UMUC Assessing Maturity for Cybersecurity Management Program Paper

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Computer Science

University of Maryland Global Campus


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Our class focuses on integrating many different aspects of cybersecurity, information security, and information assurance.  Recent developments in the field of cybersecurity have resulted in a number of "maturity models" which can be used by external assessors to evaluate the maturity level of an organization's cybersecurity management program.

For this discussion paper, you will need to research the Department of Energy's Cybersecurity Maturity Model and then compare it to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and other frameworks listed in the course readings. After you have done so, write a position paper in which you recommend a cybersecurity framework or maturity model as the basis for assessing the cybersecurity program for Padgett-Beale Financial Services. Assessments will be performed on an annual basis beginning one year after the company launches its new operations.

Your 5-7 paragraph position paper must answer the following questions (at a minimum). (You will need to write clearly and concisely to fit all required information into this restricted length.)

  • What approach should the organization take in developing the Cybersecurity Management program? (What standards or frameworks should be used?)
  • What laws and regulations must be addressed by the Cybersecurity Management Program in a financial services firm?
  • What are the best practices that should be put into place to assess the maturity of PBI-FS's cybersecurity management program?

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Cybersecurity Management Program

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Recommended Approach
Upon purchasing financial services from Island Banking Services, the establishment of a
cybersecurity management program for Padgett-Beale is inevitable. As informed by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), organizations in the modern world must balance
the ever-changing cybersecurity threats against the necessity to accomplish business operations.
With this in mind, I believe that the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is the ideal approach for
Padgett-Beale Financial Services in developing its cybersecurity management program. The
most notable reason for this standpoint revolves around the framework’s capability to establish a
shared comprehension of cybersecurity risks. This implies that the aforementioned framework
provides a shared language that permits all the staff “within an organization, including the
stakeholders, to develop a shared understanding of their cybersecurity risks” (NIST, n.d., par.2).
Moreover, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework offers a broader range of other benefits,
which will be s...

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