University of Miami Building a Derivative Management Program Paper

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University of Miami


Create a simulated company that meets the following criteria:

  • Multi-national with divisions in the U.S., Europe (Germany), and Japan.
  • Has banking relationships in those same countries with loans priced in LIBOR and Prime Rate.
  • Pension plan should be based in the U.S. and have exposure to S&P 500 equity index and Intermediate Corporate Bond Index with a 60% and 40% respective split
  • Then discuss your plans to build a derivative management program for a firm and describe the progress you have made and any problems you have encountered.

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    Explanation & Answer

    View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Howdy fam🙋I've attached the final copy of your answer down below. Please check it out then get back to me in case you'll need any changes made, I'll be here to assist.Thank you!🙏


    Building a Derivative Management Program



    Stimulated company: EasyBorn
    EasyBorn is a multinational financial firm that operates in the United States,
    Germany, and Japan. The company has banking relationships in the three regions with loans
    priced in LIBOR and Prime Rate. The company has its pension plan based in the United
    States. Also, it is listed on the S&P 500 equity index and intermediate Corporate Bond Index
    with a 60% and 40% respective split.
    Building a derivative management program
    The firm seeks to attain the objectives of maximizing the shareholder's return and
    expanding its market share. The issuance of the derivatives follows a set procedure and
    principles that facilitate achieving the set goals. The Board of directors will approve the risk
    managers as well as the fund's investment advisor. According to U.S. Securities and
    Exchange Commission (2020), there are set specifications whereby the portfolio manager
    does not hold any other position in the management team. The second step will comprise the
    procedure to review the derivative management program, which will occur annually.
    The quantitative guideline stipulates that the firm will not extend the transaction
    duration by more than a fixed amount. It will use measurable metrics and criteria to ensure
    the computation of the fund ...

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