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The Journey to Sustainability
From the dawn of existence, the connection between nature and people began. People are
surrounded by it and engage with it. Nature has given life to people, likewise to animals, and no
existence would be without nature. Today, the connection to nature has altered because of the
changes that will assist people and animals in achieving a sustainable living environment. So
humanity may use science to promote sustainability instead of polluting and destroying the planet
of its natural resources (Bensel & Carbone, 2020).
Biodiversity of the Earth and ecosystems:
Since the beginning, the biodiversity of the Earth has altered greatly due to ECOTOURISM. They
are planting and packed with flowers and trees, none of which are private courtyards, but
neighborhood-sized green troops with all kinds of residences, apartments, houses, and singlefamily homes; the costs vary. Other local shops surround the block, including a convenience store
and pharmacy, a small café serving vegan exclusively, and a dry cleaning company. In the center
of this city lies a little railway. In the future, this new metropolis offers sustainability via its
minimal carbon impact (Carrington, 2018).
ECOTOURISM is critical to the growth of new eco-friendly hotel and lodging locations. All the
materials used in the hotels are organic, and furniture, bedding, and other items are made of
recycled materials. Every piece of equipment in the restrooms has been turned into a star good,
including the toilets, showers, and sinks. The future seems promising, and it is...