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View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.😀 Hi there! I completed the assignment! 😀 I'm aiming to be a 5 starts tutor, hence feel free to send me any questions and to review what ever I did. I will be willing to fix it asap.
Homework 1
ECON 114
Chapter 1
1) In defining development to include more than just the growth of per capita income, there is
an implicit assumption that the growth of per capita income alone is not sufficient to
guarantee the reduction of poverty and the growth of self-esteem. Is it possible that there
could be growth of per capita income without the achievement of these other objectives?
Yes, that is possible; income per capita is an average that doesn’t take into account how this
income is distributed. If only one person (or a small portion of the population) increases its
wealth, the income per capita will increase, but the poor will remain poor.
I collected from the book some historical facts that proved this as well:
“A number of developing countries experienced relatively high rates of growth of per
capita income during the 1960s and 1970s but showed little or no improvement or even
an actual decline in employment, equality, and the real incomes of the bottom 40% of
their populations.
The situation in the 1980s and 1990s worsened further as GNI growth rates turned
negative for many developing countries, and governments, facing mounting foreigndebt problems, were forced to cut back on their already limited social and economic
2) In reviewing discussions of life in developing countries, what is it about lifestyles in the lowincome countries compared with lifestyles in the high-income countries that most strikes
you? Why?
The most sticking feature was lack of drinkable water, I cannot imagine how it would be to
walk miles for clean water, it’s shocking that I can just go to the kitchen and have an unlimited
supply of water at my disposal. The second feature is the Internet; to me internet is so obvious
an omnipresent that I hardly even stop to ponder that some people haven’t ever used it in their
entire life.
3) Do you think it is in the material interests of high-income countries to help low-income
countries improve their economic performance? Why or why not?
I believe that this is not 100% clear yet, but in the end it will be in the material interests of
high-income countries to help low-income countries to improve their economic performance.
The reason is that globalization is taking over all the countries and the destiny of all economies
will depend on other countries as well, the pandemic showed...