as the
Caliphate to be ruled by a single political and religious leader according to Sharia; the Islamic
law. ISIS can be traced back to 2003 when US among other Nations successfully killed Saddam
Hussein whose regime was full of war against humanity.
Their main objective to taking over the world is to influence people mainly youth into
joining them to help them expand and grow stronger. They want a global leader and they believe
the only way to come to this is through a global war. They teach extremism and influence their
prey such that they lose their minds; they are taught that if they die in that path of seeking the
truth, they shall enter paradise.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is deemed to be the leader of this pro-militia group. The figure is
quite shadowy and little is known about him. Though there are claims that he studied at various
courses at certain universities within Iraq and that he later taught as a lecturer, none of this has
yet been clarified.
Islamic states are known for exploiting the area around them as...

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