German Economic Review 15(2): 225–242
doi: 10.1111/geer.12037
Fiscal Policy, Public Debt and the World
Gauti B. Eggertsson
Brown University and NBER
Abstract. This study summarizes a theory of the origin of the current world economic
crisis and the role of fiscal policy in mitigating its effect. The perspective is dynamic stochastic general equilibrium analysis. Overall, the model analysis suggests a strong case
for fiscal policy if the monetary authority is unable/unwilling to close the output gap.
This remains the case, even when explicitly taking into account public debt dynamics.
JEL classification: E5, E6, E.
Keywords: Fiscal policy; liquidity trap; deficits.
The crisis of 2008 put fiscal policy back on the table for policy-makers. The reason
was obvious: Several central banks cut nominal interest rate close to zero while
there was still an urgent case for further macroeconomic stimulus. The question,
then, became, what can fiscal policy do? Moreover, does the answer depend upon
the debt situation of the government? This study attempts to address these questions in the light of recent research on this topic, in particular recent work such as
Denes et al. (2013), Eggertsson and Krugman (2012) and Del Negro et al. (2011).
Overall, a strong case for fiscal policy emerges from the model analysis, conditional on monetary policy not stepping in to a sufficient extent. This remains the
case, even with a high level of public debt. One reason for this is that government
spending is to a large extent self-financing. Conversely austerity measures – cutting government spending or increasing sales taxes – can increase rather than
decrease the deficit, especially in severely depressed economies. The reason for this
is that cutting government spending in a crisis decreases the tax base so much that
it may reduce revenues by more than is saved by the spending cut. The exact relationship between the level of public debt and aggregate demand (AD) in the short
run, however, is ambiguous. It depends on the policy regime that governs monetary and fiscal policy as I will further clarify in the study.1
For example, if future public debt is paid off (once the crisis is over) via any combination of inflation, a reduction in the future size of the government and/or higher future sales taxes, then higher
public debt today increases demand in the short run. Conversely, if the higher debt today is paid
off (once the crisis is over) via higher income taxes in the future, then higher public debt today has
a negative effect on aggregate demand in the short run (because expectations of permanently
higher income taxes will reduce consumption demand of the households). Quantitatively in the
basic model, however, the most important effect of fiscal policy on aggregate demand is the immediate effect of temporary austerity/expansionary policy. It is difficult to construct examples in
which an increase in government spending, triggering deficits creates a sufficiently strong drag on
demand via expectations of higher labor taxes to overturn this basic result: Temporarily increasing
government spending is a relatively effective way of increasing demand at zero interest rates.
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German Economic Review © 2013 Verein fu
G. B. Eggertsson
I start the article by outlining a simple theory of how we got into this crisis,
via a combination of financial shocks and monetary frictions. The reason why
this is important when considering fiscal policy is that a proper theory of how
we got into the crisis has important interactions with the role of fiscal policy,
just in the same way as a cure for a sick person depends on our theory of how
the patient got sick in the first place.
The theory we outline has two main elements. First, there are some frictions
in financial markets, which imply that a large drop is needed in the real interest
rate which is a key determinant of how much households and firms spend. Second, there are some nominal frictions – say sticky prices – that make this adjustment difficult to accomplish.
In principle, the two frictions at the heart of the theory do not need to lead
to a recession. In particular, if monetary policy is able to cut the nominal interest enough, there is no recession in the model. A key element of the theory,
thus, is the fact that the nominal interest rate cannot be lowered below zero (the
fact that the constraint is zero is not important, what matters is that there is a
limit to interest rate cuts – for whatever reason – e.g. the ECB seems reluctant to
go much beyond 0.5% and the Federal Reserve beyond 0.25%). It is thus inability/unwillingness of the central bank to cut interest rates further that gives such
promising role for fiscal policy in the article.
Before letting monetary policy off the hook, however, it is worth making a
closely related point: If monetary policy is able to commit to future optimal policy, for example, by some combination of low future nominal interest rates and
expected inflation (see, e.g. Eggertsson and Woodford (2003)), then the recession
can be more or less eliminated in the model of the article. A sufficiently high
inflation target, for example, of about 4–5%, would do most of the job. If one
would have surveyed economists 10 years ago, most would probably have argued
that monetary policy remains very powerful under any circumstances, even once
the nominal interest rate collapses to zero, either via effective commitment to
future policy or through the use of non-conventional monetary policy instruments. Yet with nominal interest rates close to zero, unemployment at very high
levels in several countries, and central balance sheets expanded to record levels,
the argument that monetary policy is all powerful may not strike the current
observer as persuasive, or in any event, other options need to be analyzed.
Hence, the focus here on fiscal policy.
Within the context of the theory, I will simply assume that the central bank is
committed to some (low) level of inflation once the crisis has subsided. As we
shall see, this assumption is sufficient to ensure that monetary policy is not – in
fact – all powerful. This assumption can be motivated in two ways: the central
bank cannot increase inflation expectation (e.g. due to credibility problems, see,
e.g. Eggertsson (2006)) or simply that it will not do so due to some political reasons (excessive caution by the central bank or strong aversion to move away
from a very stringent definition of price stability, see, e.g. Krugman (1998)).
