Pyroclastic Density Currents Questionnaire

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8:21 PM Sun Sep 26 26% Take Quiz Exit O both A and B are Stratovolcanoes [ Choose ] Pillow Lava, Mafic Question 22 3 pts Mafic Match the volcano type with its Intermediate, varies from felsic to mafic ✓ Cinder Cone Intermediate, varies from felsi Composite/Stratovolcano [ Choose] Shield Volcano [ Choose ] Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) Mafic Seafloor Volcanism Pillow Lava, Mafic Question 23 3 pts Match the volcano type with its correct plate tectonic setting Cinder Cone [ Choose ] Composite (Stratovolcano) [ Choose ] Shield Volcano [ Choose ] 8:21 PM Sun Sep 26 26% Take Quiz Exit O both A and B are Stratovolcanoes Question 22 3 pts Match the volcano type with its correct magma composition Cinder Cone Intermediate, varies from felsio Composite/Stratovolcano [ Choose] Shield Volcano [ Choose ] Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) Mafic Seafloor Volcanism Pillow Lava, Mafic Question 23 3 pts Match the volcano type with its correct plate tectonic setting Cinder Cone [ Choose ] Composite (Stratovolcano) [ Choose ] Shield Volcano [ Choose ] 8:21 PM Sun Sep 26 6% Take Quiz Exit Question 8 1 pts Identify the FALSE statement. Volcanic gases are more abundant in felsic lavas than mafic lavas. are not harmful because most are less dense than air. o killed over 1,700 people at Lake Nyos, Cameroon, Africa, in 1986. O are released by magma as it rises and the pressure decreases. Question 9 1 pts Over an eight-month period in 1783 and 1784, a massive effusive eruption took place at the Laki volcano in Iceland. Although there was relatively little volcanic ash involved, a massive amount of sulphur dioxide was released into the atmosphere, along with a significant volume of acid. The poisoning from this acid resulted in the death of 80% of sheep, 50% of le, and the ensuing famine, in more than 10,000 human deaths in Iceland. What was this acid? carbonic O hydrochloric O hydrofluoric O sulfuric Question 10 1 pts Lahars, composed of ash, debris, and water occur only in arctic regions because snow supplies the water for mud. 9:37 PM Sun Sep 26 15% 4 Take Quiz Exit Question 23 3 pts Match the volcano type with its correct plate tectonic setting Cinder Cone [ Choose ] Composite (Stratovolcano) [ Choose ] Shield Volcano V [ Choose] Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) [ Choose ] Seafloor Volcanism [ Choose ] Question 24 1 pts As magma approaches the surface, the pressure exerted on it decreases. Gas bubbles start to form, and the more gas there is in the magma, the more bubbles form. If the magma is runny enough (low viscosity) for gases to rise up through it and escape to surface, the pressure will not become excessive. Assuming that it can break through to the surface, the magma will flow out relatively gently. An eruption that involves a steady non-violent flow of magma is called O phreatic effusive clumpy O pyroclastic 9:37 PM Sun Sep 26 15% 4 Take Quiz Exit Question 23 3 pts Match the volcano type with its correct plate tectonic setting Cinder Cone [ Choose ] [ Choose ] Composite (Stratovolcano) Subduction Zones (Convergent Margins) Shield Volcano Various tectonic settings Mostly Spreading Ridges, some Mantle Plumes Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) Mostly Mantle Plumes, some Spreading Ridges Seafloor Volcanism "Super" mantle plumes Question 24 1 pts As magma approaches the surface, the pressure exerted on it decreases. Gas bubbles start to form, and the more gas there is in the magma, the more bubbles form. If the magma is runny enough (low viscosity) for gases to rise up through it and escape to surface, the pressure will not become excessive. Assuming that it can break through to the surface, the magma will flow out relatively gently. An eruption that involves a steady non-violent flow of magma is called O phreatic effusive clumpy O pyroclastic 9:37 PM Sun Sep 26 15% Take Quiz Exit Question 27 1 pts The relationships between plate tectonics and volcanism are shown on Figure 4.1.2. As summarized in Chapter 3, magma is formed at three main plate-tectonic settings: Spreading ridge volcanism Composite or stratovolcano Shield volcano OCEAN DONG Sea floor pillow basalts & lava flows SHIELD VOLCANO OCTANG Rio LITHOSPHERE OGLANG CRUST one of partial melting Magn chamber LITHOSPHERE ASTHENOPHON Mantle convection CONTENT Partial melting of lower Crust Parti melting of Suc Water trans ferred to antie ASTHENOSPHERE HOTS OF Mantle Plume Figure 4.1.2 The processes that lead to volcanism in the three main O Divergent margins, Transform margins, Convergent margins O Transform margins, divergent margins, mantle plumes O Divergent margins, Convergent margins, and mantle plumes Question 28 1 pts ; whereas eruptions that Volcanic eruptions that occur under water are called occur on land or in air are called subaerial eruptions, subaqueous eruptions O plinian eruptions, effusive eruptions O subaqueous eruptions; subaerial eruptions Quiz saved at 9:37pm Submit Quiz 9:37 PM Sun Sep 26 15% 4 Take Quiz Exit Question 25 1 pts followed by ; and The most abundant volatile (gas) in magma is then CO2, H2O, SO2 H2O, SO2, CO2 SO2, CO2, H20 O H2O, CO2, SO2 Question 26 1 pts Deep magma, under pressure will have gasses dissolved and mixed within the magma. As the magma approaches the surface, the pressure exerted on it allows the gases to separate from the magma. The word that describes the gas separation from the magma is (Mentioned on the page with Figure 4.2.3) exsolve effusive divergence O liquidus Question 27 1 pts The relationships between plate tectonics and volcanism are shown on Figure 4.1.2. As summarized in Chapter 3, magma is formed at three main plate-tectonic settings: Spreading ridge volcanism Composite or Shield volcano 9:48 PM Sun Sep 26 17% 04 Take Quiz Exit Question 55 12 pts After two years of research and an investment of a substantial amount of money, Coast- to-Coast Company (CC) develops a new product that it hopes will produce substantial profits. CC learns that a competitor, National Sales, Inc., has made and begun to sell a nearly identical product. CC learns from a reliable source the National paid a CC employee to obtain the plans for CC's product when it was development. What legal recourse does CC have against National? Paragraph v B I U A T²v ca .. O words < Question 56 12 pts Nancy operates Nancy's Fruits & Vegetables, a small market stocked entirely with produce grown on her adjacent farm. Under what clause of the Constitution can the federal government regulate Nancy's activities? What is Nancy's best argument against federal regulation of her farm and business? o 12pt v Paragraph v B I v T²v Ca 9:48 PM Sun Sep 26 17% 4 Take Quiz Exit Question 56 12 pts Nancy operates Nancy's Fruits & Vegetables, a small market stocked entirely with produce grown on her adjacent farm. Under what clause of the Constitution can the federal government regulate Nancy's activities? What is Nancy's best argument against federal regulation of her farm and business? 12pt v Paragraph v B I U A av T²v Å Eja v p .. O words ✓ Question 57 2 pts Describe three differences between an Appellate and Trial Court. 12pt v Paragraph v | B B I av T²v B01 > m 9:48 PM Sun Sep 26 17% 24 Take Quiz Exit Question 57 2 pts Describe three differences between an Appellate and Trial Court. 12pt v B I Paragraph v וכ < av T²v Å V < By = р 02 i O words < Quiz saved at 9:48pm Submit Quiz Questions v Question 1 ✓ Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 ✓ Question 6 ✓ Question 7
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