University of Arizona Global Campus Creative Writing Revision Strategies Essay

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university of arizona global campus


Write a Revision Strategies Essay where you will:

  • Evaluate and address the strengths and weaknesses
  • Examine whether, in its context, the sample succeeds in its purpose
  • Determine the pattern of mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, etc.
  • Give examples of these errors from the sample
  • Address any problems that the writer needs to take into account in the revision
  • Propose specific changes to improve the essay and its organization

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Final Exam Essay #3 Revision Strategies A concerned citizen wrote an essay on the controversy of United States' decision to discontinue funding The World Health Organization The Entire Globe is extremely concerned about when and how did began the pandemic, but what it is true for sure is that it started in the City of Wuhan in China. So, the first question is: How the spread truly started?, because nowadays people believe and are aware that China's Government hides the truth, and the second question is: Does The World Health Organization has hidden the truth to protect China's Government. The controversy has merge because of what the United State had decided, they will not continue supporting the World Health Organization (WHO) so it halts funding this situation from now on. With all this situation of the COVID-19, the people all around the world are thinking about the numbers and dates that the Government of China provided at the beginning of the pandemic was false. The decision made by the government of the United States brought a big controversy, because a big part of the population and the world is asking, how come they could make that type of decision when those founds are going directly to pay the salaries to the different employees that are working for the organization, and also for making hundreds of different researches, statistical works, keeping informed and keeping update the governments. That is why the world is saying or questioning that Final Exam Essay #3 Revision Strategies A concerned citizen wrote an essay on the controversy of United States' decision to discontinue funding The World Health Organization The Entire Globe is extremely concerned about when and how did began the pandemic, but what it is true for sure is that it started in the City of Wuhan in China. So, the first question is: How the spread truly started?, because nowadays people believe and are aware that China's Government hides the truth, and the second question is: Does The World Health Organization has hidden the truth to protect China's Government. The controversy has merge because of what the United State had decided, they will not continue supporting the World Health Organization (WHO) so it halts funding this situation from now on. With all this situation of the COVID-19, the people all around the world are thinking about the numbers and dates that the Government of China provided at the beginning of the pandemic was false. The decision made by the government of the United States brought a big controversy, because a big part of the population and the world is asking, how come they could make that type of decision when those founds are going directly to pay the salaries to the different employees that are working for the organization, and also for making hundreds of different researches, statistical works, keeping informed and keeping update the governments. That is why the world is saying or questioning that 9:16 PM Sat Sep 25 1 85% Final Exam Essay #3 - Re X S SOLUTION: Essay: Revisi X S answer_1.docx Х + R → C 3 1 Final Exam Essay #3 Revision Strategies A concerned citizen wrote an essay on the controversy of United States' decision to discontinue funding The World Health Organization The Entire Globe is extremely concerned about when and how did began the pandemic, but what it is true for sure is that it started in the City of Wuhan in China. So, the first question is: How the spread truly started?, because nowadays people believe and are aware that China's Government hides the truth, and the second question is: Does The World Health Organization has hidden the truth to protect China's Government?. The controversy has merge because of what the United State had decided, they will not continue supporting the World Health Organization (WHO) so it halts funding this situation from now on. With all this situation of the COVID-19, the people all around the world are thinking about the numbers and dates that the Government of China provided at the beginning of the pandemic was false. The decision made by the government of the United States brought a big controversy, because a big part of the population and the world is asking, how come they could make that type of decision when those founds are going directly to pay the salaries to the different employees that are working for the organization, and also for making hundreds of different researches, statistical works, keeping informed and keeping update the governments. That is why the world is saying or questioning that ind resending the last file, its still not available on my end A1 9:16 PM Sat Sep 25 1 85% Final Exam Essay #3 - Re X S SOLUTION: Essay: Revisi X S answer_1.docx Х + R → C 3 1 Final Exam Essay #3 Revision Strategies A concerned citizen wrote an essay on the controversy of United States' decision to discontinue funding The World Health Organization The Entire Globe is extremely concerned about when and how did began the pandemic, but what it is true for sure is that it started in the City of Wuhan in China. So, the first question is: How the spread truly started?, because nowadays people believe and are aware that China's Government hides the truth, and the second question is: Does The World Health Organization has hidden the truth to protect China's Government?. The controversy has merge because of what the United State had decided, they will not continue supporting the World Health Organization (WHO) so it halts funding this situation from now on. With all this situation of the COVID-19, the people all around the world are thinking about the numbers and dates that the Government of China provided at the beginning of the pandemic was false. The decision made by the government of the United States brought a big controversy, because a big part of the population and the world is asking, how come they could make that type of decision when those founds are going directly to pay the salaries to the different employees that are working for the organization, and also for making hundreds of different researches, statistical works, keeping informed and keeping update the governments. That is why the world is saying or questioning that ind resending the last file, its still not available on my end A1
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Revision strategies essay

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Revision strategies essay
After reading through the essay I can say that it is clear on what the writer wants to say.
For instance the key issue here is the concern for the pandemic. The worries brought forward are
very profound to the reader. For instance “how the spread truly started” is a strong catching
phrase where every reader will want to know the details. Therefore at this point I would prefer
seeing reasons for the pandemic spread. Tell the rea...

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