i am applying to school and need 3 statements as attached and resume, business and finance homework help

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Business Finance


i am applying to school and need 3 statements as attached and resume. the field that i need the resume in is as a customer service and logistics manager company name WDW Services llc. started in 1999 and moved up from customer service rep on the phones to running the whole facility. need to show progression throughout the years of the growth can be fabricated also any certificates that a person would receive from doing this work also should be included do not make it over blown so its not believable. Resume
The resume should include at least 15 years of professional work experience with progression in your career and identify management experience. Include any promotions, awards or contributions you have made in your professional positions. Please make sure the resume is up-to-date, has a professional easy-to-read appearance and has been checked for spelling errors.

that is the resume part then attached this form has to be filled out but i would accept it in word document in case i have to edit it must be very good writing skilled.

you must look up flex path learning to answer the questions i ahve attached information from the school to do this . also include that i went to aiu online and graduated 02/12/2017 with my BA my gpa was low because of my own doing not because i could not learn the material it was being stuck on specific times to do assignments. also i am 45 years old all of these things must be included

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Extended Goal Statement: FlexPath Admission First and Last Name: Email Address: Learner ID number/last four digits of SSN: Date: Program: Directions: Please address All Statements below. Each response should include the following: • • • Minimum of 200 words for each response. Accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Ideas should be well organized and should adequately address the questions posed. Statement #1 (Required): Explain how the FlexPath program aligns with your career goals. 1 Admissions | Application | ADM Goal Stmt - FlexPath Extended Goal Statement: FlexPath Admission Statement #2 (Required): Expand on your previous academic history and how it relates to your ability to be successful in FlexPath. Statement #3 (Required): Discuss your ability to self-motivate in an unstructured environment. Please submit via: Email to efax@capella.edu or Fax to 612-977-5060 2 Admissions | Application | ADM Goal Stmt - FlexPath A BETTER WAY TO YOUR MBA GET STARTED 4 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Introduction Want to advance in your career? Earn more? Perhaps you wish to change jobs or switch career tracks. You probably already know the value of getting an MBA— so why not start now? What you learn today can change everything tomorrow. However, if you’re like most busy professionals, these worries and concerns may sound familiar: “I already have a lot of experience. Won’t I be learning things I already know?” “My schedule is unpredictable. I’m already too busy. Do I really have time?” “Isn’t the cost of higher education skyrocketing? I can’t afford to go back to school.” © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 2 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Such questions are valid—but they don’t need to stand in the way of you and your dreams. Getting the degree you want in the time you have at an affordable price is possible through FlexPath from Capella University. You’ll move at your own pace. You’ll save time and money. You can incorporate existing knowledge and leverage past experience. Earn your MBA in a better way, with FlexPath from Capella University. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 3 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? What Is FlexPath? FlexPath is the most revolutionary direct path to your MBA. ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES This unique, online, self-paced syle of learning lets you: Leverage what you already know. With FlexPath, you can accelerate through material you already know because of past educational or professional experience, leaving you more time to focus on what you don’t yet know. Move at your own pace. You set your own deadlines, so learning always fits your schedule. And as soon as you’re done with one course, you can immediately move on to the next one. Save time and money. There’s no limit to the number of courses you can complete for one flat fee in a 12-week period—so the faster you move through your program, the less you pay. Reduce your number of courses by applying previous coursework or certifications. Your CPA®, PMP®, SHRM-CP/SCP®, or other industry certifications can help you move ahead in select MBA FlexPath degree programs. Access a community of support. Dedicated resources and staff are available whenever you need help, from admissions to graduation. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 4 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES FlexPath is NOT: A traditional, credit-bearing MBA. It doesn’t factor in grades, GPA, credits accumulated, or the amount of time spent in a classroom. Comprised of evaluation methods such as essay questions, multiple choice quizzes, or standardized exams. Made up of courses with faculty-assigned due dates, required textbooks, and discussion questions. A massive open online course (MOOC). Independent study. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE LEARN MORE 4 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 5 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES How Does FlexPath Work? FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES FlexPath is competency-based. Competencies are the critical skills, knowledge, and abilities required to master your program subject matter. They are known professional success factors and the foundation of your MBA. YOUR COMPE TENC Y MAP C O M P E T E N C Y: C O M P E T E N C Y: KNOWLEDGE APPLICATION PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION C O M P E T E N C Y: RISK ANALYSIS © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 6 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES How Does FlexPath Work? FlexPath courses are assessment-based. Assessments require you to apply your knowledge to real-world situations through things like case studies, research papers, or presentations—work you’d be expected to do on the job and aligned with what employers need. Assessments are not tests with multiple choice responses or fill-in-the-blank answers. Rather, assessments are typically written materials that address a question or problem you’d actually encounter in the workplace. CASE STUDY assessment 1 © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY assessment 2 RESEARCH PAPER assessment 3 PRESENTATION