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This paper was completed but has been recorded as 65% of copied content. Can you please go through the paper and revise and cite correctly. Some of the plagiarism has simply come from not citing the paper well in APA formatting, but some of the wording needs to be changed in own words as well.

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MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN SERVICES AGENCIES Multicultural development in human services agencies Tamiko Ross Argosy University April 12, 2017 1 MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN SERVICES AGENCIES 2 Multicultural development in human services agencies The research by Cheryl A. Hyde, 2004 focuses on challenges and solutions to Multicultural Development in Human Services Agencies. Multiculturalism can be described as the practice of giving importance to all cultures in a society, people of different races, religions, languages and traditions. In this case, qualitative research methods was used to gather data from respondent. Qualitative explanatory study was used to gather the facts about the daily realities of multicultural practice, the challenges to Multicultural Development in Human Services Agencies and solutions. Research methods are characterized in terms of finding the appropriate tool in relation to research topic and questions. An organization, historical, political, ethical, evidential, and personal factors are not just unwelcome distractions. They are core components of developing good theoretical and practical outcomes. Explanatory research in this case aimed to help its audience have a better understanding of the problem rather than offering a final and conclusive solution. According to Singh, K. (2007) Explanatory research is the initial research, which forms the basis of more conclusive research, it can even help in determining the research design, sampling methodology and data collection method. Unstructured interviews is the most popular primary data collection method with this type of research. According to Boyce, C & Neale, P, (2006) unstructured interviews are usually the least reliable form of interviews from research viewpoint, because no questions are prepared prior to the interview and interview is conducted in an informal manner. The use of unstructured interviews as a research tool was the most appropriate methods due to the ever-changing organizational environment, explanatory research adapts and is also flexible to change. Research questions in qualitative studies should be in alignment with the purpose statement. Additionally, research questions in a qualitative approach need to be open- MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN SERVICES AGENCIES 3 ended unlike the case in quantitative studies. These are among the factors that entail best practice in qualitative research. KVALE (1983, p.174) defines the qualitative research interview as "an interview, whose purpose is to gather descriptions of the life-world of the interviewee with respect to interpretation of the meaning of the described phenomena" Furthermore, it is essential for the researcher to come up with a plan to code and analyze concepts. Coding of concepts uses primary qualitative research methods as a basis, and additionally relies on relevant authors. Qualitative studies require a lot of support from literature and other related research. Using relevant support from literature through literature review complements the research design. The approach differs from that of quantitative studies which require specific information, for example, using directly answerable questions. The data collected in quantitative studies must be testable and specific unlike in qualitative studies where the researcher does coding of concepts. The literature review article in this case gives crucial information that provides understanding on the situation. One of the benefits learnt is that Multicultural organizational development is a long-term, organizational change process that does not condone any differences, but works to reduce racism and other form of oppressions. The literature review has a somewhat subjective aspect based on underlying assumptions. This means that researchers have certain expectations that may influence the study. The article in this case has underlying assumptions that guide the study. Those opposing the point of view of the researchers can come up with hypotheses to counter the assumptions. The instrument used in this research was by use of interviews, this included a list of questions, but order, phrasing, and follow-up were tailored to each informant. Respondents were chosen on the basis of expertise and purposive selection. Informants were provided with a MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN SERVICES AGENCIES 4 definition of MCOD (Gutiérrez & Nagda, 1996; Jackson & Holvino, 1988) and asked to compare their practices with that model. The use of people from different cultures which included Latinos, black people, white people and Asians. Respondents also included people of both genders which makes the research more appropriate. Furthermore, respondents were well learned and were aware of the topic and were given explanations where need be. Respondents from the interview identified challenges and gave out solutions. Socioeconomic environment, organizational dynamics, conceptualization of the change effort, and consultant competence were the challenges noted after the research while collaborative environmental relations, leadership development, assessment and planning, and consultant selection were the remedies given. Lack of leadership support and involvement were significant barriers noted during the research. Although agency leaders set the tone for and ultimately guide Multicultural organizational development the research indicated a consultant as the key to assist with Multicultural organizational development (Katz & Miller, 1997). A consultant needs to understand the agency's environmental pressures and how those pressures affect organizational innovation. The researcher had to put in mind several ethical considerations in regard to Multicultural organizational development. Voluntary participation is one of the considerations the researcher had in mind while doing his research, meaning that people who participated in the research participate in the evaluation free from coercion. They should also be free to withdraw at any time without negatively impacting on their involvement in future services or the current program and relationships with any of the researchers or research bodies involved (Trochim, 2006). Informed consent was also a consideration meaning that anyone participating in the evaluation is fully aware about the evaluation being conducted. Participants should be aware of the purpose of the MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN SERVICES AGENCIES research and they are the ones to determine whether to take part or not. Do not harm is also an ethical consideration, harm can be in form of stress, diminishing self-esteem or an invasion of privacy. It is important that the evaluation process does not in any way harm the participants. 5 MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN SERVICES AGENCIES 6 References Gutiérrez, L., & Nagda, B. (1996). The multicultural imperative in human service organizations. In P. Raffoul & C. McNeece (Eds.), Future issues in social work practice (pp. 203-213). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Katz, J., & Miller, F. (1997). Between monoculturalism and multiculturalism: Traps awaiting the organization. In D. Van Eynde, J. Hoy, & D. Van Eynde (Eds.), Organizational development classics (pp. 292-302). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Kvale, Steinar (1983). The qualitative research interview: A phenomenological and a hermeneutical mode of understanding. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 14, 171-196. Singh, K. (2007) “Quantitative Social Research Methods” SAGE Publications, p.64 Boyce, C & Neale, P, 2006, “Conducting in-depth Interviews: A Guide for Designing and Conducting In-Depth Interviews”, Pathfinder International Tool Series Trochim, William M.K. (2006, October 20). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved from
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Multicultural development
Tamiko Ross
Argosy University
April 12, 2017