Under this assumption, fiscal policy plays a large role since there may be substantial output slack in the economy left open by the central banks inability/
unwillingness to cut short-term rates (and inability/unwillingness to try
something more adventurous). Any increase in demand will then not be offset
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Fiscal Policy
by an increase in the nominal interest rate.2 Perhaps even more importantly, fiscal policy does not suffer from the same credibility problem as monetary policy
at the zero bound as first stressed by Eggertsson (2001). It involves direct
actions today (increase government spending) rather than promises about future
I have already noted several articles that closely link to the current one, the
closest being Denes et al. (2013), Eggertsson and Krugman (2012) and Del Negro
et al. (2011). These articles, in turn, build on a vast literature motivated by the
zero bound and the current crisis, the Japanese crisis and the Great Depression
(GD), for example, Krugman (1998) and Eggertsson and Woodford (2003). I will
not attempt to survey this literature here, but the references above have some
discussion of the related literature. Closest of the related literature in terms of
the result that government spending can be self-financing is Erceg and Linde
(2010) that come to largely similar conclusions as I do here in a similar environment. In a quite different setting, DeLong and Summers (2012) also find a similar bottom line although their mechanism differs in the details.
When I talk about ‘a theory of the crisis’ I do not mean a story for why banks
become insolvent, for example, due to a bank run or bad investment strategies.
Instead, I have in mind a theory of why bank insolvency (or any other type of
financial turbulence) puts people out of work. In other words, the key goal is a
theory of why factors of production become underutilized – why factories sit
empty, people stay unemployed, tractors and other machines sit idle – when
these very same factors of production (people and machines) were producing
more stuff a few years or even months back. Even if a bank goes bust, there is in
principle no reason for people and machines to produce less, given that all the
tools and people remain the same as before the crisis. How does this misallocation occur? And what can be done about it?
The theory I outline here has two basic building blocks, namely a shock to the
‘financial sector’ that triggers a ‘need’ for a large drop in relative prices, i.e. the
real interest rate – this is the price of spending money today relative to saving it
for future spending. This adjustment is needed to get people to spend more
today. The second building block is some pricing frictions at the firm level – I
will be more specific shortly – that make this adjustment difficult to accomplish.
2.1 Households and firms problems
Briefly, consider a standard New Keynesian model in which household maximize
utility over the infinite horizon (see, e.g. Denes et al. (2013) for more details and
references and Woodford (2003) for a textbook treatment of most of the underlying elements), evaluating each periods utility via the utility function bt[u(Ct) + g
(Gt) v(lt)]ξt where Ct is private consumption at time t, Gt government consump2.
We do not here address the issue of non-conventional monetary policy, see, for example, Del
Negro et al. (2011) for analysis of this kind.
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German Economic Review © 2013 Verein fu
G. B. Eggertsson
tion, lt hours worked, b is a discount factor (in the t’th power) and ξt is a shock.3
We imagine that the household faces the following budget constraint
ð1 þ sst ÞPt Ct þ Bt ¼ ð1 þ it1 ÞBt1 þ ð1 sIt Þ
Zt ðiÞdi þ Pt Wt lt Pt Tt
where sst is a sales tax, Pt is the general price level, Bt is a one-period risk-free
bond that pays out (1 + it) the next period where it is the short-term nominal
interest rate. The tax sIt is an income tax that is levied uniformly on profits, Zt(i),
and wages, Wt. Finally, Tt denotes lump-sum taxation. The household maximizes
its utility over the infinite horizon, choosing consumption, labor supply and the
optimal number of bonds it holds Bt, taking prices and wages as given. The only
uncertainty in the model is given by the exogenous shock ξt, I will be more specific about the interpretation of that shock shortly. On the firm’s side, there are
firms that maximize profits over the infinite horizon. These firms have pricing
power because we assume that each one of them is producing a good that is an
imperfect substitute with the other goods produced. More specifically, I assume a
Dixit-Stigliz style monopolistic competition so that aggregate consumption is
h1 h1
given by Ct 0 ct ðiÞ h
where the ct(i) denotes a consumption variety produced by each of the firms and the parameter h greater than 1 (see, e.g. Woodford (2003) for textbook treatment). The firms take labor as input and produce
the consumption via linear production function, taking the wage rate Wt as
given. A key friction is that we assume that each of the firms does not continuously adjust the price of its product. Instead, each firm sets its price taking into
account that it will be in effect for some (stochastic) period of time. Formally,
we assume as in Calvo (1983) that there is a probability 1 a that each firm can
revisit its price in each period, a common characterization that allows us to nest
in one model the extreme Keynesian case were prices are perfectly fixed (a = 1),
and the neoclassical case in which prices are flexible at all times (a = 0). The
first-order conditions of the household and firms maximization problems,
together with resource constraint4 and a description of monetary and fiscal policy define the equilibrium of the model.
For the government, we assume that the monetary authority controls the
nominal interest rate via variations in the short-term nominal interest rate it,5
while the fiscal authority sets tax rates sst ; sIt and the lump-sum tax Tt together
with aggregate government spending Gt. A key constraint on the central bank’s
policy is that it cannot set the nominal interest rate below zero so that it ≥ 0
while fiscal policy is constrained by the government budget constraint.
Rather than spelling out the details (see, e.g. Denes et al. (2013) for details and
references), we next summarize the linearized equilibrium conditions of the
model, which are sufficient for our purposes.
The elements of the utility function satisfy properties, for example, u() and g() are increasing
concave functions, whereas v() is an increasing convex function
The aggregate resource constraint is Yt = Ct + Gt where Yt is aggregate output that is composed of
private and public consumption.
I do not explicitly model here how the central bank controls the nominal interest rate, see, for
example, Woodford (2003) for discussion.
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Fiscal Policy
2.2 Linearized equilibrium conditions
The households maximization problem gives rise to a consumption Euler Equation, which once combined with the resource constraint yields.