assessment 4 assessment 5 LEARN MORE 4 assessment 6 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 7 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES How to complete an Assessment Each MBA course in FlexPath consists of a series of assessments. After consulting with your FlexPath coach, you develop a personal plan for course completion. This allows you to set your own deadlines for finishing the assessments (and remain eligible for financial aid, if needed). In a course like Finance and Value Creation, an assessment may look like this: REVIEW ASSIGNMENT © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY GATHER RESOURCES WRITE ASSESSMENT SUBMIT ASSESSMENT FOR FEEDBACK LEARN MORE 4 SUCCESSFULLY DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCIES 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 8 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES The completion of this assessment demonstrates your proficiency in several competencies: •A  ssess the level and type of funding that is needed for entrepreneurial ventures and options for obtaining funding. • Analyze the financial needs of the business with risk, environmental considerations, and business objectives in decision-making. •A  pply financial principles and knowledge in support of a strategic initiative of an entrepreneurial venture. •C  ommunicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 9 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Choose a startup venture. The venture may be yours, a proposed venture from a friend or business partner, or selected from a recommended resource. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 10 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Research and gather potential resources you can use to support your analysis, strategies, and proposals. Focus your efforts on locating recent academic journals and industry-related journals. NOTE: You don’t have to purchase required course materials; instead, you can use your own resources OR use Capella-recommended resources to learn competencies and complete assessments. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 11 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Write a 3-4 page assessment, citing your sources, that addresses the following: Identify the startup venture you have chosen and provide a thorough description. Describe the attributes (characteristics, skills, knowledge) of a highly effective venture team. Explain the importance of having a strong team and advisory board. Analyze the risk levels of your venture. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 12 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES After you’ve completed the assessment, you’ll submit it to a faculty member who will evaluate how well you understand and apply the concepts in accordance with the required competencies. Within 2 business days, faculty will send you robust, personalized feedback. If you still need or want to hone your skills, you can use their feedback to revise the assessment and submit it again for evaluation. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 13 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Once you’ve successfully demonstrated the competencies in the assessment, you’re ready to move on to the next one. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 14 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES FlexPath Support If you need help along the way, support is available from a variety of sources via chat, email, and phone. Even though you’re moving through the program at your own pace, you should never feel isolated or without help. The resources available to MBA FlexPath students include: Faculty Coaches Tutors The Capella Library Faculty who are experts in their At the start of the program, you’ll Capella tutors are subject Resources in the form of Capella-recommended textbooks field provide comprehensive be assigned a FlexPath coach matter experts, available and readings are available online or in the Capella Library. feedback on your work, helping to help you stay on track and to provide extra assistance The Capella Library has a comprehensive collection of you understand what you did achieve your goals throughout your when you need help with databases, journals, books, and company records; librarians well and what you can improve program. They help you navigate a specific concept or are available for assistance via email, chat, or phone. With upon. Faculty also provide the program structure and manage course. FlexPath, you’re not required to purchase course materials. insight into how well you have challenges along the way. demonstrated competency. You can use resources that you find, or your own work experience to complete assessments. Plus, Capella has teamed with The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) to offer business students a complimentary digital subscription. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 15 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES FlexPath Support The Writing Center MBA Central The FlexPath Community The Career Center Capella’s Writing Center is a critical Available through Capella’s online You’ll have access to an online discussion board The Career Center counselors provide resource for FlexPath students who community, MBA Central offers with your fellow FlexPath students, a diverse resources, tools, and other career struggle with writing, citations, and academic support, program news group of people from many places and different support—such as MBA-related basic research issues. In addition to and events, up-to-date business professions. In addition to encouragement and webinars on consulting and job search online resources and tutorials, help information, career resources, and support, the FlexPath Community also serves as strategies—to students and alumni is available by email and phone. the opportunity to connect with a potential network for future career exploration managing their careers at every stage. experts, faculty, and peers. and professional development. Here’s another look at the FlexPath experience. Did you know? Capella is one of only six universities to gain approval for its direct assessment offering (FlexPath) from both a regional accreditor (the Higher Learning Commission) and the U.S. Department of Education. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 16 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Time and Cost: The FlexPath Advantage You’ll pay a flat fee for unlimited education every 12 weeks. However, the number of courses you can complete during that time period is limitless. You can enroll in up to two courses at a time; as soon as you complete one, you can move on to the next. Think of it like a subscription to stream movies. You can watch as many movies as you want for the same flat fee. FlexPath is the same premise, but for education. You can complete as many assessments as you want in each 12-week session, for one flat rate. In other words, you’re in control: Move along quickly and you’ll save time and money by reducing the amount of 12-week sessions needed to complete your course work. It’s your education, on demand. You set the timeline for completion. With FlexPath, you set your own deadlines, so learning always fits your schedule. Remember: there’s no limit to the number of courses you can complete in a 12-week period, and as soon as you’re done with one course, you can immediately move on to the next one. