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Health Medical


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


History of HIPAA

Who is the targeted audience

How has HIPAA affected the health care system

How does HIPAA affected the health care system


one page summery about

How does HIPAA affected the health care system

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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act research papers examine the development of HIPAA. Passed in 1996, Public Law 104-191, known commonly as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), is a piece of legislation designed to increase the ease with which medical and administrative data can be exchanged and transferred between various institutions, organizations and health care facilities. The overarching purpose of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is to ensure that maximum efficiency can be achieved in the transfer and exchange of health, administrative and financial data and that these exchanges will be carried out with the highest degree of confidentiality possible. Although Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is a complex piece of legislation rife with a number of clauses, caveats and codicils, there are three core objectives that can be identified in the various sections of the law. These include: (1) the development and implementation of exacting security measures, designed to achieve the highest degree of patient confidentiality possible; (2) the establishment of a standardized administrative system in which each separate health care facility, employer, patient, and insurance plan is designated by a uniquely encoded identifier; and (3) overall standardization of the handling of administrative and health data among involved parties, including health care facilities and insurance companies. Clearly, the conditions set forth in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act legislation will necessitate massive, sweeping changes in the American health care industry. In the past, each individual health care facility has maintained its records in a way that was best suited to the unique purpose of the particular organization or office. As a result, there exists little or no standardization between health care facilities and organizations in the bulk of patient records. The amount of time and financial resources that will be necessary to design and implement a standardization and security system that can be used at every level of the American health care industry will no doubt be staggering. The sheer magnitude of the range of offices affected by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is in itself extraordinary. Any office, organization or agency that deals with patient records of any kind must comply with the guidelines set forth in Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This extends to include such diverse facilities as private-sector employers, universities, single-physician offices, medical billing firms, health insurance plans, public health agencies and facilities, life insurance organizations, data clearinghouses, and information systems dealer History of HIPAA Who is the targeted audience How has HIPAA affected the health care system How does HIPAA affected the health care system
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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
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April 22, 2017

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

About the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
The Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act was enacted by Congress and
signed into law by President Bill Clinton in the year 1996. The Act’s objective was to ensure
ease of transfer and exchange of data within organizations, institutions and healthcare facilities.
This Act, commonly named after its sponsors; Kassebaum and Kennedy, aimed at promoting
portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in groups and markets, to combat wastage
and fraud in health insurance coverage and health care provision, to simplify the administration
of healthcare insurance, to promote the usage of medical savings account.
HIPAA has several rules, parts and titles within it, all aiming to achieve the objectives
above. However, HIPAA contains five main titles: Title I, named Health Care Access, Portability
and Renewability is aimed at protecting health insurance for workers and their families when
they lose their jobs. The second title, called the Administrative Simplifications Provisions,
necessitates the establishment of national standards for electronic healthcare transmissions and
ways of nationally identifying providers, health insurance plans and employers. This title
provides guidelines for maintenance of privacy and security of health information and establishes
offenses that relate to healthcare. Title III puts a standard in the amount that people can save in a
pre-tax medical savings account while title IV gives specifications regarding coverage of people
with preexisting conditions. Title V provides provisions for employers in company-owned life
insurance ensuring that tax deductions not done on contracts, loans and company endowments.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

History of the act
The history of the act begins in the early 1990s, when it first became obvious that for
efficiency, medical records would be computerized. There was also a need for the creation of
new standards in the management of data in healthcare. Prior to 1996, there was no law
regarding the privacy of healthcare information. This was despite the large group of people that
have access to patient information including doctors, nurses,...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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