640dis week4

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Business Finance


  1. Describe how leaders manage and balance the duties of corporate governance, compliance, and regulatory issues with the needs of their stakeholders, while also satisfying competitive demands of the marketplace. Use citations and references in APA style.

    In response to your classmates, comment on their description of leadership duties regarding managing and balancing governance and decision-making processes for their impact on stakeholders and corporate culture. Do you agree or disagree with their evaluation? Cite specific examples supporting why you agree or disagree.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: 640 DISCUSSION WEEK 4

640 Discussion Week 4



640 Discussion Week 4

Question: Describe how leaders manage and balance the duties of corporate
governance, compliance, and regulatory issues with the needs of their stakeholders,
while also satisfying competing demands of the marketplace.
Corporate leaders and managers are always charged with a duty of pursuing the goals
of their shareholders, meet the expectations of the customers, comply with the laid down laws
and regulation, meet the required standards and remain competitive in the market. The goals
of the stakeholders include maximizing shareholders wealth and profitability, employee's
welfare, environmental responsibilities, ethical prac...

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