Fact Finding Panel Mental Health Case

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You are part of a fact finding panel for your state court system. The court has a concern over the methods used to handle persons that are mentally ill violent offenders. You are charged with selecting a modern court case (past 30 years) in which an insanity issue arose regarding a violent offender. The case may involve a Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Plea, or it may involve a directive by the court for a sanity hearing. You may also select a case with a court consideration of idiot status was determined.

You must prepare a briefing report on the methods that were used to assess the defendant by the court in the case you selected. Discuss the outcome of the case and the mechanism that resulted in the defendant’s evaluation for sanity.

In a 3–5 page position paper, respond to the following:

  • Articulate the mental disorder(s) and symptoms being considered by the court in the case that you selected.
  • Explain the relationship between the actions and behavior that would cause the court to remand the defendant for a mental evaluation.
  • Evaluate the outcome of the case you selected in terms of the defendant, the victim, and the community.
  • Critique the court’s decision in the case you selected. Either:
    • Support the court’s correct decision, or
    • Challenge the court’s decision with your supported reasons.

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Explanation & Answer

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Mental Disorder Cases: Andre Thomas




There are situations in which individuals with mental problems commit crimes for
which they get arrested and have to face the jury. In such situations, the particular court and
judge tasked with making the ruling have a difficult task of ascertaining the mental status of
the individual at the moment and whether he or she had mental disorders while committing
that specific crime. The presence of many mentally ill individuals in incarceration centers
shows that the court system has had to punish violent offenders irrespective of their mental
health. One such decision is the case of Andre Thomas who is from Grayson County Texas.
This paper explains the decisions made during his case to convict him as a death row inmate.
It investigates the facts used during the case and the rationale for the decisions made.
The Case
Andre Thomas was arrested in 2004 after he turned himself in at a Texas police station
after stabbing his 20-year-old wife and their two kids. Then 22 years old, Thomas had
mutilated the bodies of his victims as both had deep wounds on their chest. After arriving at
the police station, Andre Thomas confessed the murders by stating that he had removed the
hearts of the devils that were disturbing his wife and the kid. After the incident, he also
confessed to having attempted suicide as he wanted to die so that he could not be disturbed
by the demons. Later, Andre Thomas was treated even though he demonstr...

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