paraphrasing, economics homework help

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Unemployment – Before the recession, the unemployment rate was rather low in 2006 (approx. 5%), but as the recession hit in 2008, we see an increase to 6% and eventually, at the peak of the recession, up to 10% unemployment as seen in the middle of 2009. This indicates that there are more people without jobs which would be expected as businesses downsize during economic downfall causing many layoffs. Labor Force Participation – At the peak in 2007, at around 66.5% of the population was part of the labor force participation. However, as there are more and more retirees, the labor force participation is dropping. Less people are actively working or unemployed as they retire causing this statistic to steadily decline since 2007. We will continue to see this decline until all “baby-boomers” have retired and replaced with “Gen X” population. It is important to note that the labor force participation rate is made up of both employed and unemployed persons 16 and older. As a result, the recession does not have a direct impact on this statistic as it is more based on age/population and ability for people to work. Average weekly hours of all employees – This statistic mirrors unemployment as seen in the graph. In 2007, total hours worked was at a high of 34.5 hours per week average. In 2008, the hours begin to decline and in the middle of 2009, it takes a drastic decline to 33.75 hours per week average. Also, following the decline, in 2010, we see it begin to increase again. We conclude from the graph that jobs were cut during the 2008 recession. Two things could have happened, less full time workers had jobs to work during the recession, or full time workers used to working up to 40 hours per week were not able to work their full amount of hours due to cuts in jobs and work hours not being available (not enough work for those in the labor force). Employers downsized due to lack of revenue coming in and a weakening dollar that affected the labor force. Conclusion: The unemployment rate and total average weekly hours worked data mirror each other. In 2006, there was a low unemployment rate of about 5% and a high average hours worked of 34.5 hours. As the recession began in 2008, unemployment increased while average hours worked decreased respectively. Labor force participation rate, on the other hand, has a different pattern in that it peaks at 66% in 2006 and slowly declines through the recession years and thereafter. Analysis (cycle recession, trough, peak, etc.)
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Here you go. In case of any further inputs, please let me know.All the best!I appreciate working with you!

Prior to the recession, the unemployment rate was fairly low in 2006 (approx. 5%), yet as
the recession hit in 2008, we see an expansion to 6% and in the end, at the pinnacle of the recession,
up to 10% unemployment as found amidst 2009. These shows there are more individuals without
occupations, which would be normal as organizations cut back amid monetary defeat creating
numerous cutbacks.

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