FSM3001 Food Service Management Systems & Human Resource Applications
Term Project Part II: Final Term Project (100 points)
Due Date: Week 9
Required Paper Format: (10points)
Cover Page:
Per MLA format for each section submitted
Table of Contents:
1 page – MLA format for each section submitted
Project sections:
Part one- all sections must start on a new page
Part two- all sections must start on a new page
Works Cited Page:
1 page – MLA format for each section submitted
New Roman Times
Font Size:
12-point font
Line Spacing:
MLA format-double
MLA format- 1”
Page Numbers:
MLA format
All professional and business documents need to be formatted a such, including but not limited
to business letters, form documents etc.. This includes the use of logo’s business letterhead etc.
Note: Spelling, Grammar, Tone and Format matter– see rubric at the bottom of this document
for grading details.
The word “I” should not be used in a group project
Please refrain from the passive voice
The project is fun but be forewarned – it does take time to complete. Please plan accordingly
and do a professional job.
Suggested Starting Point for Resources
• City Data
• JWU Library
• Direct vs. Indirect Competitors
• HR Council
• Society for Human Resource Management (use resources and tools link)
• Your textbook
Professor Douglas D Stuchel, M.A.T, CHE
FSM3001 Updated Spring 2017
Part I Overview:
The restaurant observation is the first part of this project and requires students to team up in
groups of two to four students. Student teams are required to conduct an operation analysis of a
local full service restaurant. Note that the restaurant observation must be completed prior to
completing the second part of the project.
The purpose of part one of this assignment is to allow, through a critical analysis of a working
restaurant, the development of skills and knowledge linked with course objectives. These course
objectives include:
1. Identify the segments and trends of the hospitality industry
2. Define important technical terminology used in the hospitality industry.
3. Examine the organization and structure of hospitality and foodservice
4. Design an employee evaluation instrument that includes performance
Working as a team, you will visit the restaurant of your choice and gather data for parts I and II of
the project
Your goal is to take the concepts taught in the classroom and apply them in a real-life restaurant
setting. The project is fun but be forewarned – it does take time to complete. Please plan
accordingly and do a professional job.
Section 1.1 Introduction (10 points)
This section introduces your work following the guidelines and questions listed below.
a. Background of chosen operation including all the following
o Name and Address of establishment
o History of establishment if available
o Ownership type and management information
o Demographics- Who is there customer with rational
o 3 Direct/ 3 Indirect Competitors with rational
o How many seats in areas such as dining room, bar, etc
o Do they provide catering, if so please give an overview
o Industry Articles summary (no hyperlink)
o Mission Statement
▪ If they currently have a mission statement provide a rational for your
interpretation of its purpose and meaning
▪ If they currently don’t have a mission statement create one with a rational for
its purpose and meaning
Section 1.2 Analysis (20 points)
This section provides a detailed narrative about your findings following the guidelines and
questions listed below. This is where you present the key insights your team observed (where
you impress the reader with your keen observations). Make sure this section progresses logically
from one paragraph to the next. An easy way to assure you maintain logical progression is to
write up this section of the paper and analyze the content of each paragraph to confirm that the
Professor Douglas D Stuchel, M.A.T, CHE
FSM3001 Updated Spring 2017
main points in one paragraph link with or properly set up the very next one. A well written
paper flows from one paragraph to the next with intention and clarity.
Segment1) What restaurant segment does the proper fit into?
(i) Casual, fast casual, family, full service, fine dining etc.
(ii) Why do you think the restaurant fits in this segment? (with rational)
(iii) What is their price point?
(iv) Who is their target market? (with rational)
(v) Do they do anything that makes them unique?
(vi) Do they offer any value-added items? Gratis, music, happy hour, specials etc.
2) Can you make online reservations? if so how? What service/technology
3) Do they take phone reservations?
4) Do they have social media?
(a) What do they use?
(b) How do they use in from a marketing standpoint? (with rational)
(c) Who is their target market from your analysis of social media outlets?
(d) What would you change, stop or start if you were now the social media manager?
(detailed action plan)
(e) Do any of these methods appears to be working to promote the business? (with
5) What technology does the restaurant use? (point of sales, menu display, other)
6) Review their customer feedback: tweet’s, snapchat, text, videos, Yelp etc. give an
detailed overview of all methods used by customers and summarize the data.
7) Do a detailed menu analysis – your professional opinion, price, variety, quality, is the
menu current, etc.
8) Is the restaurant affiliated with any trade organizations, groups, (National Restaurant
Association, American Culinary Federation, Chefs Collaborative, James Beard
(i) If not, why?
Section 1.3 Conclusion (10 points)
Here’s where, in narrative form, you summarize your key points based on your findings. Make
the link between the content provided in the body of the paper (as evidence) and your final
perspective. Note that your conclusion represents your team’s professional perspective about
the case and your findings.
Professor Douglas D Stuchel, M.A.T, CHE
FSM3001 Updated Spring 2017
Part II Overview:
This project allows student teams to apply human resource concepts to the restaurant the
observed conducted during the term (project part I).
The purpose for this assignment is to allow, through a critical analysis of a working restaurant,
the development of skills and knowledge linked with course objectives. These course objectives
5. Identify the segments and trends of the hospitality industry
6. Define important technical terminology used in the hospitality industry.
7. Examine the organization and structure of hospitality and foodservice
8. Design an employee evaluation instrument that includes performance
Working as a team, you will assume the role of general manager of the restaurant you analyzed
for project part I. As general manager, you will conduct a human resource analysis with
recommendations following the outline listed below answering all questions in sections 1-6 from
the perspective of being the general manager of the restaurant you visited. Please maintain this
perspective throughout your project. Again - your goal is to take the concepts taught in the
classroom and apply them in a real-life restaurant setting. The project is fun but be forewarned –
it does take time to complete. Please plan accordingly and do a professional job.