Multicultural development
The focus of this research by Hyde (2004) on challenges as well as solutions to
Multicultural Development on Human Services Agencies. Multiculturalism is defined as a
practice of giving prominence to importance to all the society’s cultures, the people of the
different races, languages, religions, and also traditions. In this case, qualitative research
methods were used to gather data from the respondents. Gathering facts was done using a
qualitative explanatory study of the everyday realities of the multicultural practice, challenges to
the Multicultural Development in the Human Services Agencies as well as its solutions.
Characterization of the research methods was done towards finding appropriate tools related to
the research topic and also questions. However, the organizational, personal, political, ethical,
historical, and evidential factors are not only unwelcome distractions but are core components
towards developing good theoretical and practical outcomes.
Explanatory research, in this case, aimed to help its audience have a better understanding
of the problem rather than offering a final and conclusive solution. According to Singh, K.
(2007), the initial research is explanatory and it forms the basis from which a more conclusive
research can be done. It also helps in the determination of the research design, sampling
methodologies, and also methods of data collection. The use of unstructured interviews is the
more popular method of primary data collection in this kind of research. According to Boyce, C
& Neale, P, (2006), unstructured interviews offers the least reliability in relation to interviews
forms from the viewpoint of the research as no questions are prepared before carrying out the
interview and it is conducted informally.
As a research tool, unstructured interviews were the most appropriate methods due to the
ever-changing organizational environment; explanatory research adapts and is also flexible to



change. Research questions in qualitative studies should be in alignment with the purpose
statement. Additionally, research questions in a qualitative approach need to be open-ended
unlike the case in quantitative studies. These are among the factors that entail best practice in
qualitative research. According to KVALE (1983, p.174), qualitative research interview is
defined as an interview aimed at gathering descriptions related to an interviewee life-world in
terms of interpretation of the meaning of a described phenomena.
Furthermore, the researcher should come up with plans of coding and analyze concepts.
The coding of such concepts utilizes as their basis primary qualitative research methodologies as
well as reliance on the most relevant authors. ...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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