Choose any topic related to young children with disabilities (ages birth through five). Write a (8-12 page) paper on that topic. Cite a minimum of 10 references, including at least eight from professional journals and at least one from the Internet (other than/in addition to the websites listed in this syllabus---NOT Wikipedia!). You may use your textbook as a resource for primary sources, but do not cite your textbook. Use the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) (2020) for correct format guidelines for citations in the body of the paper and in the reference list. You may use subheadings to help you organize the information in your paper.
Sample topics:
o Increasing Communication Skills in Preschool Children with Autism [or Down syndrome, etc.]
o Creating a Supportive Environment for Preschool Children with Autism
o Including Young Children with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms
o Best Practices for Adapting the Learning Environment for Preschool Children with Disabilities
o How best to Integrate Therapy into Classroom Activities for Preschool Children with Disabilities
o Alternatives for Communication for Preschool Children Who are Unable to Speak
Explanation & Answer
View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Title: Art Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Thesis: People can channel their deep emotions and ease pain, stress, and loss through Art
A. Thesis
B. Argument
Art Therapy Interventions
A. Paint
B. Sculptures
C. Handprint ceramic painting
D. Mixed media
E. Feeling Box
F. A safe place to grow
Effectiveness of Art Therapy
Art therapy intervention connection with the brain.
Art Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Student's Name
September 30, 2021
Art Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder
People can channel their deep emotions and ease pain, stress, and loss through Art
therapy. Therapists use it as guidance to communicate and support their patients. Art therapy is
now a new realm; people still don't understand why and how therapeutic art-making works for its
patients. It is used dramatically in human service, educational, private, and clinical settings.
Children with relationship problems, traumatic experiences, and stress get positive results
through this therapy (Sekera et al., 2017).
Autism spectrum disorder-ASD is a complicated disorder that hinders the development of
the brain. This disorder is mainly because the patients have difficulties in interacting and
communicating. Gastrointestinal disturbances and sleep are some of the health issues and
intellectual disabilities associated with ASD. The signs tend to show among children at the age
of two and three. Studies show that autism is more common among boys than girls. The studies
have also identified that autism has been identified in around 1 in 88 American children (Sekera,
et al., 2017). It is a generous increase in occurrence in 40 years.
Children who have autistic problems respond well to visual, concrete, and cooperative
therapies. Communication is the biggest challenge for both patients and therapists. These
children have difficulty expressing themselves, making the whole communication part extremely
hard (Sekera, et al., 2017). Therapists need to understand what "communication" means, not just
the word they said or the image they created. Therapists need to be highly observant. Watching
these kids is suitable for better understanding; watching their patients' body language, behavior,
and expressions is good. Providing an additional interpersonal interaction method such as
performance and group projects also helps understand autism (Lee, 2021). There is an increase in
communication skills, personal development, a sense of individuality and distinctiveness, a
provision of a sensory integration platform, and building relationships through Art therapy. For
example, before the therapists explore autistic child individuality, they might start with group
projects instead of one-on-one. They start asking children to create images related to one theme.
Let these kids sit together and introduce their theme or project. The therapist will show images
related to the theme and offer various pre-cut papers, small fun objects, and drawing materials.
Children create a theme interpretation poster by helping each other in a group.
Moreover, free time will be offered for children to play creatively with sensory materials.
The therapy goals are to help children develop a sense of collaboration, social skills, and group
awareness. The second goal is to teach them choice-making...