^ tþ1 Þ þ rvs Et ð^ss ^ss Þ
^ t Et G
^ t ¼ Et Y
^ tþ1 rðit Et ptþ1 r e Þ þ ðG
where pt is inflation, Et is an expectation operator, the coefficients r, vs > 0,
^ t log Gt =Y,
while ^ss ss ss , and r e is an exogenous disturbance
^ t log Yt =Y,
that is only a function of the shock ξt. The one-period risk-free nominal interest
rate, it, now corresponds to log (1 + it) in terms of our previous notation once
again the zero bound applies.
it 0
Aggregate supply (AS) is given by the ‘Phillips curve’’
^ t Þ þ bEt ptþ1
^ t þ jwðvI ^sI þ vs^ss r1 G
pt ¼ jY
where the coefficients j, w > 0 and 0 < b < 1 and the zero bound is it ≥ 0.
The government budget constraint can be approximated to yield
^t b ð1 þ r Þb
^t1 ¼ b ð1 þ r Þ½^it1 pt þ ð1 þ ss ÞG
^ t ðsI þ ss ÞY
^ t ^sI C ^ss T
^t logTt =Y
What remains to be specified is govwhere bt logBt =Pt logb and T
ernment policy, i.e. how the government sets taxes, spending and monetary policy. I will be specific about this element of the model once I set-up the shock
perturbing the economy.
Let me briefly discuss the interpretation of the IS and AS equations (1) and
(3). In this model, economy output is demand determined, i.e. how much is produced is entirely determined by how much stuff people want to buy. This is pinned down in equation (1), which is sometime referred to as the ‘IS equation’‘as
it is derived by the investment–savings decision of the household. We see that
^ tþ1 and
the amount people buy, depends upon expectation of future income, Et Y
the difference between the real interest rate it - Etpt+1 and the exogenous term rte ,
which has the interpretation of being the real rate of interest consistent with the
efficient allocation in the model, that is, the real interest rate consistent with
output being at its first best (full employment) level. The term it – the monetary
policy instrument – clearly has a direct impact on demand by changing relative
prices (as long as it is not fully offset by changes in Etpt+1). Thus, cutting rates
makes current spending cheaper and thus increases demand. We see that the fis^ t and ^ss also change demand, G
^ t by directly increasing
cal policy instruments G
public spending, and thus AD, while a reduction in ^sst increases demand by
encouraging people to spend more today relative to the future.
The rate of price changes is determined by equation (3), sometimes referred to
as ‘Phillips Curve’ or ‘AS equation’, which is derived from the firms staggered
pricing decision. We see that increasing output leads firms to want to increase
prices (and thus leading to higher aggregate inflation) as is standard. However,
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G. B. Eggertsson
we can also observe that the tax instruments and government spending have a
direct effect on inflation according to this relationship. The reason for this is that
all these policy instruments have a direct effect on the marginal cost the firms
face (through the real wage rate), which thus feeds directly into the pricing of
the firms. Also, observe that expected inflation plays an important role via the
term bEtpt+1. The reason is that when firms set their price, they anticipate they
may not be able to change it again for some time, and thus need to estimate the
evolution of future inflation.
2.3 The crisis in the model
To solve the model and take the zero bound explicitly into account, we make
use of a simple assumption now common in the literature based on Eggertsson
and Woodford (2003). In period 0, there is a shock rSe \r which reverts to a steady
state with a probability 1 l in every period. We call the stochastic period in
which the shock reverts to steady state tS.6 To illustrate the crisis, consider fiscal
^ t ¼ 0 for ∀t and future lump-sum taxes T
^ t for t ≥ tS are
policy so that ^sIt ¼ ^sst ¼ G
^t ¼ 0 for t less
set so that the government budget constraint is satisfied, while T
than tS. For monetary policy, we assume that short-term nominal interest rates
are set so that pt = 0. If this results in it less than 0, we assume it = 0 and pt is
then endogenously determined.
Under these assumptions, the model is remarkably simple to solve, but what
we are primarily interested in here is the solution for output, inflation and the
^ t ¼ pt ¼ 0 and
nominal interest rate. If rte [ 0 at all times, the solution is simply Y
it ¼ rte as can be confirmed by the equations above. Note that this solution is
going to apply for t ≥ tS in the example above when rte is back to steady state as
it will stay there forever according to the assumption made.
The interesting dynamics occur when rte \0 under the assumption we outlined
above (i.e. there is a fixed probability it reverts back to steady state) as then the
zero bound is binding because the central bank is unable to accommodate the
^ t ¼ pt ¼ Y
^ L ¼ pL ¼ 0 at all times,
reduction in rte . Since in the period t ≥ tS then Y
the solution at t less than tS will look the same at all times and is given by
^ S þ rlpS þ rr e
^ S ¼ lY
^ S þ blpS
pS ¼ jY
^ S and pS for the parameters and the shock r e .
which can be explicitly solved for Y
Note that we here denote all the variables at t less than tS with the subscript S as
‘short-run’(as they remain the same at all times in this simple model) while
denoting the ‘long run’with the subscript L which applies to t ≥ tS. Note that the
duration of the short run is stochastic, as it depends upon when the shock
reverts back to steady state which happens with probability 1 l in all periods t
^ S , is now demand
less than tS. The key thing to observe here is that output, Y
determined, and is going to go down with the shock rSe . What is particularly
As discussed in Eggertsson (2010a), we need to impose a bound on l to avoid multiplicity at the
zero bound. I assume that (1 - l)(1 - bl) – lrj greater than 0. See Mertens and Ravn (2010) for a
discussion of multiple equilibria in this setting.
