Savannah State University Police As An Extension Of The Community Discussion

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Savannah State University


1ST ASSIGNMENT : Chapter 2 discussed additional ways to implement police stations the public will feel is an extension of the community.

Read chapter 2 and answer the question below. Use your book however, DO NOT copy the answer straight from book. This response should be a college level response using proper grammar and punctuation. If you write something verbatim, you need to cite and post the reference in APA format.

This response should be at least 180 words.

Question: Explain the kinds of characteristics of a “second generation” police station house that serve to make it more warm, open, and community-oriented. How can these characteristics change how citizens visit or see police stations. 2ND ASSIGNMENT:

This exercise is designed to help students identify a “problem” using the definition provided in the text. Begin by reading the definition of a problem. You will then identify which can be handled as single incidents and which are problems that should be analyzed further using the S.A.R.A. model. The incidents below should reeviewed. If you identify any as needing to use SARA, and there are some that need SARA, please write and explain the steps you would take to solve this problem based on the SARA model.

4th Cable Truck Hit This Month

Anywhere, USA—An Acme Cable truck was burglarized in the 2700 block of Dolby Street. This is the fourth such burglary in the past three weeks. Specialized radio and communications equipment and communications cable were taken in the theft.

Last week, thefts were reported in the 3400 block of Fleming and 4800 block of Dorchester. Three weeks ago, a similar theft occurred in the 4500 block of Trump Circle. Similar tools and equipment were reported stolen in each incident. Acme reports the total loss to be in excess of $12,000.

Vice Team Makes 20 Arrests

Anywhere, USA–—The vice team conducted a reverse sting operation in the Fourth Street area of town today. Four prostitutes and 16 “johns” were arrested during the three hours of operations. Nine of the arrested johns were from out of town and were attending a tool conference at the Domingo Convention Center.

Fleeing Suspect Killed in Hit and Run

Anywhere, USA—A man fleeing on foot after an armed robbery of a local convenience store was struck by a hit–and-run driver on Duncan Parkway. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. Witnesses report that at approximately 7:00 PM, the suspect was pursued by the manager of Marty’s Market at 3405 Fifth Avenue for allegedly stealing beer. As the suspect attempted to cross Duncan Parkway, a large semi-truck struck him and left the area without stopping. The hit-and-run vehicle had unknown wording on the side and possibly sustained front damage from the impact.

Hunt for Carjacking Suspect

Anywhere, USA—University police are searching for a man they believe was involved in two carjackings on campus last week, including one that resulted in serious injury to a professor. The suspect is described as a white male, long brown hair, mustache, 5’-9”, approximately 18–20 years old, and carrying a tan knapsack. The first incident took place last Friday at 6:00 PM at the library parking lot; the second occurred early this Saturday morning at approximately 1:00 AM at the University Lounge parking lot. In both instances, the suspect approached the victims from behind, producing a knife. The professor received serious lacerations to his hand during a struggle for the knife.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

S.A.R.A. Model


S.A.R.A. Model

S.A.R.A. Model


S.A.R.A. Model
Over the years, the criminal justice department has relied on tactics to understand how
criminals think and work to help them apprehend them. Stopping crime in the community
remains one of the most vigorous responsibilities an institution can be given, and law
enforcement agencies have had to adapt repeatedly to be successful. One of the most successful
aspects implemented by these individuals has been the S.A.R.A. model. The S.A.R.A. model has
been an effective tool for numerous institutions, aiding them in understanding the roots of
problems, identifying solutions, and evaluating the CITE responses. By using this tool,
innumerable institutions, not only the police, have successfully assessed their issues and
solutions. In the criminal justice sector, the S.A.R.A. model effectively understands their
problems and the best solutions.
ACME Thefts
Over the past four weeks, Acme has had four of its trucks robbed while transporting its
merchandise. Acme's theft cases could be deciphered using the S.A.R.A. model and aid in
stopping these crimes. The S.A.R.A. model has four stages: scanning, analysis, response, and
assessment (Burton & McGregor, 2018). The first step is scanning which entails identifying and
prioritizing the most pressing issues that need to be handled. In this case, the most pressing
problem is the severe losses that the company is incurring due to these thefts. So far, the
company has recorded a loss of 12,000 dollars, and without any intervention, this figure could
increase. The main problem for the company is to stop their trucks from being robbed.
The next step in the model is...

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