Writing paper about Modern Uses of Fairy Tales, writing homework help

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The paper is about analyzing one of the modern fairy tales and how it adapts a fairy tale or fairy tale elements for a modern audience

the paper is 6-7 pages

i dont have any choice for the story it might be The beauty and the beast , or cinderella , or any modern retelling fairy tales

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Core 164: Fairy Tale Themes in Literature Paper Modern Uses of Fairy Tales Choose one of the topics below and write a clear and cogently argued paper of 6-7 pages. 1) Chose one of our modern/contemporary retellings of a fairy tale (or, with my okay, find a modern fairy tale) and analyze how it adapts a fairy tale or fairy tale elements for a modern audience. This assignment is not merely a compare/contrast assignment; you need to do much more than say "they changed a lot of stuff in this version” or “they made it more modern in this version.” Instead, you should look for patterns of change that work together to make the text a fairy tale for modern times. Focus your paper around a specific thesis/claim. You might, for example, examine the transformation of a single character from one version to another. Is the character's function or development different? Why might that character be rendered differently? What is the effect of that change in character? How does the text render that change in character? Similarly, you might examine the theme(s), morals, or particular motifs* of the different versions. Does the modern text have the same "moral" or lesson as the original fairy tale? Are there thematic elements that are different or that are stressed differently? How are these differences in themes products of their cultural context (their time, place or audience)? If there are not significant differences, why and how are the themes relevant to a more modern culture or audience? Some themes you might choose include parenting and parental relationships; rebirth; disobedience; nature; independence; good and evil; death; marriage; gender roles. You might propose another focus, but please check with me and get my approval first. You have many possibilities for your focus. You may use any of the modern texts on our syllabus. Similarly, there are plenty of modern re-tellings of traditional fairy tales. Angela Carter has more stories in The Bloody Chamber, and Sexton's Transformations has plenty more poetic re-tellings of Grimms' fairy tales. Similarly, you might look at more stories by Lia Francesca Block or by Emma Donoghue. You can find plenty of interesting modern retellings in My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me, edited by Kate Bernheimer. (Click here to go to the Google Books site for Bernheimer's book.). This paper should be an in-depth analysis that has a clearly articulated and clearly argued thesis. *Motif: "In literature, recurrent images, words, objects, phrases, or actions that tend to unify the work are called motives (or motifs]” -- Handbook to Literature, C. Hugh Holman and William Harmon, eds. New York: Macmillan, 1992. ull will lile linal draft when you submit it. LOL. s you construct your paper be sure that you: 1. Focus your paper around a thesis that makes an analytical point about the text (i.e you should make an argument); 2. Base your argument on close reading of the text-examine and analyze the language, imagery, plot, and/or character development in order to support your argument; 3. Use specific references to the text in your argument, and be sure that you provide sufficient explanation/analysis of your examples; 4. Shape clear, coherent, and unified paragraphs (including an introduction and a conclusion); 5. Develop your argument logically and coherently; 6. Write in clear, effective, grammatically-correct prose; 7. Provide a thoughtful title for your paper; 8. Number your pages; 9. staple or paper-clip your paper, 10. Use sufficient research; 11. Document any research in proper MLA style. the library has a handout available:
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Here you go. In case of any further inputs, please let me know.All the best!I appreciate working with you!

Surname: 1

Cinderella rewritten
Fairy tales are as old as the story of man. Since the beginning of the earth, there have
been short stories that mostly used nonhuman characters that were given extraordinary powers.
For examples, most of the fairy tales in America had the characters of ogres, witches, mermaids
and talking animals. However, with time, various fairy tale enthusiasts have decided to retell
these stories. While there are a plethora of reasons for carrying out this retelling, the most
prominent reason is to package the stories and make them meaningful to the modern audience. In
the ancient times, it is agreeable that there were beliefs in supernatural powers that were
dominated by beasts, witches and magic or enchantments (Karpman 49). However, with the
modern digital age, most people are not conversant with the presence of the monsters and
witches. In that regard, it has increasingly become prudent to retell the stories in a manner that
would rhyme with the current generations. Cinderella is probably one of the most written fairy
tales in the modern age. Statistics indicates that the famous fairy tale has been given over eight
hundred versions wit almost each country desiring to have its own Cinderella. It is present in
Italy, Portugal and a host of other European countries. However, in some cases, the character of
Cinderella has kept mutating from one version to another albeit always bearing in mind the
essential qualities of Cinderella. In that regard, this paper examines the fact that while beauty is

Surname: 2

an important and desirable value in a woman, virtues like graciousness, humility, love and
forgiveness should be the hallmarks of a real lady.
The original Cinderella fairy tale
The fairy tale presents a young woman with beauty beyond imagination. At the time, she
could have qualified as the most beautiful creature on the surface of the earth. In spite of the
beauty, one thing stood out in the young woman. She was humble and gracious. She was
excellent and of good temper. She might have picked these traits from her mother. The girl's
name was Cinderella. However, this girl's father decided to marry another wife. After the
wedding ceremonies had been over, the woman started showing her true self. Unfortunately,
Cinderella became the target of her attacks. She was envious...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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