Homosexuality Social Acceptance Discussion

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Question Description

I'm working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

First, Identify the social networks you're part of (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Discord, etc.). Then, describe the types of groups you're connected with (e.g, gamers, witches, influencers, religious, conservatives, etc.). Underline and Bold at least 3 sociological concepts you've included in your assignment. Make sure to DEFINE the concept when you use it, and then apply it to your paper.

1. The pros of social networking

2. The cons of social networking

3. How social networking have positively AND negatively impacted your life 

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Sociology Question
Institutional affiliation

Sociology Question
Some of the social networks I commonly use are Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,
Twitter, and Telegram. Each platform has unique features that serve a specific purpose and
function. I am connected to religious, education, family, businesses, and influencers groups. One
of the advantages of social networking is its role in disarming social stigmas. This benefit relates
to the socialization sociological concept. It refers to the process of teaching people to become
proficient society members by describing ways of understanding societal expectations and
norms, accepting others’ beliefs, and enhancing societal values awareness. For example, the
Stigma Project relies on Facebook to reduce HIV infection levels while neutralizing stigma by
educating people through social media....

znfgrewbr (26383)
Cornell University

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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