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Business Finance


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! ! ! !! Project!assignment!brief!! Module!Title:! Title!of!Assignment:! HandHout!date:! ! HandHin!date:! ! Weighting!within!the! module! Word!limit/presentation! criteria! Search!and!Social!Media!Marketing! Online!campaign!project!(RKC)!cw2! March!2017! Level!7! Please!see!submission!deadline!in!OnlineCampus.! 50%!! Project!report!word!limit!is!3000!words.!! ! A!10%!penalty!will!be!imposed!for!every!100!words!over!the!word! limit! Learning!Outcomes!to!be! 1.! Critically! evaluate! the! principles! and! processes! involved! in! assessed!! developing! integrated! marketing! communications,! including! (from!module!spec.)! the! impact! of! technology! and! other! environmental! influences! ! on!marketing!communications!and!the!media.!! ! 2.! Analyse! the! benefits,! problems! and! challenges! faced! by! businesses! in! using! various! social! media! marketing! communication!tools!within!complex!global!environments.! 3.! Critically! discuss! the! evolution! of! online! marketing! strategies! and!the!latest!trends!and!practices.! 4.! Critically!discuss!and!evaluate!websites!based!on!their!search! and!social!media!optimisation!and!digital!presence.!! 5.! Develop! a! digital! marketing! strategy! focusing! on! content/message! leading! to! media/channel! and! tracking/measurement!of!implementation.! ! ! Details!of!the!task:! ! ! ! ! ! ! Your!assignment!is!to!critically!analyse!a!website,!provide! recommendations!to!improve!its!search!results,!and!plan!an! online!ad!campaign!to!promote!the!site.!You!are!encouraged!to! use!your!creativity!and!select!tools!to!make!this!possible.! ! Select!just!ONE!of!the!following!websites:! ! •! Robert!Kennedy!College!–!!! •! Salford!Business!School!–!!! •! Your!own!company!website!(must!be!in!English!with!a! minimum!of!5!pages)! 1 ! Project!report!structure:!! ! I.!Scholarship!H!25!marks:!! ! You!must!conduct!market!research!and!data!analysis!to!provide!a! thorough!justification!for!your!recommendations.!! ! This!can!include!primary!data!(current!website!content,!interviews! or!surveys!of!potential!users),!a!tabular!extract!from!Keyword! Research,!competitor!activity!analysis!in!this!area,!screen!shots! of!current!competitors’!ranking!for!your!primary!keyword!terms! using!different!tools!such!as!Google!Keyword!planner!tool,! Google!Trends,!Google!Insights!for!Search,!etc.!! ! II.!Analysis!–!25!marks:!! ! You!must!critically!evaluate!the!principles!and!processes!involved! in!search!engine!optimization!and!website!content!strategy.!This! consists!of!3!parts:!! ! 1.!Evaluation!of!current!rank.!Use!SEMRush,!Open!Site! Explorer!and!a!number!of!other!tools!to!record!the!site's!overall! Google!Rank,!backlinks,!and!other!relevant!data.!Please!be!sure! to!note!the!exact!date!of!your!evaluation,!since!the!website!may! change.!Why!do!you!think!the!site!is!not!ranking!higher?!Please! support!your!opinion!with!research.! ! 2.!Keyword!evaluation.!Select!a!minimum!5!keywords!using! Google!AdWords!Keyword!Planner,!and!show!their!average! monthly!searches!and!competition!level.!Why!did!you!select!these! keywords?!While!noting!that!individual!results!may!vary,!where! does!the!website!currently!rank!in!terms!of!SERP!(Search!Engine! Results!Page!and!page!position)?!How!do!key!competitors!rank! on!the!same!keywords?! ! ! ! 3.!AIDA+!evaluation.!In!your!opinion,!how!well!does!the!current! website!create!Awareness!of!the!brand!and!product/service!it! offers`!create!Interest!in!readers!to!find!out!more`!create!Desire! for!the!product/service`!generate!Action!in!terms!of!conversions! (such!as!purchasing,!registration,!or!business!objective)`!and! provide!Satisfaction!to!current!and!past!customers!(customer! service,!postapurchase!communications,!etc.).! ! III.!Campaign!–!50!marks:! ! Based!on!your!analysis,!create!a!brief!online!campaign!plan.!This! includes!5!parts:! ! 2 Assessment!Criteria:! 1.!Audience.!Identify!the!relevant!target!audience/customers!for! your!campaign.! ! 2.!SMART!goals.!Set!oneayear!objectives!for!your!website!that! are!Specific,!Measurable,!Achievable,!Relevant,!and!Timeabound.! This!should!include!both!SEO!and!AIDA+!performance.! ! 3.!KPI's.!Set!Key!Performance!Indicators!to!measure!whether! your!SMART!objectives!are!being!met.! ! 4.!Content.!Identify!the!major!content!changes!you!would!make! on!the!website!to!achieve!your!objectives,!and!justify!your! recommendations!using!research.!This!includes!placement!of! keywords,!renaming!sections,!adding!or!deleting!other!sections,! and!inclusion!of!multimedia!content!(games,!videos,!etc.).! ! 5.!Online!ad!campaign.!With!a!hypothetical!budget!of! US$10,000,!plan!an!ad!campaign!with!text!ads!on!Google,! Facebook,!LinkedIn!OR!Twitter.!(Pick!2!of!the!4,!and!do!not!do! banneratype!display!ads.)!What!keywords!will!you!target,!and! what!will!your!ad!say?!Show!your!planned!budget!in!detail.!Be! original!—!do!not!copy!any!ads!that!are!being!run!now!or!in!the! past.! ! (Total:!100!marks)! ! !! Marking!Scheme! ! The!attached!guidance!is!in!addition!to!the!general!assessment! criteria!guidelines!for!degree!classifications!contained!in!your! programme!handbook.!!Your!attention!is!also!drawn!to!the!School! policy!on!plagiarism!and!referencing!and!you!should!make! reference!to!the!University!study!guide!web!site! ! ! 3 •! Project(report(and(Artefact( Indicative Grades: 90-100 “Shining example” Outstanding Scholarship: Independence of work conducted, research, linking of knowledge from other modules, different analytics and competitors’ analysis. Outstanding independent scholarly work, showing a high level of synthesis and analysis. Use of high quality sources. Organisation: Of a) pilot project work and b) campaign proposal. Gantt Chart for work done and campaign launch, work allocation chart, Risk assessment, minutes etc.). Process Report (approximately 50% weighting ) Overall level (indicative – not for grading) Practical or consultancy deliverables (where appropriate) (Academic justification of work conducted) Artefact (approx. 50% weighting) Artefact: Outstanding organisation, using all required and supplementary processes. Outstanding initiative and campaign implementation The project output was of outstanding quality and exceeding expectations. Use of extensive research and creativity. 80-89 70-79 60-69 “To professional standard” Excellent Excellent scholarly work, some synthesis and analysis of peer reviewed publications. Excellent level of independent work. Excellent organisation, using all required processes and practices. Excellent initiative. “Went beyond expectations” Very Good Very good scholarly work. Some synthesis or analysis. Very good level of independent work “Fulfilled the requirements” Good Good evidence of scholarly work Good level of independent work “Need for improvement” Fair Fair evidence of scholarly work, with some deficiencies. Project required supervision Very good organisation utilising all required processes and practices. Very good initiative. Good organisation utilising appropriate required processes and practices Fair organisation utilising most required processes and practices The project output was of excellent quality. Excellent use of research and creativity to justify the campaign. The project output was of very good quality. Very good use of research and creativity to justify the campaign. The project output was of good quality. Good use of research and creativity to justify the campaign. The project output was of fair quality. Fair use of research and creativity to justify the campaign. 4 50-59 40-49 0-39 “Just about managed” Adequate Adequate scholarly work conducted; deficiencies in synthesis and independent thought. Project required a lot of supervision Adequate organisation utilising some required processes and team working practices “There is a lot to learn” Unacceptable From unsatisfactory to extremely poor scholarly work. 0 is given for no attempt to engage with scholarly activities. Project required high level of supervision From unsatisfactory to extremely poor organisation utilising very few required processes and team working practices The project output was of adequate quality. Adequate use of research and creativity to justify the campaign. The project has failed to meet the minimum justification or creativity to develop a good eCommerce marketing campaign.
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wow.that was we copy.tip me something please if you don't mind :)


