Plotting polynomials

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using C# and make it too simple please.

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Engr 123 Assignment 08 Plot and the Charting tool Assigned: April 10, 2017 Due: April 24, 2017 Not accepted late Write a C# program to plot a polynomial in the Cartesian plane. Your program should the chart tool in the C# forms toolbox. For input your program will need the polynomial coefficients, the x and y scale numbers, and the title for the chart. The polynomial coefficients should be entered into a text box, separated by spaces or commas as doubles. For example the polynomial given by: y = 4x?-10.9.x2 +3.2.x - 9 Would be entered as 4 - 10.9 3.2 -9 or as 4, -10.9, 3.2, -9 Your program should accept either format. Your user GUI should look something like that in Figure 1. Asn Soln x About Polynomial Plot xMin xMax Figure 1 Typical GUI for assignment 8. In Figure 1 the large open area in the middle is the chart tool which is listed in the Forms tool box under the Data items. Your program should warn the user about incorrect formats in the polynomial or in the entry of xMin and xMax (for example if xMax is less than xMin). The user should also be able to enter a polynomial and get a plot and change the values in the polynomial or in the xMin and xMax numbers to get a replot without restarting the program. Note that the range of values will always be from xMin to xMax but you should fix the number of terms to 1024 so that the increment in x is (xMax - xMin)/1024. Your project should also have a menu item called About. When the user click on About you should display a second window which gives some information about the program. A sample About box is shown in Figure 2. About Engr 123 Assignment 8 Written by: Whoever April 13, 2017 Close Figure 2 Typical About box After you get your program running correctly, place a copy of the design into the project folder as a doc or docx file. Right click on the project folder and choose Send To → Compressed zip file. Rename the compressed zip file as where XXX are you three initials. Upload the renamed file to \\cecsfp01 \users everyone engr123.
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