Section 2.1: Human Resource Analysis: Organization Structure (10 points)
Develop and Organizational chart of the restaurant and explain each role. Estimate persons work in
each positon. Your organization chart must be in organizational chart format.
Write a narrative about how the restaurant team is organized with a brief description of each role in
the hierarchy. Include an organization chart in the narrative as an example (insert a JPEG of the chart
to make this easy).
• What key positions did you observe (general manager, executive chef, sous chef, cooks,
utility, FOH manager, bartender, servers, etc.)
• What does each role entail (what do these people do?)
• Which of these positions are management (why do you think this is the case)?
• Did you observe any examples of supervision or management occurring during your
Section 2.2: Human Resource Planning: Job Descriptions/Specifications (10 points)
In this section you will apply knowledge gained in class to draft three sample job descriptions:
• one hourly position (server, cook, bartender)
• one supervisory position (sous chef, FOH manager)
• one management position (executive chef, general manager).
Professor Douglas D Stuchel, M.A.T, CHE
FSM3001 Updated Spring 2017
Follow guidelines for developing a job description presented in your textbook (pgs. 34-39). Your job
descriptions must include: a job title, job summary, duties, and position requirements. You must use
the template provided to you when creating the job descriptions.
Using the internet, conduct research to see if the restaurant you visited has posted job descriptions
for these positions. If it has – how does your job description compare to the one(s) posted. What
observations can you share? If not give a rational in your opinion as to why.
The format of this section includes a brief introduction in narrative form explaining what you have
written and why followed by each of the three job descriptions (inserted after the narrative).
I may be easier to capture a PDF of the job description once it is complete and then convert the PDF
to a JPEG so you can insert it easily into the document. Format does matter. Each job description
should be separated from the other, when one stops start the next one on a new page.
Section 2.3: Human Resource Recruiting (10 points)
Now you will write a recruiting plan to fill the positions based on the job descriptions listed above for
all three positions.
Following guidelines presented in your text (pgs. 40-47), write a strategy for recruiting these three
Conduct internet research to determine how the restaurant you visited currently recruits
employees. Pull up a recruitment posting for the establishment and consider how the restaurant
communicated job openings. If the restaurant currently has no postings available to review explain
how (in your opinion) the restaurant currently recruits.
Create a help wanted recruitment ads for all three positions.
On three separate pages
Section 2.4: Employee Screening and Selection (10 points)
In this section you will write a brief employee screening and selection plan for the two positions you
seek to recruit following guidelines presented in your text (pgs. 48-58).
This includes the development of five behavior based (open ended) interview questions that you
would use for recruiting each position (15 total questions). Be sure to explain in narrative form why
you have chosen each question.
List the applicant tests you will use for screening candidates and explain why they will be used.
Create a job offer letter. (use company logo’s letterhead, etc.)
Create a rejection letter. (use company logo’s, letterhead, etc.)
Each letter should be on its own page
Professor Douglas D Stuchel, M.A.T, CHE
FSM3001 Updated Spring 2017
Section 2.5: New Hire Check List (5 points)
Based on the restaurant you analyzed, create a new hire checklist for use in your establishment (use
company logo, info etc. the checklist should be on its own page/pages.)
Be sure to explain why you selected each item on the list. Your explanation must be in narrative
form follow by the checklist itself. For more information, please refer to your text book (pgs. 70 -75)
Section 2.6: New Hire Orientation Plan, including an Orientation Checklist (5points)
Again – based on the restaurant you analyzed, create a detailed orientation plan including an agenda
and timeline for all new hires.
Consider all aspects of the role (as noted in the job description) that require orientation. Think about
what a good orientation program includes (general knowledge that all new hires should know) and
the process the person should go through to become familiar with the job and role expectations. For
more information, refer to your text book (pgs. 75-81)
Section 2.7: Employee Handbook (10 points)
Based on the restaurant you analyzed, create a list of the categories with specific topics you would
address in your employee handbook. (pgs. 79,94)
Section 2.8: New Hire Training Plan- 1 Task (10points)
Based on the restaurant you analyzed, create a training plan for one job – one day
Consider all aspects of the role (as noted in the job description) that you are training for. Think about
what a training program includes (job specific knowledge that a new hire should know) and the
process the person should go through to become efficient on what they are being trained to do. For
more information, refer to your text book (pgs. 75-81)
Professor Douglas D Stuchel, M.A.T, CHE
FSM3001 Updated Spring 2017
Rubric for point deductions other than content.
(no deductions)
(50-75% deduct.)
(75 - 100% deduct.)
Up to 5
Up to 2.5
Up to 2.5
Sentences are
complete and wellconstructed.
Clear and logical
transitions between
sentences, paragraphs,
and sections.
Vocabulary used is
appropriate to
assignment, precise,
and unambiguous.
Writing tone is suitable
to the topic and the
• Sentences are somewhat
complete and wellconstructed.
• Transitions between
sentences, paragraphs,
and sections are
somewhat weak or
• Vocabulary used is
somewhat appropriate to
assignment, adequate,
and unambiguous.
Grammar and
used throughout
document is excellent.
No spelling errors or
improper word usage.
Proofreading of paper
is evident throughout
the entire document.
• Grammar and
used throughout
document is correct.
• Minimal spelling errors
and improper word usage
• Proofreading of paper is
not evident throughout
• Research is not properly
cited throughout the
• A properly formatted
work cited page is not
• Work cited page is
included, but improperly
• Paper is not properly
double spaced
• Proper font and point
size is not used
• Improper heading
format, title, and/or
pagination used
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