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 17 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Time and Cost: The FlexPath Advantage The cost depends on the time you take to finish. Capella’s MBA FlexPath requires the completion of 16 courses. So if you average two courses per 12-week session, you’ll finish in roughly two years and pay $19,200*. Move faster and you’ll pay less; more slowly and you’ll pay more. FLEXPATH SAVES YOU TIME & MONEY** *Students using financial aid must take at least two courses per 12 week session to remain eligible for funding. **Timeline and costs are for MBA programs only and assumes no transfer credits. One flat fee per 12-week session. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 18 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Soaring Beyond Her Own Expectations | Jessica’s Story Here’s why Capella’s MBA FlexPath program was the perfect fit. Flexibility was key. “FlexPath is all online, so I can just log on from wherever I am—at home, in a hotel room, wherever. I can work for 15 minutes or a couple of hours and get a lot done.” And when she doesn’t have time to focus, she can postpone studying. “I can’t predict if I’ll be available on any particular days or at any specific time, so I needed an education where I could occasionally put things on pause.” Jessica C. needed an MBA program that moved as fast as she did. A pilot for American Eagle Airlines, the Indiana resident travels thousands of miles a week and is often away from home. Experience mattered. Jessica holds an undergraduate degree in aviation administration. Not all her experience as a pilot has a direct application in an MBA program, but when it does, she can leverage it. “I’m self-motivated and fast—so I like that I can apply whatever I know to my coursework.” Her employer respected the program. American Eagle Airlines supported her decision to enroll at Capella because the program is accredited. What’s more, the MBA will boost her seniority level when the company considers her for potential promotions in the future. “I’m confident that the MBA will be key to advancing my career—whether I’m a pilot or involved in something else.” Degree Earned Via FlexPath: MBA in General Business Administration © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 19 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Education That Builds On Experience | Ben’s Story Here’s what he liked about Capella’s MBA FlexPath. You can move fast—if that’s what you want. Almost immediately, Ben liked that he could advance quickly through the program. When he had extra time to concentrate on his studies, he could sprint ahead—but when his job was all consuming, he could pull back a bit and keep his life balanced. You can draw on your on-the-job experience. Ben H.’s bachelor’s degree has served him well over the course of his career. It helped him land his first job, gave him the foundation to run his own business, and was among the qualifications he needed to get a management job at MGM Resorts in Las Vegas, where he has worked for more than a decade. In recent years, however, he saw that many of his peers had advanced degrees. It certainly couldn’t hurt to earn an MBA, he thought. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY “My institutional background informs a lot of what I do in the program—when writing papers or looking for real-world examples for research, I find myself referring to situations I’ve encountered at MGM,” he says. “Many of the assessments are geared toward learning more about the company you’re working for.” You have to be self-motivated and resourceful—a reflection of life in the real world. “A lot of the learning and understanding is up to you. You have to find a lot of online resources on your own,” he says. “I think an educational model where you have to reach out and find stuff by yourself is good, because that’s often what the business world is like.” You gain a deeper understanding from an advanced degree. Ben says he never felt he couldn’t advance because he lacked an MBA. But having one, he acknowledges, will surely open doors and give him more credibility among his peers. “Getting an MBA definitely helps me to check that box,” he says. “But more important, I think, it gives me a wider of understanding of business in general.” Degree Earned Via FlexPath: MBA in General Business Administration LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 20 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES A Direct Path To CEO | Rodney’s Story “It turned out to be exactly what I was looking for.” “I’d been applying for some CEO positions in my industry, and it said on the requirements that an MBA or advanced degree is preferred. So I thought, this is one way to differentiate myself. I would have my MBA and one more tool in my tool bag to get a job. “I saw a TV commercial for FlexPath and I thought, ‘I’ll check this out.’ I was registered and in the program about 10 days after that. It turned out to be exactly what I was looking for. In 2013, Rodney S. was COO of a financial organization in Arkansas. Armed with a bachelor’s degree and many years of professional experience, he never thought he needed an advanced degree to continue advancing in his career. “I chose FlexPath because it fit my life right now. I’m in control of how fast or how slow I want to move through my program. Some sessions I take two classes if that’s what my schedule allows, and some sessions I take four. I haven’t had any conflicts with work. I haven’t had any conflicts with my personal life. It’s fit very nicely into the free time I do have.” Rodney did have some initial reservations about FlexPath. “It’s been several years since I’ve been in a college environment where I had to turn in papers for grades, so I was a little concerned about how I would do. But after I got through the first couple of classes, it was a lot of fun. “One of the great things about FlexPath is that you can take both what you’ve learned in your career and apply it to the program and you can take information that you learned from the program and apply it to your everyday life. At this point in my career, I could apply a lot of the experience that I’ve had to the assessments.” That changed when he began considering his next move. Today, armed with his MBA, Rodney has achieved his career goal with a promotion to President and CEO of his financial organization. Degree Earned Via FlexPath: MBA in Finance | See more of Rodney’s story © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 21 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Am I a Good Fit for FlexPath? A successful FlexPath student: • Sets goals and sees them through. • Has better than average time-management skills. • Is highly motivated and likes working autonomously. • Likes an online learning environment. • Is comfortable building and using a support network to help stay on track. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 22 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Consider the following… What is your educational background? What are you looking for in a school? What type of student are you? How much professional experience do you have? © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY MBA FlexPath applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree to qualify for the program. The focus of the degree does not have to be business. FlexPath is online-only education, which makes it a good fit for individuals who don’t want to commute to class or who have unpredictable schedules. The flexible online format allows students to study or complete assessments anywhere, anytime. More important, Capella is an accredited university. Our MBA programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP), and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has acknowledged that Capella’s MBA specialization in HR Management is fully aligned with SHRM’s HR Curriculum Guidebook and Templates. Accreditation proves to future employers that your degree meets established educational standards. Some people like lecture formats. Others like doing things hands-on. The MBA curriculum via FlexPath is self-guided and involves a lot of writing. If that format appeals to you, FlexPath may be a good fit. FlexPath doesn’t require that you have a specific amount of professional experience. But students who benefit most from the format often can apply learning from their career to FlexPath courses. Where competencies overlap with existing experience, FlexPath students can move swiftly through the assessments. LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 23 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES More to consider… Are you self-driven and motivated? Capella provides lots of support for FlexPath students, but the most successful students are self-motivated, goal-oriented, and good at managing their time. Are you a proactive problem-solver? When FlexPath students come upon a challenge, it’s important that they reach out and find the resources they need. You’ll be responsible for identifying the moments when you need support in tackling problems or getting additional assistance from faculty, tutors, coaches, or several academic support services. What does your schedule look like? FlexPath is designed for busy people. But you’ll have to find several hours in the week to do disciplined study—so don’t discount the time necessary. If you prefer a more structured approach to learning, Capella’s credit-bearing MBA also provides flexibility and a direct path to your goals, but with set due dates, required course materials, and faculty-led discussions. Is FlexPath Right for You? Find Out Now with a Few Short Questions © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 24 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Available Programs MBA FlexPath degree programs include: MBA Core Courses include: Accounting Business Intelligence Entrepreneurship General Business Administration Global Operations and Supply Chain Management Health Care Management Human Resource Management Project Management Foundational Skills for Business Leaders Leading Innovation in the Global Organization Global Economic Environment Integrated Global Marketing Financial Accounting Finance and Value Creation Data Analysis for Business Decisions Strategic Operations Management Organizational Strategy The Global Leader Business Integration Skills MBA FlexPath graduate certificate programs include: Business Intelligence* Business Management* Entrepreneurship* Management Consulting* CERTIFICATE MBA MBA specialization courses are different for each program. For course descriptions, email or call a Capella MBA Enrollment Counselor. Comprised entirely of MBA courses, courses in graduate certificate programs can be leveraged toward degree requirements in the same area. Additionally, depending on the MBA FlexPath program, you could earn up to three graduate certificates as you progress through your program. View a complete list of FlexPath programs. *This certificate program is currently not approved for federal financial aid by the U.S. Department of Education (ED). © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 25 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Admissions Requirements Basic requirements for all Capella programs: •• Admission application and non-refundable $50 application fee. •• Acknowledgement agreement. •• All applicants must understand, read, speak, and write fluently in English. •• Official transcript(s) from previous institutions for degree and post-degree coursework, if applicable. Additional requirements for MBA FlexPath programs: •• A bachelor’s degree. Some programs require that this degree be in the field in which you intend to study, or that you have a minimum amount of relevant, professional experience in that field. •• The recommended minimum GPA is 3.0, although those with lower GPAs may be considered if providing additional documentation for review. A Capella MBA Enrollment Counselor can outline any additional admission requirements for your intended program. © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 26 WHAT IS FLEXPATH? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHY FLEXPATH? ALUMNI STORIES FLEXPATH FIT MBA PROGRAMS RESOURCES Resources Is FlexPath Right for You? Take the Assessment LEARN MORE 4 Compare Capella’s Standard Online Path and FlexPath FlexPath Admissions Requirements TALK TO A CAPELLA MBA ENROLLMENT COUNSELOR: 1.866.933.5819 CAPELLA.EDU REQUEST INFORMATION See graduation rates, median student debt, and other information at www.capellaresults. com/outcomes.asp ACCREDITATION: Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. HIGHER LEARNING COMMISSION: https://www.hlcommission.org, 800.621.7440 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY: Capella Tower, 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor, Minneapolis MN 55402, 1.888.CAPELLA (227-3552) © 2016 Capella University | 16-8599 © 2016 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY LEARN MORE 4 1.866.933.5819 PAGE 27 FlexPath Option Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Project Management FlexPath Option Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Project Management Capella