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Fiscal Policy
damaging here, is that output in the short run not only depends on the current
^ S ) and
shock rSe but also on expectations about future output (here given by lY
future inflation (here given by lpS), which can lead to a quantitatively large drop
in output and/or inflation. Since by the second equation inflation in the short
run will be below zero, this second mechanism – expected deflation – makes the
problem even worse. Perhaps even disturbingly this problem gets worse – not
better – the more flexible are prices, i.e. the higher is j.7 Some numerical examples suggest that even very small shocks rte can lead to very large drops in output
in a broad class of models that has similar structure as the model above. What is
at the heart of the problem, is that not only does the shock rSe trigger an immediate drop in output but there is also a further drop in output due to the expectation about a future drop in output and deflation, which in turn also depends on
expectations about outcomes further ahead, a mechanism that can result in a
vicious spiral sometimes referred to as a contractionary spiral. Eggertsson (2008),
for example, shows that a slightly more complicated model can match some
aspect of the US Great Depression, whereas Del Negro et al. (2011) do the same
for the US Great Recession starting in 2008 in a medium scale DSGE model.
2.4 On the interpretation of efficient rate of interest – the very root of the
The key to the contraction in inflation and output outlined in the last subsection
was that the nominal interest rate could not drop below zero so as to accommodate the shock rte when it moved into negative territory. What is the source of
this shock? In our simple model, this shock was due to a ‘preference shock’ – for
whatever exogenous reason people did not want to spend as much today as they
wanted yesterday, which means that the real interest rate needs to drop for
spending to remain at its original level (because lower real interest rates make
spending today relative to tomorrow cheaper, think lower interest rates on car
loans, etc.).
It may seem somewhat unsatisfactory that the very root of the crisis is just
some exogenous preference shock in the model. It is therefore worth clarifying
better before going further what I have in mind with such a shock. To me, the
most natural interpretation is that it is a reduced form representation of something that happens to a certain group of people in a model with heterogenous
agents (instead of the representative agent model we assumed) where the people
in the model interact through financial markets. What I think makes most sense
is to think of this shock as some sort of disstress in financial markets that leads
people in some part of economy to spend less (think, e.g. of all of the people
that overextended themselves in the housing market precrash). In order to make
up for the drop in spending by this group of people that is scaling back, somebody else has to spend more. How can these other people be induced to spend
more? The price that makes this happens is the real interest rate – the price of
consumption today relative to consumption tomorrow. If for whatever reason
This is discussed in some detail, for example, in Christiano et al. (2011), Werning (2011) at the
zero bound and in Bhattarai et al. (2012) more generally.
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G. B. Eggertsson
this price does not adjust properly, then there is a problem. Let me be more specific by giving two examples.
Eggertsson and Krugman (2012) offer a simple model in which some people
are savers and some people are borrowers (in their particular example borrowing
and saving is motivated by differences in preferences, but they also have examples with differences in investment opportunities across agents). A key friction in
their model is that the borrowers cannot borrow more than that corresponds to
some upper limit Dhigh. They then exogenously shock this upper limit Dhigh to
Dlow, which means that the borrowers need to ‘deleverage’ – that is pay down
their debt in order to satisfy the new debt limit. The key point is that for aggregate spending to remain the same, the savers need to spend more to make up for
the drop in spending by the borrowers. For this to happen, the appropriate price
needs to adjust, i.e. the real interest rate needs to drop to induce the savers to
spend more. In reduced form, Eggertsson and Krugman (2012) show that this
shows up exactly like the preference shock we have in the baseline model (they
also go on to explore various other implication, such as debt deflation, the effect
this has on fiscal multipliers and so on). Another simple story for a reduction in
the efficient rate of interest is provided in Del Negro et al. (2011). In their example, this occurs because of a drop in ‘liquidity’of certain assets which implies a
collapse in investment. To make up for this drop in investment spending somebody needs to pick up the slack – again the ‘savers’ – and the price that needs to
adjust is the real interest rate.
Yet, a need for reduction in a real interest rate – driven, for example, by financial turbulence – is not enough to give a theory why people are out of work or
factories stand idle. To see this note that in most models there is lurking in the
background some aggregate production function F(K, L), where K is capital and L
labor. We need a story for why this required reduction in the real interest rate
leads to a coordination failure in which the factors of production are not being
used to their full extent. It is the unused factors of production that is the main
element of the crisis we are interested in, the fact that the same amount of
inputs (capital, labor, etc.) are suddenly producing much less output.
2.5 Why are people not employed? Keynesian frictions
The first element of the story I told in the last subsection only had to do with
the shock in rte in equation (1) or what is sometimes referred to as “the efficient
real interest rate” (the real interest rate that would be consistent with the efficient use of all available factors of production). In the absence of anything else,
however, variation in this exogenous disturbance has no effect on output, it only
serves to change the real interest rate it Etpt + 1. A second key element of this
theory of the crisis, then, is the fact that the real interest rate cannot adjust
freely and thus may be different from the efficient real interest rate. The reason
this happens in the model is that firms do not adjust their prices all the time giving rise to equation (3) and that the central bank cannot lower the interest rate
below zero. Perhaps even more importantly, in addition to assuming that prices
do not adjust all the time, I assume that firms will supply whatever amount of
stuff people demand of them. Thus, we can think of the firms like a hot dog
stand that is committed to serving as many hot dogs people want at the price
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Fiscal Policy
they post. As the only input in production in the model is labor, a higher
demand will mean firms sell more hot dogs (hires more labor), which ultimately
may drive up the wage rate and reduce profits. However, the key point is that
the firm needs to supply whatever is demanded at the price posted.
