Assignment 3
Please read:
- Clifton Perry, “The Philosopher as Ethics Consultant in a Psychiatric Ward,” pp. 49-57.
2.Kenneth Kipnis, “Ethics Consulting in a Multicultural Setting: Quality Care and the Wounds of Diversity,” pp. 58-64.
3.Muriel Friedman, “Prescribing Viagra: Ethical Issues in Urologic Practice,” pp. 64-71. Also see the PowerPoint on Care Ethics that comes with the assignment.
Please answer the following 11 (eleven) questions. Put your answers under each question, and please submit this whole document as a file that I can open with Microsoft Word.
Question 1: After reading the Perry article (1), explain what Perry was doing and the background of the case that Perry discusses.
Answer 1:
Question 2: The patient that Perry discusses decided that he didn’t want to take the lithium anymore. The patient said that he enjoyed being manic. When the patient said this, was he competent or incompetent, and explain why, according to Perry, that’s important to know.
Answer 2:
Question 3: Referring to Perry’s article, use the utilitarian approach to morality and list as many utilitarian reasons (not Kantian reasons) you can think of to support the view that the patient should take the lithium. Then list as many utilitarian reasons as you can think of to support the view that the patient should not take the lithium. (The utilitarian view looks at all the effects, the good and bad effects, the action will have on everyone affected by each action — to take or not to take the lithium.)
Answer 3:
Question 4: What was the situation with the Jehovah Witness? What was his request, and what was the Kantian reason for respecting this request?
Answer 4:
Question 5: Perry compares the Jehovah Witness to the manic patient. They both denied treatment. In your opinion, are they the same or different situations?
Answer 5:
Question 6: Perry argues that there is a Kantian reason for not allowing the manic to stop taking his medicine. Explain Perry’s Kantian reason. (Compare to what Kant says in one of his 4 examples in the previous assignment that you wrote about.)
Answer 6:
Question 7: In at the Perry article, would you force the manic patient to take the lithium or not? Support your position using Kantian or utilitarian reasons. What view wins out, Kant’s view or utilitarianism?
Answer 7:
Question 8: Reading the Kipnis article, explain the case of the Korean patient.
Answer 8:
Question 9: What would you decide to do in the case of the Korean man that Kipnis describes? Explain your view, including using Kantian and utilitarian ideas. What would you do if it were a white man refusing treatments from all black doctors simply because they were black? When is it right to accommodate a patient’s prejudice against others?
Answer 9:
Question 10: Refer to Cohen’s explanation of Care Ethics on pages 30-34. After reading Friedman’s article, what was the case with the man (page 70) who wanted viagra, and what was Friedman’s care ethics approach to the man’s problem? What do you think of her approach?
Question 10:
Question 11: What do you think about Friedman’s views on prescribing viagra? What does she say that you agree with? Explain why you agree. Does she say anything that you disagree with? Explain why you disagree.
Answer 11:
Explanation & Answer
View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hello🙋Here's the final copy of your answer. Please review it then get back to me in case you'll need any changes made, I'll be around to assist.Thank you!🙏
Thesis statement: This paper answers several humanities questions on applying care ethics in
several healthcare scenarios. The questions cover typical scenarios occurring in hospitals and
other medical settings that demand ethical and moral decision-making.
Question I
Question II
Question III
Question IV
Question V
Question VI
Question VII
Question VIII
Question IX
Question X
Question XI
Care Ethics
Student’s Name:
Care Ethics
Answer I
Perry was involved in medical ethics at the institution under a value and ethics program.
He also participated in Ethics Grand Rounds, evaluating ethical issues in specific clinical
specializations. Perry met the 33-year-old individual who had visited the facility for a fractured
radius, and his initial evaluation did not indicate any neurological issues. However, the client
depicted psychomotor delusions, which informed the link with a prior manic diagnosis. The
client turned down lithium dosages, which sought to address mania symptoms.
Answer II
The client was arg...