Academy of Computer Education Telecomm Network Security Essay

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Academy of Computer Education


Q1) How is Telecomm Network Security useful/applicable at Information Technology workplace.

Q2) What are the applications of Telecomm Network Security at Information Technology workplace.

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Explanation & Answer

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The section provides an overview of telecommunication, Telecomm networks and
Telecomm network security.
1. How is Telecomm Network Security Useful/Applicable at Information Technology
(IT) Workplace
The section unfolds the various ways in which Telecomm network security is helpful in
an information technology workplace. It also describes multiple network security risks.
2. What are the Applications of Telecomm Network Security at Information
Technology Workplace
The section unfolds the various ways in which Telecomm network security is applied in
an information technology workplace. It also provides a conclusion with an overview of the


Telecomm Network Security

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Telecomm Network Security
1. How is Telecomm Network Security Useful/Applicable at Information Technology
(IT) Workplace
Telecomm network security helps to monitor all the core network elements,
interconnects, and outgoing graphics to identify vulnerabilities that might lead to security threats
and attacks. Cyber-attacks have been a significant threat to telecommunication, especially the
injection of ransomware and malware in the system by malicious hackers aiming ...

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