One might wonder if the type of behavior at the heart of the model – that
firms commit to sell whatever amount of goods people want to buy – is not very
suboptimal, given that prices may be exogenously fixed for some time. Should it
not be optimal for the firms to revisit their price continuously so that the model
under the current assumptions implies large losses in profits by the firms? Does
that not mean the underlying assumptions are implausible? One theoretical
foundation for the staggered pricing ‘short cut’ we use that is at the core of the
model dates at least back to Mankiw’s (1985) classic article ‘Small Menu Costs
and Large Business Cycles: A Macroeconomic Model of Monopoly.’ That article
shows that even if it may be individually rational for each firm to leave its price
unchanged (due to small menu costs), this can be very suboptimal for a society
as a whole. The key point is that these models typically feature ‘strategic complementarities’, that is, each firm does not want to change its price ‘too much’ if
the others are not doing the same. Hence, if there is a large fraction of firms that
does not change its prices at any given time (as in Calvo (1983)), the actual gains
from changing the price for each firm may not be very big (although this will in
general depend on the parameterization). This gives a natural story, then, for a
Keynesian ‘coordination failure’ in which nobody is changing their price because
they do not expect anybody else to be doing it. The firm is then left with supplying whatever is demanded at the price they post and this may lead to very
socially inefficient outcomes, even if no firm has any incentive to change its
pricing strategy.
A key implication of the assumption that firms will supply whatever is
demanded at the price they post is that equation (1) is then no longer just a
‘pricing equation’ for the real interest rate. Instead, it tells us how many goods
people will buy in the economy, which then determines the overall level of
employment. Thus, AD starts mattering. In principle, note that this equation
may not be very relevant, for example, if the central bank targets zero inflation
and it ¼ rte at all times. Then this equation just tells us what the nominal interest
rate needs to be for zero inflation. However, when the interest rate is zero and rte
is negative, this equation starts mattering a whole lot. This equation will then literally tell us how much will be produced and the amount of production may be
very different from the optimal – or first best – level. The real interest rate (under
our simple assumption above) is given by
it Et ptþ1 ¼ rlpS
For full employment, this real interest rate needs to be negative if rSe is negative.
If prices were perfectly flexible, then they would adjust so as to make this happen (the exact way in which that would happen depends on the assumed policy
rule, at zero interest rate, e.g. the only way this can happen is via expected inflation). However, things are not that simple under rigid prices because prices are
given by the staggered pricing decisions of the firms, i.e.
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G. B. Eggertsson
^ S þ blpS
pS ¼ jY
^ S is negative. And a
and this number will in general be less than zero as long as Y
negative YS is precisely what happens according to equation (5). Note that this
implies that the real interest in equation (7) is going in the wrong direction – we
want it to be negative – but because of the pricing equations of the firms given
by (8), we see that that inflation is negative, then we have expected deflation at
zero interest rate. This means that the real interest rate is positive rather than
negative, ‘it becomes more economical to sit on the money rather than spending
it’. Moreover, and perhaps paradoxically, this problem becomes worse as prices
become more flexible as we have already noted.
In summary, then, a recession happens in the model for the following reason:
Output is demand determined. This demand depends upon the real interest rate.
When there are large shocks, for example, stemming from the financial sector,
the required real rate may need to be negative. And Keynesian pricing frictions
prevent this adjustment from happening in a policy regime like the one we study
here, where inflation is in equilibrium very low so that the nominal interest rate
can only decrease to a very limiting extent. The result is a recession.
I have now laid out a simple theory of how a recession can take place, building
on a rich previous literature. According to the theory, it is a combination of a
shock that means that the economy ‘needs’ negative real interest rates and some
Keynesian pricing frictions that makes this difficult to accomplish. However,
what can fiscal policy do?
Before going further, I should clarify that the experiments I will do in what
follows will not be what is the fully optimal fiscal policy. Instead, I look at the
effect of incremental change in tax and spending at the margin. The hope is, of
course, that these partial results give some insights into optimal policy design.8 I
also should make clear that I do not discuss here the difficult issue of policy
credibility in a liquidity trap an issue that fiscal policy is actually quite naturally
suited to address as already hinted at in the introduction (this is a theme of
some of my earlier work, see, e.g. Eggertsson (2001, 2006)).
We can already see in equation (1) that one way to directly stimulate spending – and thus counteract the fall in rte – is raising government spending or cutting sales taxes in the short run. In a simple estimation exercise in Denes et al.
(2013), the implied multiplier of government spending – i.e. the amount output
increases for every dollar of spending – is 1.2 when the model is calibrated to
match Great Recession (GR) data in the US and 2.2 when calibrated to match
As shown in Eggertsson and Woodford (2004) then the first best can be replicated in this model
if the government has access to enough policy instruments, see also Farhi et al. (2013) for similar
results in more general settings. Yet, as the current crisis makes clear, government are quite far
away from exploiting fiscal instruments to this extent, perhaps reflecting some political constraints or unmodeled rigidities in the tax system.
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Fiscal Policy
the GD US data. These relatively large multipliers at zero interest rate contrast
with the much lower multiplier of 0.4 at positive interest rate. The reason is that
once the zero bound is binding and inflation and output are below where the
central bank would ideally like these variables to be, there is no reason for the
bank to offset the increase in AD triggered by government spending. Under regular circumstances, however, the central bank will increase the nominal interest
rate in response. Moreover, the amplification mechanism we outlined in the past
section (the interplay between current demand and expected future output and
deflation) makes this policy very powerful, in just the same way as it made the
financial shock potentially very contractionary at zero interest rates.
