Los Angeles Pierce College Nursing Healthcare Discussion

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Health Medical

Los Angeles Pierce College


Please respond to two peers. Responses must be one paragraph each. Let themknow what you liked, and agreed to about their post. Please add one reference as well.

Peer 1:For the qualitative question I am interested in investigating is, “What are some risk factors that contribute to pressure injuries in the environment?” In qualitative research, the interview is the key source of data (Schmidt, 2017). In this type of research, open ended questions allow participants to respond freely and provide an abundance of information that one can interpret (Schmidt, 2017). By asking “what” questions, many different points of views would be able to answer this question allowing the researcher to observe and gather data from different perspectives. The basic characteristics of qualitative research include sampling, collecting information, analyzing, and interpreting the information, and evaluation (Schmidt, 2017). In sampling, the method is used for purposive rather than random and the researcher could obtain information from specific people who could have more information on the subject (Schmidt, 2017). Collecting information, the researcher is out in the field interacting with people through different methods to collect the data that is needed. Analyzing and interpreting information, it is crucial that the researcher should constantly compare data with existing data as new information is obtained (Schmidt, 2017). Lastly, evaluation refers to the accuracy of believability of the findings (Schmidt, 2017). The four designs of qualitative research types are: Phenomenology-lived experiences, Grounded theory-process, Ethnography-culture, and Historical-the past. The type that would be appropriate for my qualitative research is phenomenology. This type of research method would give me information from healthcare professionals on their experience working with patients who have developed pressure ulcers within their care or have witnessed other patients with pressure injuries.

Peer 2:The qualitative question that I am interested in investigating is what are the experiences of people working in a health care during a pandemic? The basics of qualitative research include sampling, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, and evaluating findings (Schmidt, 2015). We use this type of research to learn about the why or how something happens, which can't be known through research like quantitative. Qualitative research focuses on words instead of numbers to give meaning to a phenomenon or events, and uses induction to inquire about topics with little evidence and/or to develop a theory (Schmidt, 2015). So we find out from people and examine their stories and context about a phenomenon or event. There are four major types of qualitative research: phenomenology a type of qualitative research that describes the lived experience to achieve understanding of an experience from the perspective of the participants, grounded theory a type of qualitative research that examines the process of a phenomenon and culminates in the generation of a theory, ethnography a type of qualitative research that describes a culture, and historical a type of qualitative research used to examine events or people to explain and understand the past to guide the present and future (Schmidt, 2015). The best type of qualitative research for my question would be phenomenology because this is the one we use to study lived experience. My question is asking about the experience of those who worked or are working through the pandemic in the health care field, and this type of research aims to understand the participants experience.

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2 Peer Responses 2 Paragraphs Each
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Response to Peer 1
Thank you for this great post. Learning about the risks that play a crucial role in contributing
more injuries due to pressure is a critical part in this research. After doing my own research, I
also realized that carrying out intervie...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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