University of Illinois at Chicago Religion and Spirituality of Latin America Paper

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University of Illinois at Chicago


Compare and contrast the residents of Central Mexico and the Incas before the arrival of the Spanish. By "residents of Central Mexico" I am primarily thinking of the Mexica, that is, the dominant group in the so-called Aztec Empire. But keep in mind the fact that the Aztecs should really be viewed as only one specific group of people within the broader context, so it is okay to refer to other peoples, that is, the neighbors of the Mexica around the valley of Mexico or beyond. Focusing on religion/spirituality. Essay of 4-5 pages. The cover page, abstract and the list of references do NOT count as part of the page count.

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Explanation & Answer

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Religion and Spirituality of Latin America Paper
1. Although the Aztec and Inca empires were distinct, they had some similarities.
a) I will compare and contrast the similarities and contrasts between the Aztec and Inca
b) Although the tribes originated in separate parts of the world and have little in
common, they share certain similarities, such as significant events around the same
time, which means that they consume some of the same foods
c) The two empires are also quite diverse, as are most clans and kingdoms
2. Mexico, or what became recognized as Central America, has a long history.
a) Throughout their rule, the Aztecs were renowned as a strong empire that conquered
and governed the bulk of civilized regions
b) After defeating some areas and tribes, the Aztec Empire became recognized as the
Mexica Empire due to the diversity of tribes who claimed territory
c) In addition, the Aztecs had great technology in some places, which helped those
converse and document occurrences in glyphs.
3. The Aztec Empire was quite well, with a political system that resembled a military line of
a) Lands were seized and held by the group of families under this framework.
b) Families were made up of people of many races and ethnicities
c) Within a Calpulli, there was always leadership, and Tenochtitlan's leader was the
emperor, who had created a Triple Alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan.
4. Another quick and powerful kingdom that rose to dominance in Peru and adjacent
countries was the Inca Empire

a) The enormous and powerful Peruvian empire peaked in the 15th century and was
based on Cuzco, the country's capital.
b) Like their architecture, Inca governance was built on segmented and interconnecting
c) Every ayllu was ruled by a small group of aristocrats known as kurakas, who included
d) Precious metals, fabrics, rare birds, dyes, and other commodities deemed valuable to
the empire were used to collect taxes.
5. The Aztecs and the Incas controlled vast empires that finally ended, which is a
commonality between the two civilizations.
a) Aside from that one thing in common, the tribes all had their distinct lifestyles and
languages and political objectives, religious beliefs, and methods of providing for
their populations.
b) The Aztecs worshiped a god called Huitzilopochtli, and blood sacrifice was a
common practice.
c) Fighters were trained for warfare during these conflicts to put their newly acquired
abilities to the test.
d) They communicated in Nahuatl, a highly distinct language from the languages of the
Mayans and the Incas.
6. In contrast to the Aztecs, there was no blood sacrifice practiced by the Inca society.
a) The Incas planned and constructed hundreds of kilometers of roadways throughout
their domains in order to make communications more manageable for their people

b) To provide food for their population, the Incas devised a method to cultivate crops on
the slopes of mountains in the Andes.
c) The Incas used a language known as "Quechua," and their school system was
reserved exclusively for nobles.
7. Those who are unfamiliar with the histories of the Aztecs, as well as the Incas, are
frequently perplexed by their differences.
a) The Aztecs were Mesoamerican civilizations in Mexico, whereas the Incas were
South American civilizations that lived in South America
b) The Aztecs are credited with inventing the Aztec calendar, while the Incas are
renowned for their building and engineering abilities
8. From 1325 until 1523 AD, the Aztecs ruled over a region of central Mexico
a) Given that they had not had a written language, it is impossible to determine
wherever they came from; nevertheless, it is believed to have originated on a small
island known as Aslan
b) Tenochtitlan, their capital city, was situated in what they termed the "Valley of
Mexica," on marshy terrain, and their structures were notorious for sinking
9. The Inca civilization coexisted with the Aztec civilization for some time.
a) Their kingdom in South America spanned a large area, primarily in the Andes
highlands, but also included plains and deserts, stretched in what is now Quito,
Ecuador, towards the Maule River in Chile, and was centered on the city of Quito
b) The Incas invented brain surgery but did not invent writing.
10. There were three distinct social classes in Aztec civilization: the nobility, the commoners,
and the slaves.

a) Only those born into noble families were considered noble, were also warriors and
b) The commoners were craftsmen, farmers, as well as builders; a few were allowed to
own their own homes, while others were only permitted to lease them
11. In a nutshell, the Aztecs possessed a fantastic military unit, established a vast empire, and
used the Nahuatl language.
a) The background of the Aztecs can be categorized into three distinct periods
b) The imperial empire achieved its pinnacle of growth and development during the
third phase of its history
c) After centuries of hard work and sacrifice, the Inca empire succeeded in establishing
a perfect system of social, financial, and political groups and u...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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