The expansionary effect of fiscal policy becomes even bigger once one takes
into account the type of financial frictions we argued could give natural foundations for the exogenous shock rte . Eggertsson and Krugman (2012), for example,
show that fiscal policy is even more expansionary when borrowers are at their
‘borrowing constraint’, which is the key to derive this shock. The reason is that
the borrowers will increase their spending one-to-one with every extra dollar of
income in the model. The model then obtains the old Keynesian flavor that
higher spending increases disposable income in a circular fashion: Higher government spending implies higher incomes for people, which implies higher
spending, which again implies higher demand, again implying higher income,
which then again implies spending…. etc., this is the ‘classic’ government spending multiplier story.
Despite large multipliers at zero interest rate, there has been much discussion
in the aftermath of the crisis of 2008 of ‘austerity measures’ in order to improve
economic outcomes. The main motivation behind austerity is to reduce budget
deficits. Before proceeding further in evaluating this idea, it is worth asking in
the context of our model: What happens if you cut government spending or
raise sales taxes to the budget deficit? As we shall see, the usual logic that you
tighten the belt to restore budget balance may be overturned at the zero interest
rate bound.
To be more explicit, the thought experiment we do is the following: Suppose
that tax rates, i.e. ^sIt ¼ ^sst ¼ 0, stay at their steady state at all times. Suppose fur^ t ¼ 0 in the short run, i.e. when t < tS and
thermore that the lump-sum tax T
then reverts to balance the budget in the long run (how and when this happens
in the long run is not of principal importance due to Ricardian equivalence).
As suggested by equation (4), the budget deficit in the short run is given by
^t b ð1 þ iÞb
^S ¼ b b
s ^
¼ ð1 þ iÞ½iS pS ðs þ s ÞY S þ GS ^sS ^sS T
We can see that the last term on the right hand side is the policy driven component of the deficit, i.e. the component that depends upon what fiscal policy does
with government spending and taxes. In the thought experiment we did above,
^ S because we want to understand what is the effect of
this component is simply G
government spending austerity on the budget deficit. The second component,
however, is the endogenous component of the budget deficit, i.e. tax revenues
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G. B. Eggertsson
from income taxes and sales taxes (kept at their steady state rate). This term will
go up or down, depending on the short-term level of output. Thus, for example,
if the cut in government spending reduces the deficit one-to-one according to
the last ‘policy driven term’, this effect can be overturned by the fact that the
^ S shrinks to such an extent that less taxes are collected than before
tax base Y
and the deficit increases as a result rather then decreases. Finally, the first part
on the right hand side reflects the interest rate cost of the government.
It can be shown in this model that at positive interest rate, a cut in government spending will always reduce the deficit and will do so roughly one-to-one
(see Denes et al. (2013)). The reason for this is that demand does not contract by
much even if the government cuts spending because the central bank will cut
the nominal interest rate to offset it so that the endogenous component of the
deficit (the second term on the right hand side) is largely unaffected. This picture
changes dramatically once the nominal interest rate is zero, however. In that
case, the central bank cannot offset the negative demand effect of the cut in government spending. As a consequence, the endogenous component of the deficit
can take a life of its own, in particular the drop in the tax base can easily become
big enough so that the gain from cutting government spending is wiped out.
The exact condition for this effect to dominate is
1 þ ss þ Yb ð1 þ iÞ 1bl
r1 w
\0 if
[C ¼
sI þ ss þ Yb ð1 þ iÞ 1bl
In other words, if the multiplier of government spending, DDG
^ S , is larger than Γ,
then the deficit will always increase when the government cuts spending at a
zero interest rate. In the numerical example from Denes et al. (2013), the deficit
increases if government spending is cut using the US Great Depression calibration, i.e. a dollar cut in the spending increases the deficit by 30 cents. The GR
scenario is much less extreme and a cut in government spending does in fact
reduce the deficit. However, it does so by less than one-to-one, a one dollar cut
in the government spending reduces the deficit by about 50 cents. Flipping this
around, we see that, in the GD case, government spending is self-financing,
whereas in the GR case the endogenous increase in output fills about half the
gap created in the budget, i.e. for a dollar increase in spending, the deficit only
increases by half that much.
It is worth noting that the Denes et al. (2013) numerical example is relatively
conservative as it does not incorporate the increase in the government spending
multiplier that may occur due to financial frictions as for example in Eggertsson
and Krugman (2012). The point is, even without these additional channels for
fiscal policy, the zero bound implies a very important effect of the ‘endogenous’
component of the deficit, that is the effect of the erosion of the tax base that
happens if austerity is implemented at the lower bound for the short-term nominal interest rate.
Another immediate conclusion of the model is that a policy of raising sales
taxes to curb the deficit faces a similar problem. Increasing sales taxes in the
short run may in fact reduce the tax base to such an extent (via contractionary
effect on demand) that those tax hikes increase rather than decrease the deficit.
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Fiscal Policy
This, then, puts the economy squarely on the wrong side of the ‘Laffer curve’
when constrained by the zero bound.
This constitutes a key lesson: At zero interest rate, the scope for balancing the
budget by cutting spending or increasing sales taxes is limited, and may even be
so limited that it becomes counterproductive. For the southern part of Europe,
which is facing an unemployment crisis of similar order as the US in the GD,
this should be sobering news. That does not answer, however, how the deficit by
itself affects short-run demand, an issue that we now turn to.
So far we have only discussed how two popular policies intended to balance the
budget (sales tax increases and government spending cuts) can increase rather
than reduce the deficit when the zero bound is binding.
We have not addressed, however, the main motivation for these kinds of policies in the first place, that reducing deficits is important to ‘increase confidence’.
