KU On Keeping a Notebook Book Report

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Kean University

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4:55 LTE O Done Didion+Formal+Paper+Assign... ☺ Paper #1 Assignment UNIT ONE: Why Writers Write The Question: In "On Keeping a Notebook," Joan Didion writes, "How it felt to me: that is getting closer to the truth about a notebook." Write an essay that interprets what you think the truth is about why Didion keeps a notebook. Didion never explicitly says why she keeps a notebook, but in her essay she does offer many different reasons for writing. Therefore, you need to interpret those reasons to make an argument for the main, implied reason that Didion keeps a notebook (or "the truth"), and then prove that to your reader using evidence from the text. Due Dates: On Wednesday, September 15, a typed thesis and list of evidence (i.e., at least four quotes) are due to upload to Canvas. On Thursday, September 16, a typed introduction and one body paragraph are due to post on Canvas. On Monday, September 20 a three-page, typed draft is due for a peer review to post on Canvas and to bring in as a hardcopy. On Wednesday, September 22 a revision of the draft is due for in-class, line-editing, Bring in as a hardcopy. You will submit the final, 3-4 page paper on Thursday, September 23 on Canvas. Important Reminders: Late assignments and papers will be subject to the penalties detailed on the syllabus. This is worth 10% of your grade. This paper and all others must abide by MLA guidelines, which means: 12 point size, Times New Roman font, double space, one-inch margins on all four sides, and last name and page number in the upper right of every page in the header). All words and ideas need to be your own. If you receive tutoring at the Writing Center, please let me know. Any violation of the Academic Integrity Policy will result in formal sanctions. (See syllabus for the policy and punishments.) As a promise that you have not violated the Academic Integrity Policy, you must type at the bottom of the last page, "I have neither given nor received any outside assistance on this assignment," and then sign your name.
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hello buddy here is the complete assignment kindly take a look at it and get back to me just incase of anything. Thank you😇

On keeping a notebook
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Book summary
On keeping a notebook
Diary lovers and keepers frequently find it challenging to articulate what it means by
expressing their feelings and writing concepts that seem so important. A personal desire
unquestionably inspires the private diary, but primarily these works are not published. According
to Joan Didion, putting down one's thoughts is essential for a personal purpose whereby the
content can only be meaningful to the maker(Joan Didion: pg. ). Having one diary safe for so
long is not motivated by the urge of keeping records for other people to read, but the willingness
to have a flashback of the life one had as time goes by.
Joan begins her work with a quote from her diary. This is ...

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