University is one of the first institutions to measure student learning through a direct assessment approach, eliminating the credit hour requirement and focusing on learners demonstrating specific competencies expected for the degree and needed for success in the workplace. With FlexPath, you’ll build career-enhancing skills that employers and industry experts seek, but in a more efficient, personalized way. FlexPath is designed to support you in developing the same competencies as Capella’s traditional online courses. You’ll earn the same MBA degree, only through a different learning format. The MBA Project Management specialization is aligned with the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) national standards. It is designed to provide learners with knowledge and skills associated with project procurement, solicitation, planning, management, and control and to cultivate the competencies needed to assess and mitigate risks to ensure project success. Learners also focus on developing decision-making skills and the ability to reflect on the impact of their judgment in dynamic project situations. Upon successful completion of this specialization, learners are prepared to pursue advanced project management positions in global enterprises or entrepreneurial start-ups. Learners who pursue this specialization through the FlexPath option earn an MBA through self-paced demonstrations of competencies. FlexPath Option Capella University’s FlexPath option allows you to leverage your knowledge and experience when earning your degree, offering you an even more efficient pathway while maintaining the academic rigor for which Capella is known. Each FlexPath course contains a series of authentic assessments designed by faculty who are experts in their fields. These competency-based assessments allow you to demonstrate those skills and knowledge you need to be successful in the workplace. You’ll complete the assessments at your own pace, without preset due dates for your work. Once you complete an assessment, faculty will typically review and provide feedback within 48 hours. When you demonstrate mastery of all competencies within a course, you move forward to the next course. Throughout your program, you’ll continue to have access to a wide range of support, including dedicated coaches, tutoring resources, and an online community where you can connect with other learners earning their degrees through our FlexPath option. • F  lexPath courses give you the freedom to achieve the competencies in your own way, on your own time. Because of this, assessment preparation will vary, depending on your learning style. • W  ith specific assessment instructions—and clear guidelines on how your work is assessed—you’ll always know exactly what’s expected of you. • F  aculty serve as evaluators for each assessment, providing detailed feedback regarding the level of competency being demonstrated. 2 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU This guide is intended to provide an overview of the specialization and is subject to change. Your enrollment counselor can provide updates, details, and Capella’s official University Catalog that specifies your program requirements. Career Information Capella’s Career Center proactively assists learners and alumni in developing and implementing their unique career management goals. The Career Center staff is committed to helping working adults move forward in their careers. POTENTIAL EMPLOYMENT SETTINGS • • • • • Corporation Construction Health care Manufacturing Aerospace and defense automation system • • • • Pharmaceutical Engineering Information technology Land-based or online college or university • Consulting firm • Nonprofit organization • Department of defense/ military and government • Community college • Military • Government—local, state, federal COMMON JOB TITLES/POSITIONS* † • • • • As a Registered Education Provider of the Project Management Institute (PMI®), Capella offers more than 25 courses approved by PMI for Professional Development Units (PDUs).‡ Project manager Project lead Project specialist Program manager • • • • Project coordinator Consultant Program director Project director • Adjunct or part-time faculty • Vice president of project management • Senior project manager SPECIALIZATION OUTCOMES • D  emonstrate leadership and team development skills and successfully integrate them into the proper execution of a project • Apply business and organizational principles and techniques to utilize the appropriate roles and responsibilities of the project team • Develop the various parts of a project plan using industry-standard tools and project management methodologies defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI®) •A  pply legal and ethical principles of organizational management to the execution of a project • Forecast time, resource, and budgeting requirements for a project to coordinate the work within a project team and meet project objectives • Evaluate the various risk analysis techniques to assess and mitigate the risks within a project • Apply procurement management tools and techniques to the process of solicitation, contract administration, and costreimbursement • Define customer and business requirements to identify project scope and evaluate methods for minimizing and managing scope creep • Develop the skills necessary to communicate project progress to stakeholders *These are examples intended to serve as a general guide. Because many factors determine what position an individual may attain, Capella cannot guarantee that a graduate will secure any specific job title. 3 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU † Some jobs may prefer or even require a Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification. ‡  PMBOK and the GAC logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. For the full list of PMI’s legal marks, please contact the PMI Legal Department. Curriculum TRANSFER CREDIT A maximum of 12 quarter credits from previous graduate course work may be transferred and applied to your program’s requirements. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Bachelor’s degree in business-related field or bachelor’s degree and 5 years of relevant business experience Grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale You’ll complete a required orientation that helps you understand the course format and expectations before you begin your program. • 16 required courses • Total program points: 24 program points CORE COURSES MBA-FP6004 Foundational Skills for Business Leaders. . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6006* Leading Innovation in the Global Organization. . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6008 Global Economic Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6012 Integrated Global Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6014 Financial Accounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6016* Finance and Value Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6018 Data Analysis for Business Decisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6022 Strategic Operations Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6024* Organizational Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6026 The Global Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6028* Business Integration Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points SPECIALIZATION COURSES MBA-FP6231* Project Planning, Management, and Financial Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6233* Assessing and Mitigating Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6235* Project Procurement and Solicitation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points MBA-FP6237* Advanced Project Management Techniques . . . . . . 1.5 program points CAPSTONE COURSE Taken during the learner’s final quarter: MBA-FP6900* MBA Capstone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 program points *Denotes courses that have prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for further details. Assessments are designed by a team of subject-matterexpert faculty, assessment specialists, and instructional designers, who help clearly measure competencies as they apply to the workplace. 4 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU Only learners enrolled in the FlexPath MBA degree program may take FlexPath MBA courses. MBA learners may not take courses associated with any other program within the School of Business and Technology or any other school at Capella University while they are enrolled in the FlexPath MBA degree program. Core Course Descriptions Before beginning each course, you’ll complete a course plan to help you identify your key milestones and assessments. MBA-FP6004 Foundational Skills for Business Leaders 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course is an introduction to the MBA program and its theoretical and applied approach. Learners focus on developing and applying the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with analytical and critical thinking, problem solving, communication, argumentation, and presentation. Learners also become familiar with the case study method, explore ethical and legal issues, and establish their own personal program and career goals. Must be taken during the learner’s first quarter. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or prior learning assessment. MBA-FP6006 Leading Innovation in the Global Organization 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS In this course, learners research the global leadership models and practices that drive innovation and enhance competitive advantage in complex and diverse environments. Learners also explore and assess the ways global leaders work to shape organizational culture and processes that support innovation and change. Prerequisite(s): Completion of or concurrent registration in MBA-FP6004. Prerequisite does not apply to Business Management and Management Consulting certificate learners. Competencies you successfully demonstrate through FlexPath are equivalent to credits earned through Capella’s traditional online courses, should you wish to use those credits for transfer or applied credit. MBA-FP6008 Global Economic Environment 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course covers microeconomic and macroeconomic principles, theories, and tools and their applications in business. Learners analyze the national economy, global economy, and comparative advantage; factor inputs used to create value in different industry and market structures; and the tools employed by the Federal Reserve System and the federal government to create and implement fiscal and monetary policies. Learners also develop and demonstrate their knowledge of theories of the firm and the ways in which individuals and firms make economic decisions. MBA-FP6012 Integrated Global Marketing 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS Learners examine tools, techniques, methods, and emerging marketing thought employed by organizations that market goods, services, and ideas in local and global environments. Topics include fundamental marketing principles, marketing models and practices, marketing information sources and their associated uses, and the integration of marketing with other organizational functions. Learners also explore the link between marketing and business objectives; the environment beyond the firm; and the role of objectives, strategies, and tactics in marketing and demonstrate their competence in understanding and applying marketing concepts. MBA-FP6014 Financial Accounting 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course covers the tools, techniques, and methods of financial accounting and their applications in business. In particular, learners explore appropriate techniques for applying financial tools in support of business decisions across local and global organizations. Learners also develop their skills and knowledge of financial statement development, analysis, and control, and the tax, ethical, and legal implications of various accounting decisions. MBA-FP6016 Finance and Value Creation 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course addresses the tools, techniques, and methods of finance and their applications in business. In particular, learners examine the financial tools and methods used to create firm value across local and global organizations. Learners also explore and demonstrate competencies related to the financial structures of firms; global financial markets; and the tax, ethical, and legal implications of various finance decisions. Prerequisite(s): MBA-FP6014. 5 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU MBA-FP6018 Data Analysis for Business Decisions 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS Learners in this course analyze ways that data analysis informs business decisions and practice applying tools and techniques for converting raw qualitative and quantitative data into information that supports organizational decision making. Other course topics include data acquisition and organization, descriptive and basic inferential statistics, and content analysis. MBA-FP6022 Strategic Operations Management 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS In this course, learners explore and apply the tools, techniques, and methods used to manage systems that produce the organization’s products. In particular, learners develop the ability to apply process design; quality, capacity, and inventory management; and strategic considerations to operations management. Learners also evaluate the decisions for which operations managers are held accountable; the methods used to make those decisions; and the effects of those decisions on an organization’s productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency. Competency-based education is important to meet this country’s, and adult learners’, educational needs. FlexPath allows us to serve students with significant work experience, who are comfortable learning independently, and who can demonstrate job-ready skills through authentic assessments. MBA-FP6024 Organizational Strategy 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS In this course, learners integrate the theories, practices, and models of strategy with foundational global business knowledge. Learners examine the competitive local and global business environment, evaluate the core business functions of various organizations, and analyze the information that derives from those functions. Learners then synthesize this information into a comprehensive strategic review that is designed to enhance organizational decision making and leadership. Prerequisite(s): MBA-FP6008 or MBA6180; MBA-FP6014; MBA-FP6016; MBA-FP6018 or MBA6140. Prerequisites do not apply to Business Management and Management Consulting certificate learners. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or prior learning assessment. MBA-FP6026 The Global Leader 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course addresses the purpose, function, and responsibility of leaders in complex global business environments. Learners develop and demonstrate best practices for increasing selfawareness and establishing personal and professional ways to grow in a competitive, complex workplace. Learners also analyze future concerns and challenges related to global leadership. MBA-FP6028 Business Integration Skills 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS Learners in this course synthesize the theories, practices, and models of foundational business disciplines by participating in a comprehensive business scenario experience. Learners identify, analyze, and apply principles of organizational strategy to a business situation using critical thinking, problem solving, competitive analysis, and the foundational skills learned in previous course work. Learners gain and demonstrate knowledge of the ethical implications and communication issues inherent in making a variety of complex business decisions. MBA-FP6028 and MBA-FP6900 must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite(s): MBA-FP6004 or MBA6010; MBA-FP6006 or MBA6020; MBA-FP6008; MBA-FP6012; MBA-FP6014; MBA-FP6016; MBA-FP6018 or MBA6140; MBA-FP6022; MBA-FP6024; MBA-FP6026. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or prior learning assessment. Specialization Course Descriptions MBA-FP6231 Project Planning, Management, and Financial Control 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course focuses on defining management techniques for planning, estimating, and facilitating successful enterprise projects. Learners define a project, develop work breakdown structures, prepare project schedules, and determine ways to coordinate the various resources. Techniques are introduced to help keep projects on track and enhance team motivation. In addition, learners explore and demonstrate planning, time management, and risk management skills that support them throughout their program and professional career. Prerequisite(s): MBA-FP6016. Prerequisite does not apply to Management Consulting certificate learners. MBA-FP6233 Assessing and Mitigating Risk 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course addresses the important elements of risk management, such as risk management planning, risk identification, risk analysis, development of appropriate responses, and risk monitoring and control. Learners demonstrate their knowledge of the process of identifying, analyzing, and appropriately responding to project risk by implementing a risk management plan. Prerequisite(s): MBA-FP6231. 6 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU MBA-FP6235 Project Procurement and Solicitation 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course covers the major processes used in project procurement management including planning, solicitation, source selection, contract administration, and contract closeout. Learners analyze and explain the impact of project assumptions and constraints on procurement management, and apply their knowledge of tools and techniques by developing a procurement management plan based on current best practices. Prerequisite(s): MBA-FP6231. MBA-FP6237 Advanced Project Management Techniques 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS This course focuses on advanced project management topics and techniques. Learners examine techniques for balancing scope, time, cost, and quality in managing a project and implement planning, monitoring, and controlling techniques in a project. Learners evaluate the importance of applying quality standards and best practices in developing project management strategies. Prerequisite(s): MBA-FP6231. Capstone Course Description MBA-FP6900 MBA Capstone 1.5 PROGRAM POINTS In this course, learners integrate the foundational knowledge and skills gained during the MBA program in an application-based business project. Learners propose, plan, and implement a major project that allows them to demonstrate competencies in ethics, business strategy, marketing, communications, collaboration, and more. Their final projects allow learners to demonstrate their overall ability to identify and recommend evidencebased solutions to business challenges and opportunities. MBA-FP6900 must be taken immediately following MBA-FP6028. Prerequisite(s): All required and elective course work. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or prior learning assessment. 7 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU Course Sequence FlexPath courses are designed to be completely self-paced and can take from a week to a full academic session to complete, depending on your schedule. To maximize the financial benefit of FlexPath, it is recommended that learners take two or more courses per session. Complete your assessments on your own schedule within the session, moving quickly when you can or more slowly as needed, without preset due dates for your course work. There is no limit on the number of courses that can be taken within a session, but no more than two courses may be taken concurrently. To plan your path to completion, visit Calculate my Graduation Date, located on the Capella University website at www.capella.edu. Tuition This tuition rate is effective January 11, 2016, and is subject to change. For current pricing, visit the Capella University website at www.capella.edu. FlexPath provides a more flexible, and efficient way to earn your degree by allowing you to complete courses at your own pace, while paying a flat tuition rate of $2,400 each session. 