innovative practice and thoughts final exam

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Business Finance


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BUS 3310 - Spring Semester 2017 FINAL EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS Answer the following four questions in your own words on separate stapled papers. While you are free to consult any sources of information available to you, it is imperative that your answers be your own work. You are reminded of Troy University's policy prohibiting plagiarism, which will be strictly enforced. There is no required length for your answer, however, answer the question in sufficient detail to demonstrate your thoughtful consideration of the issue(s) presented. I am interested in quality rather than mere quantity. Turn-in your answers to the four questions at the beginning of class on Tuesday, May 2, 2017. If you are going to be unable to attend class on that day - and you have advised me in advance why you are unable to attend class on that day - you may email your answers in a Word document to me ( prior to 2:00 PM, May 2, 2017. Be sure to include your name and student identification number on your answer. Congratulations! You have just secured funding from private investors and have been urged by those investors to become the first president and chairman of the board of directors of Trojan Sports Company (“TSC"), a new company engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of sporting equipment in the United States. You are excited about the opportunity to start a company "from scratch” and organize it consistent with your vision of high quality products, exciting innovations and efficient manufacturing. You are particularly excited about a new secret synthetic material you plan to use to make tennis racquets stronger but lighter than you believe will revolutionize tennis at the collegiate and professional level. You look forward to marketing a new line of tennis racquets under the brand “Widow MakerTM”. You recognize one of your first challenges is to form a team of engineers and designers, manufacturing experts and marketing professionals. You have heard, but have little practical experience, in getting racquet engineers and designers to work efficiently with the manufacturing experts because the engineers and designers view their skill sets to be almost an art form while the manufacturing experts will try to get design concessions in order to efficiently mass manufacture the racquets. The marketing department wants to promote the Widow MakerTM racquets to only male players but you see your new racquets appealing to men and women players. Continued on page 2 - Your first hire is a marketing executive who you recruited from a competitor company. He is familiar with his former company's proprietary customer list and marketing strategy for the upcoming year. He assures you this information will help TSC get a quick advantage over the competition. He also urges you to put him on TSC's board of directors and also make him the Vice President of Marketing because he claims he knows the “racquet racket" like an old insider. Your investors, who will become your shareholders as soon as you formally form the company, have made it clear they want to be reasonably informed about TSC's financial results, sales, operations and any legal challenges. You recognize in yourself your strengths and weaknesses. You want your employees to proud to work for TSC, but at the end of the day, you want to be firm and have the employees work as hard as you do. You take a few days off to think through these issues and others. QUESTION You are an innovative manager. What are the kind of things you intend to do for TSC during the first year of operations and what do you want to accomplish?
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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: Innovative Ways Of Managing A New Company

Managing a New Company


Institution Affiliation


Running Head: Innovative Ways Of Managing A New Company


Managing a New Company

A new company requires very rapid strategies to place in on the feet and to poise it for planned
profits inflow. As a manager of a new business, it is very prudent to apply critical managerial skills
as well as merge innovativeness with expertise and experience. Having been appointed as the
manager of Trojan Sports Company (TSC), which shall be involved in the designing,
manufacturing, and sale of sports equipment in the United States, I will be required to set some
goals and also achieve some within the first year in the office.

Basically, in the first few days, I would have to organize the company in order. Some of the
things to do in these days are to hold several meetings with the private investors who will be the
primary source of funds. These sessions would simply help us discuss the general structure of
company’s leadership, the viability of the proposal to create an upgraded version of the tennis
racquet as well as how the shares shall be distributed among the shareholders.

The second thing is to ensure that thorough and rigorous interviews are carried out to get the
best of the best engineers, designers, manufacturers and marketing...

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