IT 337 Project Two User Profiles
Name: Sarah
Age: 19
Marital status: Single
Lives: With several other young women
Student type: On campus, humanities major
Current job: Receptionist at law firm
Desired occupation: Lawyer
Technology skills: Basic, but good
Devices used: Laptops, phones
Access to campus: Mornings and evenings
Help used: None yet
Name: Stephen
Age: 21
Marital status: Single
Lives: At home with parents and several younger siblings
Student type: On campus, full time studying mechanical engineering, one year left
Current job: None
Desired occupation: Mechanical engineering job that will allow him to get his MS
Technology skills: Very good, plays lots of games, social media
Devices used: Dell laptop, android phone
Access to campus: Day—stays at school all day to study when not in class
Help used: None
Name: Emily
Age: 45
Marital Status: Divorced, two children, grown and on their own
Student type: Part-time, online majoring in history
Current job: Works as substitute teacher
Desired occupation: Would like to work at a museum and do historical exhibits
Technology skills: Struggles with technology, has mastered getting her assignments done and submitted
Devices used: MacBook
Access to campus: Days when not substituting, evenings if she had to work that day
Help used: Has had three calls to the help desk, for getting her assignments and for getting them turned
Name: George
Age: 20
Marital status: Single
Student type: Full-time, on campus, no major as yet
Current job: Part-time handyman at his apartment building, worked in construction for three years,
saved money to go back to school
Desired occupation: Unknown, taking basic courses: English, math, history
Technology skills: Spends a lot of time on social media
Devices used: iPad (for viewing movies), iPhone, MacBook
Access to campus: During the day for the three days he is on campus, at night the other days if he has
handyman chores
Help used: None so far, has been able to get his assignments turned in and access additional resources
as needed
Name: Rita
Age: 50
Marital status: Single
Lives: By herself
Student type: Part-time, online, history major, first term
Current job: Journalist
Desired occupation: Author of historical fiction
Technology skills: Basic, stays away from social media, reads articles on the web and uses Microsoft
Devices used: Laptops, phone
Access to campus: Mostly evenings
Help used: Had to have help getting enrolled, also needed help getting access to her assignment and
submitting it
Name: David
Age: 23
Marital status: Single
Lives: With several other young men who work for different software companies
Student type: Online, computer science, one year to go
Current job: Develops apps and sells them online
Desired occupation: Software developer, computer science developer
Technology skills: Excellent
Devices used: Android phone, multiple types of laptops (shares with roommates)
Access to campus: During the day
Help used: None
Name: Susan
Age: 28
Marital status: Married, two children, 6 and 8
Lives: With her husband and children
Student type: Second term of online classes, writing and journalism
Current job: None, went to university for one year but dropped out when she got married
Desired occupation: Hopes to be a journalist
Technology skills: Reasonable
Devices used: Laptops, phones
Access to campus: Works during the day until the kids get home from school
Help used: Needed help to upload her first several assignments
Name: John
Age: 60
Marital status: Married
Lives: With his wife
Student type: Online classes, part-time, art history
Current job: VP of small manufacturing company
Desired position: Will retire soon and would like to do some art work
Technology skills: Not so good, used to having an admin
Devices used: Laptops
Access to campus: Evenings, weekends
Help used: Several times, needed help accessing some materials in the library
Name: Marlene
Age: 35
Marital status: Single
Lives: With her boyfriend
Student type: On campus, full-time, user interface developer classes
Current job: Software developer, on leave
Desired position: User interface developer
Technology skills: Excellent
Devices used: Many different types of laptops, iPads, phones
Access to campus: Days
Help used: None
Name: Jeff
Age: 21
Marital status: Single
Lives: Alone, in large apartment building
Student type: On campus, in his third year, mainly history and political science
Current job: None
Desired position: CIA or FBI
Technology skills: Very good, impatient with badly designed software
Devices used: Latest MacBook
Access to campus: Days when on campus, as well as at night and on weekends
Help used: None
Name: Jennifer
Age: 40
Marital status: Divorced, two older children
Lives: By herself in a condo
Student type: On campus, returning student, went to school for two years before getting married
Current job: Unemployed
Desired position: Elementary teacher
Technology skills: Medium, mostly used it for fun before now
Devices used: MacBook
Access to campus: Days and weekends
Help used: Needed help to access library materials
Name: Leon
Age: 65
Marital status: Single
Lives: An apartment near his old store
Student type: Online classes, part-time, interested in plays and playwrights
Current job: Retired from running a local hardware store
Desired position: Interested in working with the local theater group
Technology skills: Not good
Devices used: Dell laptop
Access to campus: Most any time
Help used: Several times, needed help enrolling, getting his first assignment downloaded and uploaded
Name: Daryl
Age: 25
Marital status: Married
Lives: In an apartment with his wife, Cheryl (see below)
Student type: On campus, full-time, business major, one more term to go
Current job: Student
Desired position: Will be starting a pottery business with his wife, wants to take some online accounting
classes as well
Technology skills: Expert
Devices used: Dell laptop
Access to campus: Evenings
Help used: None
Name: Cheryl
Age: 23
Marital status: Married
Lives: In an apartment with her husband Daryl (see above)
Student type: On line, part-time, taking some business classes
Current job: Instructor in a pottery school
Desired position: Will be starting a pottery business with her husband
Technology skills: Novice
Devices used: MacBook
Access to campus: Evenings
Help used: None
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