We are doing a non profit company for Alzheimer's in France. I need the overall risk indicators and the financial risks along with the financial benefits.
Country Evaluation Describe the country of investment. Include the following: Economic structure, indicators and risk Financial structure, indicators and risk Political structure and risk Recent history which impacts current conditions and risks Geography, natural resources and existing industries that impacts current conditions and risks Overall risk indicators
Explanation & Answer
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Non profit company for Alzheimer’s in France
Student’s Name
Institution's affiliation
Executive Summary
Being a non profit organization, we can venture in providing support and care
for the most affected in Alzheimer’s disease in France.
The disease has been described as having affected many France people
according to the recent report by Alzheimer’s association.
In fact, it is estimated that 1.1 million people in France are living with
Alzheimer’s disease, with only 200,000 people diagnosed every year.
The main objective of the non profit company will be to reduce the amount of
stigmatization caused to victims of Alzheimer’s disease through physical, and
emotional assistance/counselling.
Country of investment (France)
Like mentioned earlier, Alzheimer’s disease has manifested itself in France
country with over 1.1 million citizens of France suffering.
This means attention is necessary for reducing the hiking number of victims.
This is achieved through providing support to already diagnosed people and
even those not yet diagnosed on various ways to avoid contracting the disease.
In addition, the non profit company will also seek to educate people on various
ways to handle the diagnosed including is...