In this paper, I am going to analyse the Salford-Robert Kennedy College website and
provide a detailed insight into it and how it ca boost its online presence. This website being a
school website is not meant to have a lot of pomp and glamour but atleast it should look
professional, appealing and easy to use. This website sure looks professional but when it comes
to the appeal aspect, there is no much that can be termed as appealing on it. The homepage is
what prompts one to continue exploring whatever they are looking for in a website and the ease
by which they can find this, the better. The homepage of many websites usually have nice
looking pictures of people, structures, etc. and just a few words which can be descriptive or links
to whatever one is looking for but this website's homepage is full of words! Words are usually
intimidating to many people and immediately they see so many words they lose their morale to
continue exploring the website when actually what they might be looking for could be available
on it. This page has information about the Universities master’s programme. This information
could have been provided on another page and not directly on the homepage where they hit
visitor right in the face and make them look for another website where they can see smiling
student or college structures first before they can click a link to follow and get to the masters
programme page where they can start reading about it with seriousness. The homepage is like the
front door of a home and the front pouch. When people are looking for a home to buy, they will
go for a home which has a nice pouch and front door but if they see weeds growing on the porch
and the door is broken and the paint is peeling, they immediately move to the next house.



1. Evaluation of Current Rank
Search engine optimization is a technique that is used to ensure that one’s website gets as
much traffic as possible (Zilincan, 2015, September). This technique involves use of keywords

among other methods to make sure when one types in the search engine a word, your website
ranks among the first one in the results. This has seen many organizations increase their online
presence and some have even resorted to dubious means to get themselves ranked among the
first ones and ended up being blacklisted. Search engine optimization involves coding that was
done for the website, the editing of its content especially HTML, and the removal of any barriers
that might come in the way of search engine indexing (Zilincan, 2015, September). One can also
promote their site so that the number of backlinks to their website is increased. On 25th of April
2017, this website yielded 28 total backlinks, there were 32 paid searches and there were 10400
display advertisement with about 215 publishers on Organic search yielded 0
searches on this platform. On, the site ranked at 25/100 in domain authority. When it
comes to spam score, the site ranked at 3/17, it ranked 28/100 on page authority, had four root
domains and 104 total links in established links on 25th April 2017. These two tools however do
not show overall Google ranks. This website might not be ranking higher because of the look
that it has when one visits it. One...

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