Geographic information system (GIS), management homework help

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Business Finance


Do not be panic from this long assignment because it looks complicated but actually its very simple. Its just about 1400 words.

Objective: In this project, you will experience the “realities” of planning for a disaster by using the computer planning simulation software, Stop Disasters. you will write up a small report detailing their attempt to plan a community. (Directions for using website are at the end of this sheet).

1) Go to the following website: Or

2) Click Play Game

3) Click Launch Game

4) Click Instructions and read them carefully.

5) Click Continue and then Play Game

6) Choose one of the scenarios (for example, the Earthquake Scenario, etc.)

7) Choose Easy Level

8) Then it will tell the student what you need to accomplish:

9) You have a budget of $50,000

10) I would click the Show Risk word, so you can see each parcel’s risk

11) Right below the Show Risk, you will see a SMALL map, click around it. It will allow you to move around the larger map.

12) For the first few times, play around with the game and try to meet all the objectives. For example, when you click on an empty space it will give you options. Or when you click on a parcel that has a building, it will give you options to demolish or upgrade.

13) You are NOT going to be able to protect every house and do not worry if after you finish the game it states you FAIL. It means you did NOT complete all of the key facts, etc.

14) When you feel comfortable, it is time to play the game for real. So please keep track of the following (Part 3):

A) What is your strategy before playing the game? What are you going to accomplish first, etc?

B) The disaster will hit…..

C) Click Reports

D) How many people died?

E) Did you spend all your money?

15) Ok, now write up a paragraph on your experiences:

A) What did you do wrong? What would you change? So this Discussion should be in length:

Strategy Before Game (350 words)

Experiences After Game (350 Words)

Total Discussion = 700 Words

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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: Stop Disaster Game


Stop Disaster Game
Due Date:
Name of Instructor:

Stop Disaster Game


Stop Disaster Game
Strategy Before the Game
Before the earthquake that hit the town, I could see that there were many people who
were walking all over the place and also who were clearly in need of shelter and proper housing.
On the first trial of the game, I had spent so much of my allocated time on the retroffing of
buildings which unfortunately when the earthquake came I realized that I had not built enough if
any homes to house all the people affected by the disaster. This ended up leaving a lot of
devastation although not as much as an actual large magnitude earthquake would. In my map,
there was an image of an early warning system. This system helps count down seconds till the
occurrence of the earthquake.
Since it is extremely difficult to predict when the earthquake is likely to occur, my very
first strategy would be to put the services of this device into use. They say prevention is always
better than cure and therefore it is with no doubt that I know that estimating the likely time for
the occurrence of the earthquake would be one of the key factors to saving the lives of my
beloved people and the economic impacts of the earthquake. After knowing when the earthquake
was likely to strike, my second strategy would be using my money well to construct safe houses
in the more stable regions of my map with the help of the game indicators as they are able to
show me where to construct what kind of structure and where exactly not to construct certain
structures. After the construction, my next strategy would be investing in the evacuation of
people to the safe places and the more stable region...

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