HIMS 650 UMDC Data Visualization Via Fit Bits Discussion

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Health Medical

HIMS 650

United Medical and Dental College



Hi, please, respond to the peer discussions below: References should be in APA style answer should be 100 words minimum.

Peer 1: It is through vision that we are able to see colors, shapes and patterns but it really goes deeper than that. Designers need to have some knowledge of the complexities of vison, how it is processed by the brain and be able to adjust adjust those errors, when creating dashboards for fitness trackers. ("Visual perception", n.d.). Such as knowing about "common processing errors of the brain and in particular to be aware of visual stress and color blindness so they can adjust their designs to minimize the impacts of those errors". ("Visual perception", n.d.).

I think visual perception and graphical perception are words that a closely related and an understanding of both is needed for designers to create a dashboard "that is accurate, clear, and easy to understand graphics. Because when we understand the brains discrimination patterns, we can help readers grasp information more quickly and reduce their burden of understanding data and graphics". (I'm Plus, 2021).

As a owner of a Fitbit wearable I think my dashboard is very important aspect of keeping track of my fitness. It allows me to see and monitor my steps, sleep habits, water intake, pulse, in addition to other things but what is most important to me at this moment are the above attributes of my Fitbit. Here is what I like about my Versa 2 Fitbit: 1). it allows me personalize my dashboard; 2). instruction/navigation are clear; 3). I receive positive feedback when I accomplish a goal; 4). multiactivity motivation it allows me to see my goals at once and provide motivational reminders for each; 5). I can share my experiences with a friends, family, and a community of Fitbit users; 6). if I need to drink more water it tells, if I need to take more steps it tells on a hourly basis; and lastly it keeps me motivated to stay on my current health path. (Asimakopoulos, Asimakopoulos and Spillers, 2017).

According to a study performed by Jarrahi, Gafinowitz and Shin, 2017) the "motivational features on tracking devices only compliments someone that is already motivated to track their health, but it does not by itself create an incentive to do more exercises, and the value of information provided decreases overtime for the user, unless they are (self starters), and without motivation affordances, informational affordance do not sustain long term use of the device". In other words, if you are not already a self started and interested in staying healthy the motivational perks and the health information provided will not keep your interest in the long run.


Asimakopoulos, S., Asimakopoulos, G., and Spillers, F., (2017). Motivation and user engagement in fitness tracking: heuristics for mobile healthcare wearables. Informatics, 4(1) 5. https://doi.org/10.3390/informatics4010005.

I'm Plus. (2021, August 25). Graphical perception has a huge impact on the reader! the angle difference, the change of color actually do not feel? Retrieved from https://implus.medium.com/peoples-perception-of-different-graphics-is-very-different-let-s-talk-about-graphical-perception-8f47ea502b...

Jarrahi, M.H., Gafinowizt, N., and Shin, G., (2018). Activity trackers, prior motivation, and perceived informational and motivational affordances. Pers Ubiquit Comput 22. 433-448. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-017-1099-9

Peer 2: Graphical perception, “the ability to unconsciously extract information from graphics” (Oachs & Watters, 2021), can be utilized in the design of dashboards for fitness tracking devices by placing the most important information within the forefront of the dashboard. Preferably on the top left of the page, which allows the user to see what is important first, be it heart rate, steps taken, or calories burned. and then the cognitive process allows us to visualize other information when it is placed in logical order. When designing dashboards for fitness tracking the designer should consider what users consider most important and use graphics to grasp their attention.

I do think the dashboards for fitness tracking devices are an integral aspect of fitness tracking because information and results are presented in real-time and can quickly be seen. They help individuals monitor and keep track of their daily, and monthly fitness activities hassle-free. Shmerling, (2017) states, with modern technology and a new generation of devices that are more customized to individual needs and medical conditions, tracking devices will be used by more individuals to monitor physical activity.

When users are able to see fitness activities immediately, fitness tracking devices help to motivate individuals by helping them measure activities and then decide what they need to do to increase their physical activities to reach desired goals. Knowing your daily physical count on activities, generally makes you want to improve those numbers the following day. This gives us the incentive to try to be more productive in bettering our health.


Oachs, P. & Watters, A. (2021). Health Information Concepts, Principles, and Practice. Chapter 17, pg. 528.

Shmerling, R. (2017). Activity trackers: Can they really help you get fit? Retrieved from,


Peer 3:Two of the major trends in technology in recent times is the mobilization of information technology and wearable technology. The wide acceptance of mobile devices makes them the ideal method for data collection, data storage, visualization and data transmission, as well as their intended use as communication devices. Mobile device applications have been developed that serve to connect users to physicians, offering both telemedicine appointments that can be depending on local laws and statutes, allow for diagnosis and prescription of medication. Should this prove insufficient, there are apps that help patients find doctors and make appointments. The function with the biggest number of possibilities the ability of these devices to collect data. Mobile devices can interface with more and more devices as time goes on, televisions, fitness trackers, implanted medical devices, and even scales can all automatically submit information to mobile devices for upload to cloud-based storage. From there, the information can be organized into a personally maintained personal health record.

W arable technologies such as fitbit, apple watch etc are revolutionizing healthcare now and laying the foundation for a robust telehealth footprint and as well as technology acceptance in health care. Recently, Accenture conducted a survey that indicated that 49% of patients globally are willing to wear or currently use wearable technologies to monitor their health. The same survey also indicated that 85% of physicians think that wearable technology improves patient engagement (Safavi, 2015). 3-D printing for a kidney is an interesting piece of technology that will potentially set the tone for more cloning technology in the future. You mentioned that wearable “necessitates the development of billing codes and a language that describes the appointment”.

Safavi, K. (2015, September 24). Top 5 eHealth Trends https://www.accenture.com/t20150728T054015__w__/us-en/_acnmedia/Accenture/Conversion-Assets/Microsites/Documents20/Accenture-Healthcare-Technology-Vision-2015-Infographic.pdf

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Data Visualization Via Fit Bits

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Peer 1
A huge variety of activity-tracking gadgets has recently dominated the fitness sector. These
gadgets are used to track many types of activities and inspire people to live more active lives.
Jarrahi et al. (2018) indicated that the gadgets support and boost conduct change through
components like individual objectives, satisfying portrayals, and social provisions. In any case,
the persuasive provisions of the activity-tracking device may enhance the clients' cur...

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