Grand Canyon University Historical Aspect of Policing Discussion

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Grand Canyon University


Because of personal experiences and stories in the media, there are many different opinions on the police. To work in the field of policing in today’s environment, it is important to understand the past and those who have had an impact.

Imagine you are a police officer who is requested to address a high school class visiting the police precinct. The topics will include the history and evolution of police in America and the various police departments that come under the purview of law enforcement.

Consider the following questions and write a 350- to 525-word conversational script where you introduce yourself to the students. Address the following in the script:  

  • Who is Robert Peel,?and what is?his significance?related to policing?
  • Describe an event that occurred in the Political Era of Policing. How do you feel it has impacted policing today? 
  • Explain what changed in policing during the Professional Era. 
  • Explain the police crises of the 1960s. 
  • Describe at least 2 developments in policing since 1970. 
  • Briefly explain the structure of the police force at the state and local levels.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Historical Aspect of Policing
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Historical Aspect of Policing
Robert Peel
Robert Peel is the father of democratic policing based on his established Metropolitan
police in England. He formulated principles to maintain security and ensure safety among
community members (Gaunt, 2020). Such principles sought to prevent crime, ensure community
trust, and ensure unity and justice. They guided the police to demonstrate peace, administer their
services in moderation, and consider the needs and expectations of the community to maintain
law and order.
The Event in Political Era of Policing
During this period, police conducted their patrols across neighborhoods representing
local politicians. Here, officers were hired and controlled by politicians who managed and ran
precincts due to a lack of a civil service system. Such parties, including the local politicians and
the police, played the same role. In the United States, the police played the role of pleasing and
following local politicians' orders, which made suc...

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