Lake Sumter State College Analyzing My Intake Pattern Discussion Paper

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Lake Sumter State College


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DIET ANALYSIS I (DA1 - 50 points) The student will submit a four-page paper that is double spaced with 12-point font, and two references in APA format. You may insert up to 10 photos, clip art, tables, figures and other forms of images to illustrate concepts presented. Provide references for images and ads that you might use. Do not copy and paste sections of any internet website in part or in whole into the paper. This is plagiarism and is not acceptable. Paraphrase the information to the best of your ability. This assignment will require that you keep a food and beverage log for five consecutive days, preferable two weeks before the assignment is due. Keep a record of everything you eat and drink each day. This includes all meals, snacks, nibbling, sodas, cocktails, and other fluids. Record your food immediately after drinking or eating. Record the type and amount of food eaten, the time of day the food was eaten, where the food was prepared (at home, restaurant, etc.), and indicate whether you were actually hungry when you ate the food. The description of beverages consumed and cooking methods (fried, boiled, and baked) are important and must be recorded. Keep track of your physical activity for the same days that you are tracking your food intake. This four-page paper must follow the format below: Page 1 will be the title/cover page. It is the identification page containing a running header, assignment title of the paper, name of the student, name of the college, name of this course, instructor’s name and current date. The cover sheet and the general formatting of the paper must all be in APA format Page 2-4 must have the title “Analyzing My Intake Pattern” Answer the following questions, after performing the “food intake entry” in the table below numbering each paragraph as listed. 1. Use the table below to record your 5-day intake Day 1 Breakfast Day 2 Breakfast Day 3 Breakfast Day 4 Breakfast Day 5 Breakfast Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Supper Supper Supper Supper Supper Snacks Snacks Snacks Snacks Snacks Calories: Calories: Calories: Calories: Calories: 2. Use this link ( to find the caloric value by food groups for each day’s intake For example, bread is carbohydrate and has 80 calories per serving. Find the group to which each food eaten belongs and add the calories. 3. Estimate your caloric need by multiplying your current weight by 10. Your caloric goal is ____________ a) if your caloric intake was under, state the reason and explain. b) List the days that have a higher intake of protein and fats? c) List the days that have more complex carbohydrates than simple carbohydrates 4. Use Google to find the % DV (Daily Value) List % of DV for: a) Calories, sodium, and dietary fiber for Day 1’s supper b) Protein, Vitamin D, Iron for Day 2’ lunch c) Vitamin b12, Vitamin K, Water for Day3’s breakfast If the percentages are low, is this a routine deficiency? How can you improve this? If the percentages are high, is this a routine excess? How can you improve this? Which nutrient intake are you the proudest of and why? Which nutrient intake are you the least proud of and why? What role do these nutrients play in promoting good health? How can you change these % DV? Any cultural impact that you need consider as you examine this report? 5. What foods could you add to your diet to bring your personal dietary goals into line? What specific food/ food group could you cut down on or eliminate to bring your personal dietary goals into line? 4. Review your food intake for day 3 Did your protein intake for this day meet the recommended intake? Compare with Appendix A in the textbook for your “life Stage Group”. Review your food intake for day 5 Use food images from the internet to show some of the foods recorded in the table that are good sources of • • • Iron Chromium Fluoride Did your trace mineral intake for this day meet the recommended intake? Compare with Appendix A in the textbook for your “life Stage Group”. 5. How much water did you drink for day 4? • • Can this be improved? What health benefit can you gain from adequate water intake? 6. Your “Exercise” • • • • Did you exercise for any or all of the days that are in the table above? Estimate the calorie expended during this 5-day period How many minutes did you exercise each day? Did you meet the requirement for daily physical activity? 7a. Use the Internet to find food with cholesterol for your day 4 intake. Compare with the suggested limit of
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Howdy fam🙋I've attached the final copy of your answer down below. Please check it out then get back to me in case you'll need any changes made, I'll be here to assist.Thank you!🙏

Thesis statement: My calorie need is 650, which is my calorie goal; my calorie intake for the
five days has been more than my goal apart from the last day. I was below the calorie intake on
day five because I did not eat saturated fats, and I incorporated some healthy foods with less
calorie intake. On day two, I had a higher intake of fats and proteins where I ate fried chicken
and French fries, which are high in fats, and I ate chicken and salmon.

Analyzing My Intake Pattern
A. Food Intake Entry
B. Calorie Intake
C. Daily Value
D. Dietary Goals
E. Protein and Mineral Intake
F. Water Intake
G. Exercise
H. Cholesterol levels
I. Blood Pressure
J. Foods Consumed
K. Conclusion



Running head: DIET ANALYSIS


Diet Analysis


Analyzing My Intake Pattern
1. Food Intake Entry

Day 1
1 glass of milk
with cereal, two
fried eggs and a
cup of coffee
Rice and lentils
with veggies and
a glass of orange
Broccoli, grilled
meat and some
rice with banana.
Calories: 780

Day 2
Breakfast cereal
with milk mixed
with banana and
Fried chicken
with French fries
and glass of
orange juice.
Salmon, French
beans with
carrots and some

Day 3
pancakes with
orange juice and
fried eggs.
Sandwich with
orange juice and

Day 4
Waffles with
coffee and a

A big bowl of
salad with a
banana and an
Chicken, mashed Pizza with soft
potatoes with
drink and a
some vege...

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