fixing grammar

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I have 26 pages of journals, and i just finish 13 of it. I uploaded the 13 pages

I need someone to help me with the grammars and trying to put after every 1 or 2 paragraphs that what i improved in it from the lessons we took

After one day, i will uploading the second 13 pages to do the same with it.

I need a good writer please

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Explanation & Answer



Alhajjimohammed, Sulaiman
Dr. Manahari Adhikari
On January 9, we started the class with knowing our names, and discussed the syllabus
and subjects are we have during the semester. Such as, how the percentage will change all the
time for most of the assignments as which is useful for the student's points in class. Before
starting the personal essay, we talked about the extra credit that will help students in the last of
the semester, and that worth 100 points if the student writes between 200 to 300 words about
what we do in class and that should be every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The
entries written are in Times New Roman (12-point font size). However, we started to write a
personal essay for the doctor to show him the quality of our writing so that helping him to see
what the students need to take in during the class.
On January 10, the first subject we talked about is why to write. That is explained by the
doctor by three words, which is "Language are us." Writing is helping us to express our feelings
such as device, anger, love, and passion. That will be helping us in to develop our write to be
better day after day. In how to avoid plagiarism, we learned how we do the essay. Plagiarism
means when the writer steals someone words or ideas and make it as his own. Using other is
production without crediting the source. For example, if the person need to quote, summarize,
and paraphrase should be cited with the author’s name with page number. After finished the
writing, the student should write the works cited to prove that is not a plagiarism for the doctor.
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and


lying about it afterward. Impersonating the work of the authors and inventors will make a trouble
to the person who uses it. We did some comparing between the two paragraphs trying to identify
the plagiarized.
On January 11, we talked about the story of "Why a Leading Professor of New Media
Just Banned Technology Use in Class." We tried to make it as a paraphrase in two or three
sentences. The second thing is a Writing Lexicon using subtext, and that means an underlying
and often distinct theme in a piece of writing or conversation. The subtext divided into two parts:
first, text that has a content (meaning), and style in words choices and syntax. Second, the
introductory paragraph that includes background, ethos, stating thesis and argument, cohesive
devices, transitional, and phrases. Major elements of introductory paragraph: 1- rhetorical hook
that includes a very strong opening sentence, the contact argument, and making the argument.
Close reading is thoughtful, critical analysis of a text that focuses on significant details or
patterns in order to develop a deep, precise understanding of the text's form, craft, meanings, etc.
It is a key requirement of the Common Core State Standards and directs the reader's attention to
the text itself. Meta-reading is the way we analyze the text.
On January 13, the subject is about paraphrasing practice and reason we do a paraphrase.
Paraphrasing is a restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form, as for
clearness; rewording. The steps for paraphrase essay or paragraph: 1- Read the original two or
three times or until you are sure, you understand it. 2- Put the original aside and try to write the
main ideas in your own words. Say what the source says. 3- Look closely at unfamiliar words,
observing carefully the exact sense in which the writer uses the words. 4- Check


paraphrase, as often as needed, against the original for accurate tone and meaning, changing any
words or phrases that match the original too closely. If the wording of the paraphrase is too close


to the wording of the original, then it is plagiarism. 5- Include a citation for the source of the
information (including the page numbers) so that you can cite the source accurately. Even when
you paraphrase, you must still give credit to the original author.
We tried to paraphrase a story that is "I Do Not Believe in Belief." The story is talking
about someone is not believing in anything (God), and he wants to believe in something that
protects himself from people because most of them are believers. He believes in death that is the
reason, when reason dies, we will be monsters. He says that the death lives with us, talk with us,
and walk with us. Every morning we are waiting for it. As he came naked to the world, he will
go naked of it. That is short or the point of the meaning of life.
On January 17, we talked about paraphrase that should be in same words counting. That
means if the paragraph has 100 words, the paraphrase should be 95-100 words. A summary is a
brief statement or restatement of main points, especially as a conclusion to a work: a summary of
a chapter. A brief is a detailed outline, by heads and subheads, of a discourse (usually legal) to be
completed: a brief for an argument. The summary should be fewer words comparing with the
paragraph that should summarize it. For example, if the paragraph has 100 words, the summary
should be 25 to 40 words to give the reader an abstract of what happened in the story from the
beginning to end.
Paragraphs it should have balance when writing the essay, and write it in a good way
without weak paragraph between them. The title should be awful and short, and means or
explains all that paper that the person's right. "The Telephone" is an article written by Anwar
Accawi, and we looked at the purpose of writing this article, Context, audience, narrative
structure, quotes, and summaries.


On January 18, the steps of writing a summary are read it, locate the thesis statement,
understanding the text, and break it down to small paragraph, idea, detail, and purpose. Elements
of the paragraph: In every single paragraph, there are couple of things happen, 1- topic sentence,
2- support details or ideas, 3- conclusion. The topic sentence is demanded elaboration and
explanation the sentence abstract. Topic sentence contests to the paragraph and it has a huge role
to play in the paragraph. Support details and ideas should be from the article by using phrases
and quotes that helping to have a good paragraph. The conclusion is a final decision or judgment,
an opinion or decision that formed after a period of thought or research. In other words, the act of
concluding, finishing something or the state of being finished.
On January 20, we discussed on selected summaries. There are three rhetorical situations:
A. Things to consider: 1- purpose has length and the own words. 2- Audience has tone (is an
attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience), simplify words, and short sentences. 3- The
genre has the article and fiction (literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and
novels that describes imaginary events and people). B. The steps are reading carefully to get the
main idea of the article, identifying the thesis statement, supporting ideas, and choosing the topic
On January 23, the rhetorical situation has a purpose, genre (personal essay), audience
(readers), context (introduce his philosophy), message, and the style. The article we read it is
"Why I Quit Company," was written by Tomoyuki Iwashita. He tries to explain what happened
to him in the company, and how was his experience in it with the life he lives it in a period. I
concluded from the article is everyone should be intelligent in the job with careful of his body
because the money is not everything in life.


On January 24, summary features a. Contains a thesis statement. B. Provide textual
evidence and details in support of the thesis statement (Textual evidence is evidence from a text
(fiction or nonfiction) that you can use to illustrate your ideas and support your arguments). C. 510 sentence length. What is thesis statement? (A thesis statement focuses your ideas into one or
two sentences. It should present the topic of your paper and make a comment about your position
in relation to the topic. The thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and
help guide your writing and keep your argument focused). The elements of a good thesis
statement: takes a sentence "position", arguable-provides a room for counter argument, it cannot
be too general and too vague, and clear and concise.
On January 25, we reviewed the elements of the good thesis statement: 1- take a sentence
"position", 2- neither too general nor too vague, 3- arguable, and 4- clear and concise. We talked
about the sentence "Our daily habits contribute to a gradual deterioration of our decay
environment." The voting for if it is a sentence were 3 me, Nasser, and Dr. Adhikari. The other
students said that is an argument. We tried to make an argument similar to the sentence. Look at
many of arguments that you will see if it is general or specific.
On January 27, to identifying the audience, look at purpose, solutions, language used,
syntax (the arrangement of words and phrases to create...

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