Housing and Urban Development

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Business Finance


Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the organizational design of the selected agency’s human resource management in relationship to the entire organization. Assess its strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section Organizational Design)
  2. Assess the agency in terms of its global or international linkages, highlighting its application of theory to its approach to personnel management. (Title this section Global Linkages and Personnel Management)
  3. Analyze at least three (3) of the major components of the agency’s human resource system’s goals and practices regarding the recruitment and hiring of a qualified workforce. (Title this section Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practices)
  4. Evaluate the agency’s approach to training and programs provided for new and existing employees for the development of knowledge, skills, and overall competencies, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section Employee Skills Training)
  5. Recommend at least two (2) actions the agency could take to improve in the areas of recruiting and training a qualified workforce. (Title this section Recruiting and Training Recommendations)
  6. Include at least four (4) peer-reviewed references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Note: Appropriate peer-reviewed references include scholarly articles and governmental Websites (Include no more than one non-government Website)

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page, revisions of the previous assignment, and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the major components of the personnel management system, procedures, and processes in the public sector.
  • Analyze the linkages between theory, research, practice, and teaching in the field of public personnel management.
  • Recommend improvements to processes involved in public personnel management and / or solutions to problems confronting those in the field.
  • Develop a proposal for strategic public personnel management for a specific setting.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in public personnel management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about public personnel management using proper writing mechanics.

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Explanation & Answer

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Housing and Urban Development




Organizational Design
Housing and urban development is a cabinet department within the executive branch of the
federal government which begun from the house and home financing agency. It received it is
funding as a cabinet department in 1945 so as to develop and execute policies that are related to
housing and metropolises. It is formation came in the year 1965 when the then president of US
signed the department of housing and urban development into law. Thus, it is composed of selected
people who are supposed to coordinate their efforts with a view to achieving specific goals for the
ministry. This is done with the ultimate purpose of reaching their specific goals and mission within
the set time frame. Thus, the selected individuals are significantly important since they help the
organization achieve the goals through proper planning (Pereira-Moliner et al., 2016). In this
regard organizational designs are made and molded around the human resource which is tasked
with achieving the specific goals set out by the management. Therefore, through organizational
design questions such as “what is the best structure to be employed in propelling an accurate idea
is answered with certainty (Pereira-Moliner et al., 2016). As a result, organizational design is
aimed at facilitating the flow of information from one department to another. Furthermore, the
designs are done to integrate the organizational behavior across the different sectors of the
organization so as to coordinate their response.
The human resource working at the department of housing and urban development is one
that can be admired by many other government departments across the globe. This system has
proved beyond doubt that it can deliver on each and every goal set out by...

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