SEU How the Congress Issues Important Regulations to Control the Country Discussion

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Saudi electronic university


the book is

  • Kubasek, N. K., Brown, M. N., Herron, D. J., Giampetro-Meyer, A., Barkacs, L. L., Dhooge, L. J., & Williamson, C. (2012). Dynamic business law (2nd ed., Custom Publish). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN:0-07-757264-5.

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• Research an article that applies to a relevant topic you want to learn about in this course • Post description of the article and why it is relevant (1.2)
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.Let me know if you have any comments or questions!

1) I would like to learn in this class about the most important fundamentals of law,
including the operation of the congress, its participants, and the factors that are
discussed there.

I have chosen this article:

The article talks about the functioning of the executive branch, it also talks about how
the congress issues important regulations to control the country. In short, it talks about
the functioning of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. I believe that we
should all be aware and internalize o...

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