What proponents of this view often have in mind is that deficits, in themselves,
have some important implications for expectations about the future evolution of
the economy and that these expectations are critical to understand the effect of
short-run policies. That is presumably what people often have in mind when
they say that austerity policies are necessary to ‘increase confidence’. The model
has the stark prediction that deficits have no effect on short-run demand at positive
interest rate under the policy regime we consider. This changes, however, once
she short-term nominal interest has collapsed to its lower bound. In that case,
deficits may have important implications, the exact effect depends upon the
fiscal policy regime as we will see shortly.
Before going further, let me be clear about how I think about the effect of deficits in the model. The most logical way to think about this, in my view, is that
deficits may matter in the short run because they may have an effect on expecta^ t or even the future
tion about future taxes, ^sIt , ^sst and government spending G
monetary policy regime. In the context of our assumption about the temporary
shock, rSe , we assume that a deficit may have an effect on the long-run taxes, ^sIL ,
^ L , instead of changing only lump-sum taxes as we
^ssL or government spending G
supposed in last section (which are neutral due to Ricardian equivalence). (If the
deficit affects the future monetary policy regime, we simply suppose that this
happens via change in the long-run inflation target pL, more on that later).
Consider first any period at positive interest rate (this applies, e.g. to the long
run when t ≥ tS in our example above) if the central bank successfully targets zero
inflation at all times. Then by equation (3), output is given by (substituting in for
pt = 0 at all times because the central bank manages to target zero inflation)
^ t ¼ wð^ss þ ^sI Þ þ wr1 G
which reveals that if the central bank successfully targets zero inflation then
expectations about future taxes or spending have no effect on output. Output at
time t is pinned down only by current fiscal policy at time t. This key result is
what underlines the statement above that deficits have no effect in the model at
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G. B. Eggertsson
positive interest rates. What role does AD play? Because the central bank successfully targets zero inflation, then equation (1) only serves to pin down the nominal interest rate, i.e. it is only a pricing equation for the nominal interest rate
the central bank needs to set to ensure zero inflation.
The IS equation, however, plays a dramatically different role once the nominal
interest rate hits zero. At that point equation (1) no longer plays the role of just
pinning down the nominal interest rate needed to implement zero inflation.
Instead, because the central bank has already cut the interest rate to zero, this
equation tells us how many goods people buy. Thus, the economy becomes
entirely demand determined. To be more specific, let us write out equation (1)
taking into account our assumption of the stochastic process for rte and assuming
it is low enough so that the zero bound is binding. Furthermore, let us suppose
that taxes, spending and inflation all stay at the same value in the long run. We
then obtain an AD relationship:
^ S GL rvs lss þ rvs ss
^S ¼ Y
^ L þ rl pS þ rpL þ r r e þ G
1l S
Contrast equation (10) that determines output in the short run if the nominal
interest rate is zero with equation (9) that determines output in the short run at
positive interest rate. One immediate and obvious implication is that in this rela^L
^ L ; ^ss and G
tionship expectations about the long run matter, i.e. the variables Y
matter for the determination of short-run output. Hence, to the extent that a
deficit in the short-term affects any of these variables, a deficit may either
increase or decrease output in the short run. The equilibrium output is then
determined by the intersection of the curve (10) and the (3) equation in the
short run given by
^ S þ jwvI ^sI þ jvs^ss r1 jwG
ð1 blÞpS ¼ jY
Figure 1 shows the determination of equilibrium by showing the intersection of
^ S Þ space. At a positive interest rate, the AD
the AS and the AD curve in (pS, Y
curve is simply a horizontal line, output is completely determined by the AS
equation (9) that will always intersect the AD equation at zero inflation. And the
Figure 1
Aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the model
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Fiscal Policy
central bank will simply set the nominal interest rate to make it so. Importantly,
here, expectations about future taxes and spending are irrelevant for output and/
or inflation, they only have an effect on the interest rate the central bank needs
to set to achieve its goals. Once there are shocks so that the central bank is
unable to cut the nominal interest rate further (due, e.g. to the zero bound),
then the AD curve is no longer horizontal, but instead upward sloping and equilibrium occurs in point B.9 Importantly, at this point, then expectations about
future fiscal variables will have a direct effect on demand. In particular, we see
(1) Expectation of higher future labor taxes, ^sIL , shifts the AD curve back and
thus reduces output. The reason is that expectations of higher future labor
taxes reduce people’s expectations about future output and future income,
thus suppressing their willingness to consume today since the goal is to
smooth consumption over time.
^ L , shifts the curve for(2) Expectation of lower future government spending, G
ward thus increasing output. The reason for this is that lower future government spending leaves more room for private consumption in the long run,
which in turn stimulates consumption demanded today since people try to
smooth consumption over time.
(3) Expectation of a higher future sales tax shifts AD out thus increasing output.
The reason is simply that with higher future sales taxes, people want to take
advantage of the lower tax rate today thus increasing demand.
(4) Expectation of higher long-run inflation shifts AD out and thus increases
output in equilibrium. The reason is that higher inflation expectations at
constant interest rate decrease the real interest rate – the price of spending
money today relative to that in the future – thus increasing AD.
The bottom line then is that expectations of future fiscal policy can play an
important role at the zero bound. Usually the fiscal policies described above – at
least under the monetary policy regime we consider – are simply offset by monetary policy. However, the zero bound is the Pandora box that brings out AD in
full force, and the AD that critically depends on expectation about future fiscal
policy. In this sense, then, there is something to the notion that ‘confidence’
matters because expectations about future fiscal policy are important.
