I need help with a research assignment

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Health Medical


My proposal of this research is to apply and educate people with the Sickle Cell Disease gene in Houston U.S, to not be in a relationship or make babies with someone with the same gene. The idea is to make people who have sickle cell avoid getting in a relationship with someone who has sickle cell.

More instructions in the attached file, and I need 5 recommendations for the research proposal.

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Explanation & Answer

Ok, here is the main paper. There was not a lot of information on deterring people from having relationships or having children, so I used that main point, and worked off of it. I will be answering your questions you added next, but I may not get them to you by the end of the time limit, but I am working on them. I checked everything in Grammarly and followed your outline as close as possible. Let me know if you have edits. I enjoyed working with you!Kristen

Outline for Sickle Cell Anemia


Read all information given by the student
Research any topics needed
Write paper or answer questions as needed
Grammar check and plagiarism check
Submit to student

Sickle Cell Anemia – Should Couples Be Deterred from Having Offspring
Student Name
Class Name
Professor Name
May 1, 2017

Sickle Cell Anemia and Procreation- Good or Bad Idea
In the world today, we have many unfortunate diseases that affect millions of people.
Some disease has no rhyme or reason why it chooses people, some have similar characteristics,
and some choose certain type of people based on race, ethnicity, sex, or other demographic
groups. One of these diseases that chooses certain ethnicity’s is Sickle Cell Anemia. So, what is
Sickle Cell Anemia?
Sickle Cell Anemia deals with an inherited red blood cell disorder, having abnormal
hemoglobin. It is passed down from parents to their children through DNA and genetics.
(nhlbi.nih.gov) Children affected with Sickle Cell Anemia inherit an abnormal blood gene from
each parent, meaning each parent also had Sickle Cell Anemia or some form of variation. This
disease cannot be caught from a virus or bacteria in the air, blood transfusion, eating food or
drinking after someone with Sickle Cell Anemia, or anything like that. It is completely genetic.
Sickle Cell Anemia is a very painful disease. It causes a lack of oxygen in tissues, and
when this happens, severe pain attacks can occur, mostly without warning. Some people live
pain-free between attacks, but many people have continuous pain. This disease can also cause
organ failure, joint and bone pain or loss, and damage to the skin and even genitals. People also
suffer from energy loss, lifelong dependency on medicines, and the possibility of no cure.
With the horrible effects of this disease, many people are wondering why people with the
disease would have children, who will probably be affected with the same d...

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