English News Media Writing Left Handed People Have Shorter Life Span Discussion

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PART 1: Write a basic news story based on the following information. Don’t forget to prioritize your 5 Ws, leading with the most attention-grabbing and important information. This story should be about 250 words long and should be broken up into multiple paragraphs. Who/ What: Researchers released the results of a study comparing the death and accident rates of lefthanded people (vs right-handed people). When: California State University at San Bernardino Where: Study was conducted by Diane Halpern, a psychology professor at California State University at San Bernardino, and Stanley Coren, a researcher at the University of British Columbia. Why: To determine why fewer left-handed people are among the elderly population. How: Researchers studied death certificates of 987 people in two Southern California counties. Relatives were queried by mail about the subjects’ dominant hands. Additional Info: The following is not necessarily in the order it should be used in your story. Only information written in quotation marks should be considered a direct quotation. The study was conducted by Diane Halpern, a psychology professor at California State University at San Bernardino, and Stanley Coren, a researcher at the University of British Columbia. The researchers found that the average age at death for right-handed people was 75, for left-handed people 66; left-handed people represent 10 percent of the U.S. population; right-handed females tend to live six years longer than left-handed females, and right-handed males live 11 years longer than left-handed males; left-handed people were four times more likely to die from injuries while driving than right-handers and six times more likely to die from accidents of all kinds. Halpern said, “The results are striking in their magnitude.” Halpern is right-handed. She said her study should be interpreted cautiously. “It should not, of course, be used to predict the life span of any one individual. It does not take into account the fitness of any individual.” Left-handed women die around age 72; right-handed women die around age 78. Left-handed men die about age 62; right-handed men die at about age 73. “Some of my best friends are left-handed,” Halpern said. “It’s important that mothers of left-handed children not be alarmed and not try to change which hand a child uses,” she said. “There were many, many old left-handed people.” “We knew for years that there weren’t as many old left-handers,” Halpern said. “Researchers thought it was because in the early years of the century, most people born left-handed were forced to change to their right hands. So we thought we were looking at old people who used to be left-handed, but we weren’t. The truth was that there simply weren’t many left-handers left alive, compared to right-handers.” “Almost all engineering is geared to the right hand and right foot,” Halpern said. “There are many more car and other accidents among left-handers because of their environment.” PART 2: Please write the following three additional leads for the story above: Direct Address, Startling Statement, and Blind OR Word Play. You just need to write the lead, not the entire story. Please feel free to refer to the lecture from class. Unit Exercise 3: The Basic News Story Instructions: Complete both part one and part two. Part 1 Write a basic news story based on the following information. Don’t forget to prioritize your 5 Ws, leading with the most attention-grabbing and important information. This story should be about 250 words long and should be broken up into multiple paragraphs. Who/ What: Researchers released the results of a study comparing the death and accident rates of left-handed people (vs right-handed people). When: California State University at San Bernardino Where: Study was conducted by Diane Halpern, a psychology professor at California State University at San Bernardino, and Stanley Coren, a researcher at the University of British Columbia. Why: To determine why fewer left-handed people are among the elderly population. How: Researchers studied death certificates of 987 people in two Southern California counties. Relatives were queried by mail about the subjects’ dominant hands. Additional Info: The following is not necessarily in the order it should be used in your story. Only information written in quotation marks should be considered a direct quotation. • • • • The study was conducted by Diane Halpern, a psychology professor at California State University at San Bernardino, and Stanley Coren, a researcher at the University of British Columbia. The researchers found that the average age at death for right-handed people was 75, for left-handed people 66; left-handed people represent 10 percent of the U.S. population; right-handed females tend to live six years longer than left-handed females, and right-handed males live 11 years longer than lefthanded males; left-handed people were four times more likely to die from injuries while driving than right-handers and six times more likely to die from accidents of all kinds. Halpern said, “The results are striking in their magnitude.” Halpern is righthanded. She said her study should be interpreted cautiously. “It should not, of course, be used to predict the life span of any one individual. It does not take into account the fitness of any individual.” Left-handed women die around age 72; • • • right-handed women die around age 78. Left-handed men die about age 62; right-handed men die at about age 73. “Some of my best friends are left-handed,” Halpern said. “It’s important that mothers of left-handed children not be alarmed and not try to change which hand a child uses,” she said. “There were many, many old left-handed people.” “We knew for years that there weren’t as many old left-handers,” Halpern said. “Researchers thought it was because in the early years of the century, most people born left-handed were forced to change to their right hands. So we thought we were looking at old people who used to be left-handed, but we weren’t. The truth was that there simply weren’t many left-handers left alive, compared to right-handers.” “Almost all engineering is geared to the right hand and right foot,” Halpern said. “There are many more car and other accidents among left-handers because of their environment.” Part 2 Please write the following additional leads for the story you just wrote: 1. Direct Address 2. Startling Statement 3. Blind or Word Play You just need to write the lead, not the entire story. Please feel free to refer to the lecture from class. Unit Exercise #3 (25 Points) Criteria Ratings Pts Completion/ Following Directions 10 to > 7.0 pts Excellent (20-25 Points) Work is complete with all parts present, including word count and direct quotations from source and three additional leads. 7 to >4.0 pts Satisfactory (15- 19 Points) Work is mostly complete, and most elements are present. 4 to >1.0 pts Minimum (10-14 Points) Work is partly complete, work is shown, and some elements are present. 1 to 0 pts Incomplete/ Missing (0-9 Points) Work is not done. 10 pts Comprehension 5 to >3.0 pts Excellent (20-25 Points) Work demonstrates exceptional understanding of the ideas, concepts or skills required in this activity. 3 to > 2.0 pts Satisfactory (15-19 Points) Work demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the ideas, concepts or skills required in this activity. 2 to >0.0 pts Minimum (10-14 Points) Work demonstrates minimum understanding of the ideas, concepts or skills required in this activity. O pts Incomplete (0-9 Points) Work demonstrates no understanding of the ideas, concepts or skills required in this activity. 5 pts Accuracy 2 to >0.0 pts Minimum (10-14 Points) 5 to >3.0 pts Excellent (20-25 Points) Work is accurate and demonstrates correct AP style. 3 to 2.0 pts Satisfactory (15-19 Points) Work is accurate and demonstrates minimal AP style errors. O pts Incomplete (0-9 Points) Work is not accurate and demonstrates many AP style errors. 5 pts Work is accurate but demonstrates some AP style errors. Writing Quality 5 to >3.0 pts Excellent (20-25 Points) Writing is coherent, concise, free of spelling errors and 3 to > 2.0 pts Satisfactory (15-19 Points) Writing is coherent and only has minimal spelling or 2 to >0.0 pts Minimum (10-14 Points) Writing is incoherent and has some spelling or O pts Incomplete (0-9 Points) Writing is incoherent, broken, excessively short and contains 5 pts
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Explanation & Answer:
2 Parts Writing Exercise 250 Words
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hi! Here are the answers in image format, but I also put them in a docx file. 😊

Left-handed people have shorter life span and are more likely to die from driving accidents than
right-handed people, researchers said after studying death certificates of 987 people in two
Southern California counties.
Researchers Diane Halpern, a psychology professor at California State University at San
Bernardino, and Stanley Coren, a researcher at the Univ...

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