One immediate implication of the proceeding discussion is that deficit can
have an important effect on AD at zero interest rate to the extent that they trig^ L and ^sI or trigger a
ger shifts in expectations about future fiscal variables ^ssL ; G
change in the long-run monetary policy regimes that determines pL. However,
these effects are a bit different, however, than sometimes suggested. Suppose, for
example, that a higher deficit today implies that in order to pay down future
^ L or increase ^ss . That would make deficit
debt the government will reduce G
expansionary (thus ‘increasing confidence’). The same applies if people expect
that it will lead the central bank to inflate away some of the debt accumulated
As dicussed in more detail in Eggertsson (2010a), the fact that the AD curve is upward sloping at
zero interest rates has interesting implications in itself, such as giving rise to the ‘paradox of toil’,
see Eggertsson (2010b).
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G. B. Eggertsson
via higher pL. Conversely, if the deficit triggers expectations of higher future
income taxes, then it is contractionary (thus ‘reducing confidence’).
The most pertinent question today seems to be if the possibility of higher future
income taxes can possibly undo the effect of the short-run stimulus, for example,
one generated by an increase in government spending. In particular, let us focus
on the case in which higher government spending today may imply higher future
income taxes and thus possibly undo the positive effect of a stimulus.
Let me here briefly report two thought experiments in Denes et al. (2013) that
are aimed at getting at this issue. The bottom line is that even if one assumes
that all future debt is financed by income taxes (thus suppressing long-run output), this does not have a quantitatively large effect and is thus unlikely to make
austerity imposed by cuts in government spending or increases in sales taxes
expansionary unless further assumptions are made, given the large fiscal multipliers already reported.
A word of caution is in order at this stage: The estimated model is incredibly
simple and abstracts from a number of important features (e.g. capital accumulation, wage frictions, investment dynamics, the approximation methods applied,
and so on). I do think it is still interesting to put numbers on the simple model
because my personal experience is that this simple model usually gives a relatively good idea for what to expect in a more detailed model, since at least at
the current state of modeling technology, most DSGE models have the same
basic ingredients as the simple model presented here.
Consider first a policy regime in which at time 0 there is a one-time increase
in public debt (one-time deficit) and that this debt is then paid off once the
shock reverts back to steady state at a rate d (Denes et al. (2013) set the d so that
the half-life of this additional debt is five years). We can think of banking crisis
as one example of an event that may trigger this kind of one-time increase in
public debt. Such a crisis often involves substantial one-time financial commitment by the government (that does not imply any direct variation in the instru^ t in the short run and can thus be modeled as direct increase in
ments ^sIt ; ^sst or G
debt). In this case, each additional dollar of debt reduces short-run demand by
about 20 cents in the short run in the GD scenario and 10 cents in the GR scenario.
Obviously, these effects are larger if we assume instead that this is not a onetime increase in the debt, but instead that debt increases by 1$ in every state of
the world in which the zero bound is binding (i.e. we consider a deficit occurring
in all crisis states in which rte \0Þ. In the numerical example reported above, this
raises the deficits spending multiplier to 1.9 in the GD case and to 0.3 in the
GR case. However, recall that in the GD example government spending is selffinancing, so this effect cannot undo the positive effect of increasing spending,
since those spending increases reduce the deficit in the first place. The GR calibration is more interesting, since their government spending does imply some
short-run deficit, and thus this effect could in principle overturn the case for
expansionary fiscal policy. As is clear from this number, however, 0.3 and with
a multiplier of real government spending of 1.2 that increases deficit by about
50 cents for every dollar spent, the numbers do not support a strong case against
government spending even under this particular policy regime.
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Fiscal Policy
Let me finally just note that the preceding paragraphs illustrate the effects of
deficits on output under the assumption that they are financed by future income
taxes. In those cases – the sort of worst case scenario for expansionary policy –
there is a possible scope for drop in ‘confidence’ to undermine fiscal policy. If
deficits trigger instead either expectations of a drop in the long-run size of the
government (to finance the debt) or an increase in sales taxes, then the deficit
actually becomes expansionary as we discussed above. Under those policy
regimes, the case for fiscal policy becomes even stronger.
I have here reviewed the theory underlying much recent work on the origin of
the current economic crisis. The two main pillars are financial shocks and Keynesian pricing friction. Added to these two pillars is the fact that the central bank
cannot offset large enough financial shocks via interest rate cuts due to the zero
bound and one has a coherent theory of the crisis.
Overall, this theory suggests a very strong case for activist fiscal policy, at least
as long as monetary policy is not bridging the output gap. This remains the case
at zero interest rates even if one explicitly takes into account that fiscal policy
may imply some deficits and that those deficits could trigger expectations of
future tax hikes. One important element we have not explicitly addressed,
however, is the extent to which fiscal policy may affect the rates at which the
government can borrow. Instead, we assumed that this rate was given by the
risk-free interest rate set by the central bank.
In the current European case, however, this distinction may be important (see
Denes et al. (2013) for further discussion of this point) because the governments
of the Southern European countries face different interest rates than those set by
the ECB. If – for whatever reason – fiscal policy leads to a drastic increase in this
financing costs, and if those costs trigger expectations of higher future income
taxes, the model suggest that this may undo some of the positive effect of the
stimulus. This, then, suggests an even further argument for fiscal integration in
the European context, as in principle a government that prints its own currency
should always be able to peg its own borrowing rate close to or equal to the shortterm nominal risk-free rate (as it can simply print money to payoff the loan).
Prepared for the symposium, ‘Government Debt in Democracies: Causes, Effects,
and Limits’, 30 November and 1 December 2012, sponsored by the Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, the Berlin- Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, and the Freie Universitat at Berlin. I am grateful to the participant in
the symposium for comments.
Address for correspondence: Gauti B. Eggertsson, Department of Economics,
Brown University, Robinson Hall, 64 Waterman Street, Providence, RI 02912,
USA. Tel.: +4018632145; fax: +4018631970; e-mail:
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G. B. Eggertsson
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