advanced calculus

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I want the answer for three question about integration ..

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Since differentiation is also a limit operation, this is another “interchange of limit operations” result. D2f is uniformly continuous on A x J. Exercises 3.1 (a) If f is integrable, prove that f? is integrable. Hint: Given € > 0, let h and k be step functions such that hf $k and S (k - h) < /M, where M is the maximum value of \k(x) + h(x). Then prove that h2 and kare step functions with h? Sf? Sk? (we may assume that I shfk since f is integrable if and only if \f| is--why?), and that ſ (k2 – ha)< €. Then apply Theorem 3.3. (b) If f and g are integrable, prove that fg is integrable. Hint: Express fg in terms of (f+g)2 and (f-g)2; then apply (a). 3.2 Let f: R → R be a bounded function which vanishes outside the interval Q. Show that fis integrable with Sf=I if and only if lim R(f, PK, Ix)=1 k-00 for every sequence of partitions {Pulis and associated selections {Svi such that limk>. (mesh of Pk)=0. 3.3 Let A and B be contented sets, and f: Ax BA a uniformly continuous function. If : A R is defined by 11 YEA Textbook, Page 233-234, 3.1, 3.7, plus, 1. Consider two intervals A = (0,2) > [1,4 and B = [1,3] x [0,3) in R. Let f = a4A and g = b4B, where 4A and B are the characteristic functions of A and B, respectively, and a, b are constants. (a) Find a step function expression for f +g. (a) Evaluate the integralſ (8 + 9). 3.7. For each positive integer n, the Bessel function Jn't may be defined by In W) cosat at S 1. tj 1/2 103.5 . (2n-1) 1) T - prove that Jn (x) Satisfies Bessel's differential equation -)Jn In + Į Jon't llom . 14 1 +2 1ylch M® MIQUELRI y=f2+ R2 to o=Y+ f2-42- 0=lik, ne-ythan 0=(142) Pyt fz- (6) Cuish M® MIQUELRIUS fytzf-2f 1 falififing zf- fiffinf . in hefs schim 1 оч. and subject to the condition ) with bounder undery condition се --- C- \ Gampel considera JORDI LABANDA M® MIQUELRIUS ЧС 7 + во - о * (1) лъ ix- 'n stolz SWE ral bellof у м. A>> Д що шӘ\ kaf neco, hef oo - ч- \ 4, 5, 14, , , 16. - - - " - бу анъа - КА" - ч QH Х У У. си- си? х 4 Син АСУ ТУС >4- pro (5ч гәче че чре ч f in this case and f is integrable iss given esa ] step function SiRn R, bounded have bounded се рәч M® MIQUELRIUS So far dy Fox B CRM is contended Sopp ig dyr = is a function of J for each fued I Say=fung ва идэ х әess = CuS R R utuid if мә~49 hp xp 2p critics as : 3 SXəp° 9 ХЭР r to'c SS S - до ѕ No 2lfoxif asss yo [he] (62] [211] - nou an f. • Руә\ « Bans CSS. up chin soss (с 11- hat aftpt-ching is if He
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