1 course per session 2 courses per session 3 courses per session 4 courses per session Time to Complete 4 years 2 years 1.5 years 1 year Total Tuition $38,400 $19,200 $14,400 $9,600 Program Financial Aid There are many financial aid options available to help Capella learners offset their tuition costs. Contact an enrollment counselor at 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) to discuss your financial aid opportunities. Capella University offers assistance to learners who qualify and would like to secure educational funding to help finance their academic program. A number of options are available, given the diverse needs and backgrounds of prospective learners. Options include: • Federal Direct Stafford Loan Program • Federal Direct PLUS Loan Program • Non-federal loans through preferred lenders and financial institutions • External scholarships • Veterans’ and U.S. armed forces discounts • Corporate and higher education alliances • Employer tuition reimbursement Regarding loan programs, interest rates for Stafford student loans are low compared to other types of consumer loans, and repayment can be deferred until after graduation. In compliance with federal and state laws, Capella University has established policies for all learners regarding satisfactory academic progress, which is necessary for financial aid eligibility. 8 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU Academic Leadership Barbara Butts Williams, PhD Dean Capella seeks out faculty who hold top academic credentials in the areas they teach. Each faculty member has completed specialized training in our distinctive outcome-based approach to education. Dr. Barbara Butts Williams is the Dean of Business in Capella University’s School of Business and Technology. While at Capella, she has served as interim dean of the School of Business and Technology, director of the MBA program in the School of Business, and faculty director for graduate programs in the School of Business and Technology. Dr. Butts Williams has had a varied executive career in the public, private, academic, and consulting sectors. Prior to joining Capella, she was president of Growth Partners Consulting, a firm she founded to provide executive coaching, product development, strategy, organizational effectiveness and development, and talent management solutions. Dr. Butts Williams’ professional experience also includes such positions as officer of global leadership and development, vice president of marketing and sales, and marketing director. She has also served on several academic, community, and civic boards, and has been appointed by two Minnesota governors to serve on statewide planning boards. Dr. Butts Williams was also recently appointed to the Board of Trustees for the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology. Her research interest is on the meaning and significance of work in people’s lives. Cheryl Bann, PhD Faculty Chair Dr. Cheryl Bann is faculty chair for Capella’s MBA program in the School of Business and Technology. She has worked with Capella since 2002, initially as adjunct faculty and then, beginning in 2004, as core faculty. Prior to joining Capella, Dr. Bann spent more than 30 years working in the corporate sector (at General Mills and Dain Bosworth), in government (at the Minnesota Trade Office), and in a private consulting practice. In addition, she possesses extensive international experience as a consultant on more than 45 USAID projects in 15 countries, as well as teaching experience at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. Dr. Bann’s educational background includes a BA in Physiology and a BS in Business from the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, an MBA from the University of St. Thomas, and both an MS in Instructional Design for Online Learning and a PhD in Organization and Management with a specialization in Leadership from Capella University. In 2006, Dr. Bann was a recipient of Capella’s Harold Abel Distinguished Faculty award. 9 CAPELLA UNIVERSITY WWW.CAPELLA.EDU Move Forward with Capella University WORKING SCHOLARS Capella provides an online, flexible learning environment for working adults who are also determined scholars. That connection between academic and professional work infuses the entire Capella experience—from the faculty we recruit to the course projects you complete. The theories discussed in the courseroom are designed to develop working knowledge for everyday situations. AN ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY Our accreditation* is an assurance to students, employers, and the public that Capella University meets or exceeds established standards for quality of faculty, curriculum, and learner services. It is also an important factor in the ability to transfer credits among higher education institutions. Regional accreditation, the type held by Capella, is the most common type for major public, state, and private institutions in the United States. VALUING YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE Adults bring a wealth of experience and learning to their education. Capella courses are designed to bring out your perspectives just as you gain from others’ ideas. Your knowledge can also be worth time and money: An enrollment counselor can help you estimate how much of your prior learning may apply toward your Capella degree program. Capella Tower 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) www.capella.edu *ACCREDITATION Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. © 2016 Capella University. All rights reserved. 01-11-2016
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Year of Birth: 1972
Marital Status



I am a self-driven and motivated man looking forward to a fulfilling career in business. I am
keen to details, hardworking, result oriented, and always striving to achieve my goals. I get along
with most people as such great at teamwork.

I aim to lead a successful career in business through my academic, professional qualifications. I
look forward to a challenging but exciting work that will enable me to be an all round business
person capable of coping with the dynamism of the world. I aspire to a top position in the
corporate world.
• Keen to details

Computer proficiency

Strong interpersonal skills

Excellent communication skills - written and verbal skills.

Good organizational skills

I believe in working for attainable goals, determination, innovation, and discretion.


May 2012- to-date Customer service and, Logistics Manager: WDW Services LLC
Duties and responsibilities

Plan and strategically manage logistics, transportation, warehouse, and customer services.

Direct, optimize and coordinate full order cycle.

Liaise and negotiate with suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers.

Keep track of quality, quantity, stock levels, delivery times, transport costs and efficiency.

Arrange warehouse, catalog goods, plan routes and process shipments.

Resolve any arising problems or comp...

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